+history distortions

Excerpt From ‘Nationalism And Distortions In Indian History’ By Dr. N.S. Rajaram


Chapter I Culture and nationalism

  [Introduction: struggle for nationhood](ch1.htm#1)

  [Historical mythmaking](ch1.htm#2)

  [Why bring back foreign rule?](ch1.htm#3)

  [Always looking outside India](ch1.htm#4)

  [Nationalism or colonialism by proxy?](ch1.htm#5)

  [Decadent elite, incapable of leadership](ch1.htm#6)

  [National education](ch1.htm#7)

  [Nationalism and spiritualism](ch1.htm#8)

Chapter II Distortions in Indian history

  [Introduction: roots of distortion](ch2.htm#1)

  [Ancient India: Age of freedom and synthesis](ch2.htm#2)

  [Unity of India is of untold antiquity](ch2.htm#3)

  [Medieval India: Dark Age and conflict](ch2.htm#4)

  [The Freedom Movement](ch2.htm#5)

  [Independent India: dynastic blunders](ch2.htm#6)

  [Nehru and the China-Tibet blunder](ch2.htm#7)

  [Kargil and its lessons](ch2.htm#8)

  [Corruption of national institutions](ch2.htm#9)

  [What should be done?](ch2.htm#10)

  [Additional reading](ch2.htm#11)

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