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10th June 1954

Names (if legible) and number of signatories, place, etc. Names (if legible) and number of signatories, place, etc.
(1) (2)
Gopalghasi with two witnesses of mouza Mulshekela, tahsil Samri (Christian). Bini Christian was asked to do begar for Raghuvir, Forest Guard, by Gopairam, Chaukidar of mouza Mulkikela, tahsil Samri. On refusal he was beaten. No action on report made at Sanna thana, Samri tahsil.
Ledwa Chamar of Chanda Madwa (Non-Christian). Anthony, Pracharak, erected house on land cultivated by Leduwa.
19 signatories Roman Mission Pracharaks often pay visits. They show allurements and ask for signatures. People interrupted in their work. Manguram, Varana Ram and Sukhu Uraon became Christians as a result of allurement. Desires to give oral information.
20 signatures Cattle place converted into market place at mouza Diwri, thana Samri. Request for reconversion into cattle place.
10 signatures Matru Uraon has given accommodation in his house to Joseph Uraon, Pracharak of Ranchi.
Kandru Urban, mouza Surbena. Kandru had to face difficulties, Pracharak Khajuriwala assured him help and got him married to a Christian girl. No help rendered. Requests to be relieved from clutches of missionaries.
7 from Krishnagar Pracharak staying at Nanaka Miya’s house in Krishnagar shows allurements and gives threats.
39 signatures from about 25 villages. Missionaries give allurement of jharkhand where cloth will be sold at one anna a yard and salt also very cheap.
15 from Mulsikala Domnik, preacher, staying at Pilloo Uraon’s house. Converted seven families so far. These families are oreating dusturbances by disobeying kotwar chaukidar. Ask others to embrace christ inity because there will be Jharkhand very soon.
Rev. Lakra, Leader, Lutheran Church and Rev. P. Bock, T. Kujur, Emmanel Lakra (Christians). English application.
Rev. J. L. Lakra, President, Gossner Evangelical Lutheran Church, Jashpur. Do.
Jayaram Kujur and Sukh Uraon, Deori. Tiwari, Headmaster, Adivasi School, forcibly removed photo of Jesus Christ from Jayaram’s house.
Jayaram Kujur and three more. Tiwari prevented Jawaharnagar and Kamlapur Christians from performing prayer in Bodraram’s house.
Bhandari, Tirkey, Temba Uraon, Karadand and Sohra Uraon. Complaint against Tiwari and Chhediram, who made fiery speeches against Christian religion and Fathers with threats. Patwari was present.
3 from Ratasili, thana Samri Two constables from Samri police station went to Ratasili, and abused catholic preachers. They arrested one preacher Albinus. As they were bringing him to Kusmi, he ran away near Vainganga river.
Alois, Pracharak and three more from Jamira. Chaukidar Temna Ghasi and a constable from Samri thana, obstructed Christians from performing prayer in Riku Uraon’s courtyard with abuses and threats.
Petrik and Milbinu Uraons, Ghugri. Three catholics offered prayers in mouza Ghugri. Next daytheywere called by Viswanath Patwari at Adivasi school where they were abused and threatened. Petrik Kujur was slapped. He was given three bozas of fuel free as demanded by him.
Jayaram Kujur and Mangru Uraon, Pamlapur. Tahsildar, Kusmi, abused Christians.
Temba and Bhadari Uraon, Karadad. Tahsildar, Kusmi, abused Christians at Madguri and said that fields of Christians will be looted, they will be beat and shot down.
Unsigned application Gajadharpur Patel and Fulchand Dhobi beat Jowakim, a catholic preacher.
Chhanduwa Uraon, Gutradih and Pracharak Joseph Tirkey. Chhanduwa, chaukidar, was threatened for giving shelter to Christian missionaries.
Kamil Kujur and two others from Bhulsi. Catholics sent to Samri thana by chaukidar of Bhulsi for offering prayers without permission.
Louis, Pracharak, Karadand Rambrichha, constable, asked Etwa Munda to drive away Ignes Munda, a catholic pracharak.
Puliki Pracharak Rambrichha, constable, slapped and threatened Mahesh Rajwar for going with Christians.
Bandhana Uraon, Jadatala. Nasiruddin, constable, asked Ignes Munda to quit Bandhana Uraon’s house.
Louis, Pracharak, Karadand and two others. Rambrichha. and one constable asked Leuis, a catholic preacher to quit Karadand and abused him. A note-book on his person was forcibly taken away and has not been returned so far.
Louis, Pracharak Louis reports a meeting of Rajmohni held at mouza Amtahi under the Chairmanship of Balram Prasad Sonar. He abused Christians and asked people to beat Louis if he visited their places for prachar. Contribution was to be arranged for Balram Prasad and his tour for religious work was fixed.
Ghuma, Kahru and Bhagta Uraons. Mst. Dukhi of Surbena married Ghuma Uraon. She was asked by Patel, Patwari and Cbaukidar to drive away Ghuma from the house, otherwise they would kill him whenever he was found.
Martin Kujur and two more Achhnu, Chaukidar of Ghughri called Gabriel and Martin to Samri thana. They went there walking 16 miles. Tiwari, Head Contsable, wrote their names and places and after taking money from them they were allowed to go.


The 10th June 1954 – 11-30 a.m.

Attendance-About 2,000 from 63 villages. Forty Christians and rest Non-Christians.

At the outset the Chairman introduced the members of the Committee and explained the purpose of their visit.

There are three missions working-Catholic, Lutheran and American.

Sukharam Uraon of Karmi Toli: Induced to become Christian by giving him money. A Christian Uraon purchases land in the village as a tri al, whereas others (non-aboriginals) are not allowed to purchase. If land is purchased in this manner, he apprehended that there may not be enough land for tribals of the village themselves.

Father: Pracharaks move from village to village. Christians have a special place of worship. We teach gospel, generally St. John’s.

Rajendra Prasad of mouza Harri: Complains against purchase of land by Christians. A Christian purchased the land of one Makan Miyan’s daughter on Makan Miyan’s death. His wife has married another Mohammedan and the daughter is living with her uncle.

Budhwa Uraon: Christians have converted a resting place of cattle (nistar land) of mouza Deori into a market place, because Uraons of that village did not embrace Christianity. Ramsunder Patwari confirms this saying hat Christian villagers are asked to sit in that place for bazar. Villagers from Barwe Chhechari (in Bihar) come there. They observe Saturday market in that place since one year. There is also a sarna in that place.

Bawna, son of Jetho Uraon of Gajadharpur: I had given an application to Government for land as I had none for cultivation. I waited for three years and later became a Christian (Catholic) with the hope that I will get some land. But I did not get any land and, therefore, again I became a Hindu.

Ramdayal of Ghulsinga: There is ten Christian houses in my village out of a total of 80. Two Christians came to the village sometime back saying that they were Hindus, but they were Christians. Chaukidar’s son was beaten by them. They say, ‘We don’t care for any Government officers and don’t obey them’. I am treated as an obstruction in Christian work because I do not allow villagers to become Christians. They are Roman Catholics. When I was beaten, I had given a report to Sub-Inspector of Police at Kusmi He said he would come for enquiry but he was transferred later. Domni, Tani and Binny beat him.

Domi: I am a Christian by birth, belong to Ghulsi village and am a Pracharak of Roman Catholic Mission. Pay is about Rs. 30 to Rs. 35 per, mensem paid by the Mission. Father Francis of La tahsil pays it. Has been living in the village since two years. Before that he was a teacher in Adivasi School, Ambikapur, for one year. Before that, peon to Food Inspector. Before that, was living in his house in Barwe (Ranchi district). There was only one Christian house when I came to Ghulsi. Now there are ten houses. I converted eight houses. I preach that the world started with Adam and Eve. I say that idol worshippers will be ruined. When a man agrees to become Christian. I write his name in my book, and then I take him to Father Francis after teaching him dharam. Birsahay was converted by me last year. He was taken to Father Francis after one year since his name was written. Till that time Birsahay was making enquiries from his friends about Christianity. I took him to Father Francis after teaching him the lessons and giving him bath. Father had been to the village himself. Wife and three daughters of Birsahay were converted by the father. Six or seven families were also converted by the Father with all their minor children after giving them holy bath. I get my pay irrespective of the number of persons converted.

On 25th December, which is Christmas Day, we were in church. It was about 6 or 7 p.m. Chaukidar and jungle-chaprasi came there and asked for a man to take his goat, which he had brought from Titartoli to Chhapartoli. The goat was brought walking. We told him that we were in Girja and, therefore, we could not do it. Kotwal started shouting and disturbing us. Kotwal’s son was drunk and he beat Benjamin. About 50 persons were busy in prayers. There were three persons with the chaukidar’s son and jungle sepoy. He stumbled in the door and said that we had beaten him and went away. Next day, Billuram was beaten when he was sitting with his son in his yard. I did not report the matter to police.

Ramtapiram of Serangada: Pracharaks say that they will give cheaper cloth to those who become Christians when they will have their raj of Jharkhand.

Bultu of Ambikapur: Nagesia by caste. Always had come to the village saying that there will be Father’s Raj and we will not allow you to live. Pracharaks also come there. He said that you have got your seat in Delhi. They said they would give land and cloth. Some villagers were converted in Gopati.

Gangaram said that the Christian Father asked his father to be present in another toli, but he was ill. Therefore, he did not go. Alwis, Pracharak, came to him saying that the Father had said Jawahar Raj has come and there is no happiness to the people. When Christian Raj will come, they will get happiness.

Khagnaram: I had been for the meeting in January 1954. Elderly sons did not go but children went. Father from Gopati had come. He said that his religion was best of all, teaches children, gives land and houses. He said that Jawahar’s raj will go and our raj will come. If you don’t come in our religion, you will have troubles. You will not get cloth and salt.

Alwaris (Alwis) Nagesia: I had been to Khangnaram’s house to call people. Petros Father was there for the meeting. He did not say anything. About 50 persons were present in the meeting. In the Congress Raj, according to the Constitution, all religions are free and, therefore, we have come to you to preach our religion and if you join the Christian religion, God will give you salvation from sin. Congress Government is in raj, but if the raj is given to Catholics, we will not take it. He denies the statements made by others previously. There was gramophone and, therefore, children had come for the meeting,

Petros Uraon of Ratasili: On the 3rd June at 10 a.m. six to seven Hindus came in a jeep from Khatata. They called the Fathers and said that they would destroy the houses and everything of Christians. He is a Pracharak getting pay of Rs. 25. My family is in Bihar. I have come here since the last seven months. I was called by the Fathers. Belongs to Catholic Church.

Mohararam Marwa of mouza Khajria: Missionaries visited several villages and also my village when there was cholera. They asked us to join their religion and they would give free and good medicine. They gave good medicines to Christians. They took high prices from us. They asked as to whether a man was Hindu or Christian before giving medicine. Hindus did not get medicine. They could get it only if they paid high prices.

Lohara of Jodhpur supports the above statement.

Jairam of Jawaharnagar (Christian): One Tiwariram, Hindu Pracharak, came one Sunday and told that he would not allow us to pray saying that lie was sent by Government for this. We did not perform puja. Reported the matter to Samri police station. Ratiram, a Hindu Pracharak, had come through the headmaster of a school. He asked “Why do you keep this (Jesus) photo? I will give you another Hindu photo”. He took away the photo, but did riot give me another photo. The matter was reported to Samri police station. I was converted to Christianity in Assam. There also there is conversion to Christianity. There the Father is Father Lewis of Catholic Mission. Tiwari, master, is dead. I had gone to Assam on agreement for three years.

Kandru of Kardar: Louis master was a Pracharak. I had signed one paper through mistake, but did not want to become Christian. So he told me that I should become a Christian. He was threatened that he would be removed to jungle. Father will rule. Deputy Commissioner, Tahsildar and Inspectors were servants. They will go away. Gaothia’s son is a Pracharak. He said that he would shoot him.

Reverend Lakda: I am from Lutheran Mission and am an important office-bearer. There is no Jharkhand movement here. Lutheran population is divided in blocks. Lutherans here do not share their opinion. Catholics are also divided. Both Catholics and Lutherans are divided on the question of Jharkhand and in both of them there are promoters of the movement. It is not merely confined to our Lutherans only. It is also the same case with Catholics.

European method of missionaries is that they have got a Home Board. That sends missionaries and they are supported. They settle down and then they begin to work.

The Gossner Lutherans have no money. We have cut off our connections with foreign countries. It is purely Indian. Our method is first to have a Christian congregation. If the village is nearby, the whole Christian congregation from one village goes to another village. If the villagers want us, we go otherwise we do not go. They always welcome us. I have not come across any disapproval. We start with Indian Bhajans. We then explain in a very simple language about Jesus. We do not criticise other religions. Our headquarters is in Ranchi. We do this group sending several times and then if the villagers are ready, we send our pracharak. He begins to teach Luther’s catechism, 10 commandments. So far I have not come across any opposition. We would like to live peacefully with our Hindu friends. We run schools. We have got our High School near about Ranchi. We have one school at Ichkela and Sarahpani. We don’t issue pamphlets. Our main support is Indian money. We make an appeal and by way of Christian Charity, we get money sometimes from individuals, from societies. Last year, we got about Rs. 60,000 for five provinces from Lutheran World Federation at Geneva. There is a combined society called National Missionary Society. Our church is autonomous. We approached America through our executive board, and received Rs. 90,000 from U. S. A. for one year we received for Surguja area. It is from the united body. There is one authority here in Guntur in South India and he receives money for this area. From them we get the money. We maintain accounts and they are audited. There are 60 to 70 pracharaks of my mission for the Surguja area. We pay about Rs. 40 to each pracharak (basic pay of Ranchi plus Surguja allowance). Roundabout 1,500 is the population in this area. Pracharaks are trained mostly in Ranchi, and now we are training in Ambikapur. We started with 15,000. At Surguja, we have not yet started a regular school, except a Bible School. We give Rs. 30 as pay to start with. We give from the Mission Fund and then we get it back from the Government when it is recognised. They allow us to teach religion outside the school hours in the premises. We get grants even though we are Christians. There are four missions in this area-Dubki (Baptist) Mission, Roman Catholics, Mennonite and Lutheran. We have happy relations with others. Mennonites have about dozen, Catholics a hundred, and the Swedish Mission in Baikunthpur, about half a dozen pracharaks.


The 11th June 1954.

Attendance-300. Villages - 19.

Twenty-seven signatories from Budhabagicha, Bisambharpur, Khodro, Pampaur, etc.

The signatories say that -

(1) adivasis are Hindus,
(2) Christians are not adivasis, and
(3) they do not want Jharkhand.

Attendance-300 (Four Christian Pracharaks and the rest Hindus).

Itwaram of Patratu: Christians say that Jharkhand Raj will shortly come and they will give cheap salt and cloth. Sankargarh preachers say this.

Solomon Minj of Roman Mission: I am a pracharak at Chargarh. All pracharaks come from Jashpur. I get Rs. 25 as pay. I do not preach Jharkhand. There is one pracharak in each village. The root (jad) of Christians is in Rome city.

Patel of Chargarh: The pracharak preaches prayers. He does not say anything about Jharkhand.

Ramsahay Gond of Parsagudi: There is also preaching at Parsagudi about Jharkhand. Birsahay is the name of the Pracharak. He says, ‘If you do not become Christians, we will call military forces to punish you’.

Kanhai of Karra, Uraon Gaotia: One Pracharak requested a house to live in during the rainy season, but I did not give. The pracharak threatened me saying that I would come in difficulties.

Gahemram Gond of Ukhra: Complains against the Pracharak. The Pracharak is paid Rs. 27 per month. Domnik, Pracharak, teaches girja. We refuse to learn. He says, ‘It is your pleasure’. I have been sent by the Father for this.

Bonry of Ambikapur: The pracharaks are working since the last one and half years. There are about ten houses in each village where the pracharaks are working.

Koyram of Lan, Uraon: Missionaries wanted to induce our children to become-Christians by affording them education facilities. The pracharak in his village also talks of Jharkhand.

Sankram Gond of Parsagudi: We did not get cloth, food, etc. Therefore, we were asked to become Christian so that we could get it.


11th June 1954.

Abstract of applications received on Tour

Names (if legible) and number of signatories, place, etc. Names (if legible) and number of signatories, place, etc.
(1) (2)
Catholic Christian Adivasi, Ambikapur. (No signatures). Denied charges of conversion by force or allurement, Jharkhand prachar and anti-national activities. Complaints that Hindus make propaganda against missionaries and cause disturbance to peace. They give open threats to Christians.
5 signatures, non-Christian. Jako, preacher, has written his name as Christian without consent and knowledge.
Janardanram Sahu, Basen Since Patel Kariram Uraon became Christian, he is trying to convert others also. There are several preachers in the village.
4 signatures Allurement of money generally. Ask for house to live in and also threaten.
6 from Sontarai Christian preachers live in large numbers. They trouble women of the village and show fear of police and father.
6 from Karabal Preacher from Raigarh came and said that he was sent by Government to convert people to Christianity.
Chunda Uraon from Deogarh. The pracharak lived in my house for 10 months. He is not prepared to leave it now. Once Father came and tried to convert people by showing allurement of money. As I refused to become Christian, my brother has been converted and they have created quarrelsome atmosphere in the family. Enquiries may be made in the village.
Pichhagaram from Deogarh Christians abuse Hindus and threaten to beat. Bolo, Pira and Etwa Uraons are their leaders. Some of the people named in the application are new converts and they trouble the women fold of the villages.
4 from Telaghar Women are misled by allurement of saree, oil and soap. If opposed, show fear of Father and police.
7 from Menpath Complaints against Petros, teacher. He has called two preachers Ellios and Alwins and one lady preacher Silena. Try to have immoral relations with women by showing them allurement of soap, saree and oil.
Sabhapati, Gram Congress Committee, Deogarh. Father spreads false rumours to convert people, shows inducement and talks of Jharkhand. If opposed, fear of gun and lathi is shown.
Tokriram, Dhelsara His daughter has been kidnapped by missionary preacher. When be approached the Father, he said that this was done because he did not embrace Christianity. Villagers will bear evidence to this.
Badoram Uraon, Councillor, Janapada Sabha, Ambikapur. Preachers say that they are Government servants and they are pled Rs. 25 per mensem each for preaching. They gather people by using gramophone, etc. They abuse Hindu religion and Congress Government. They threaten to beat by lathis or guns. Do mischief to women. Kheso and Raju Uraons are given every help by the Christians.
3 from Surbena A Christian missionary stays in the house of Bhagna Uraon. He has converted one Kandtu Uraon by force. He says Father will give money if you become Christian. If you don’t accept it, you will not remain in this raj.
Bhikhuram Bhagat, mouza Lajri. Bhikhuram Uraon has been converted by force.
2 from Karadand Kinthu Uraon, preacher, lives in Mangru Uraon’s house. He says either become Christians or go away from the village.
Biganram Kisan of Madwa, Khasha Tapa, Madwa, thana Samri. Simon, preacher, said Father gives money and land. He asked people to embrace Christianity. After three days, he came with the intention of raising a quarrel.
4 from Ghughri, thana Three Samri. Christians came and said they were, Oraond. They were given water. In 1953 they got their topknots cut off and are harrassing the non-Christians to become Christians. They have brought under cultivation all land including grazing land. An enquiry into the actions of these people may be held.
Aluwas Ram, mouza Surkai, district Palamu. Allurements shown to embrace Christianity and bad names called to Congress Government.
3 from Diwari Do. do.
6 signatures Complaints against Patel Rambin Baniya, Harchand Gond, Bigam Gond and Jagmohan Cherwa that they harass and beat and boycott socially. Also complains against Forest a Ranger. Desecrated place of worship.
Alwasram Pana, mouza Surkari. Alwis Christian, mouza Surkar, district Palamu, brought Father to Gopat, who tried to induce people to embrace Christianity.
Dharma Sabha, Pithora Dharmsabha, Pithora, resolved not to change religion (Hindu).
Mansap, Member of Semra Complaint against Patwari Undual Christian, who is giving applicant’s wadi to others. Requests enquiry.
4 non-Christians Complaint against Amtahi Father and Alwis Christian, preacher. They apprehend unrest if activities of missionaries are not checked.
5 from mouza Korgha Father called names to Congress raj, and wrote his name without his will and consent forcibly.
20 signatures, tappa Magarpur, thana Sitapur. Allurement of money given.
4 from mouza Karadand Complaint against Shani and Anganu Uraors, that they threaten and ask to become Christians.
11 from mguza Madguri, tola Karadand. Allurement of money and threats of missionary raj.
Kanhai Ram Patel, Uraon, mouza Bhodgadi. Allurement of money, free education, 12 yards cloth per rupee and also threats of driving away.
4 signatures From durbar of Uraons three Christians took away the wife of Zakadu Uraon. When they tried to rescue her, threw urine on their persons. Matter reported to Patna thana, but no action so far.
4 from Kardand, tappa Madguri. Complaint against Satiram Uraon, patel, that he took signatures on one paper by force and later asked the signatories to become Christians as they had signed. Shows disrespect for Government Officers. Complaint already lodged with Deputy Commissioner in March. Requests enquiry in the matter.
Zagarusinha, mouza Chando (calls himself a prominent leader of the village). Prabhudas pracharak took a procession raising anti-Hindu and pro-Ciiristian slogans. Police enquiry was held and this was proved to be true.
8 from mouza Bhulai Complaint against Domnik and Rohna Patel preachers.
21 from mouza Deori In 1953 Father from Ratasili induced people to use cattle resting place near Sarna for bazar.
16 signatures Padri from Khuntipara made discrimination in giving medicine when there was cholera in the locality.
Unsigned Complaint against Rohna and 12 other families of Uraon Christians that they let their animals, free and destroy his fields. Also complains against Patel that he got annoyed when requested to keep record of outsiders coming to the village, shouted out and gathered all Christians with a view to beat him. Report made to police thanComplaint against Rohna and 12 other families of Uraon Christians that they let their animals, free and destroy his fields. Also complains against Patel that he got annoyed when requested to keep record of outsiders coming to the village, shouted out and gathered all Christians with a view to beat him. Report made to police thana Samri.a Samri.
2 from Darndah Embraced Christinity by allurements, but after one month realised the deceit and reentered Hinduism.
Etwaram of Korandha, M.L.A., Janapada Councillor and 11 others. Father from Ratasili by name Francis Ekka was allowed to make a speech regarding his religion in one of the Hindu meetings. People did not appreciate his speech. He has converted the meeting place, Sarna and cattle resting place into bazar without permission from anybody. Matter reported to police. If the Father is not prevented from his activities, there is likely to be danger to peace.
2 signatures A Christian preacher staying at Sukhrao Uraon’s house tries to mislead people. He creates disunity in the village and abuses people under introxiation.
Seven from Salwa Four Christian families in the village have brought road used by non-Christians under Kodo cultivation. Enquiry should be made about this. Their animals are also put in cattle-pound whenever found. Frequent troubles make life difficult to live for non-Christians.
13 from Singchora, thana Rajpur. Preachers show alluremert of money, land, speak of Jharkhand and also threaten that in Jharkhand lands of non-Christians will be looted.
11 from mouza Ladua, thana Rajpur. Show allurement of money, land, grain, handia and free education.
13 from moura Dignagar, thana Rajpur. Preachers show allurement of money, land, speak of Jharkhand and also threaten that in Jharkhand lands of non-Christians will be looted.
10 from mouza Khumri, thana Rajpur. Do. do.
3 from Shangargarh, mouza Ladwa. Show allurements of money, freedom from begar, handia and education.
11 from mouza Okara Preacher Konda alias Daundel Uraon shows allurement of land. He also threats that lands of non-Christians will be taken away. Teaching of prayers goes on in the village by Chuis Uraon and Vokonda Uraon.
Kanhairair Gaotia Gives allurement of free education, revenue free land and also threats.
10 from mouza Karra, thana Rajpur. Bulchu Uraon has taken possession of Bamda Uraon, Sakindah’s land and also threatens other. Nistar forest being cut and destroyed.
8 from mouza Ukawa, thana Ghorpur, district Surguja. Christian preachers say that they will give cloth, and free education. They also threaten that in Christian, raj Government officers will not trouble, they will ruin their cultivation. If they do not listen to this they will bring military.
10 from mouza Gopalpur, thana Rajpur. Allurement of grain and money for purchase of land and free education. Also threat that they will be looted if they do not become Christians.
2 signatures Daughter of one Korwa kidnapped. If necessary, enquiries may be maae to verify the truth. Had to pay fine of Rs. 300 to his castefellows.
2 signatures Wife of an Uraon, where a pracharak was putting-up for a month, was kidnapped. If necessary, enquiries may be conducted in Udunkela.
10 from mouza Baidhi, thana Rajpur. Allurement of land, and free education. Threat of taking away land in Jharkhand.
Ambikeshwar Sharan Singh, Chairman, Janapada and 69 others. Application from important non-Christians to be gone through in detail.
Representatives of Surguja DO. do.
Aryabandhu, Wanprasthi Preacher, Arya Pratinidhi Sabha, Madhya Pradesh, Nagpur. Arya Pratinidhi pracharak gives instances of missionary activities. Quotes instances of forcible conversion, money inducement by preacher, Government officers helping in conversion, kidnapping of girls, etc.
Digambar Kesheo Kulkarni, Ambikapur. Tried to take in their schools, more attention towards religion than education, students are gradually made to cat in a common (Christian) mess, and name is written first Oraon name and then Christian name calling him alias so and so. Christian name is used in practice. Remedies : No Christian school within a particular distance of Government school or non-recognition to other schools till demand on Government schools are full. Christians have opened patwari classes which help to spread religion. Government sho uld open patwari and technical schools. Loan advanced at high rate of interest and in difficult times recovery or conversion of family demanded.
Sukha, son of Sumarsahaya Uraon, mouza Narkeli, Korea sub-division. Remedy : Establishment of debt conciliation boards and action under Moneylenders’ Act as they do not posses licences. Government should open poor homes for orphans.
Dehur Uraon, Narkeli, thana and tahsil Baikunthpur. Dular was induced to become Christian and his wife was forcibly converted against her wish. She escaped Christians and has come to her father, who wants that his daughter should be taken to Hindu religion and action against Christian missionaries should be taken for the their acts.
4 signatures Furata was married to Dazaram’s son. Dasaram was induced to become Christian and later Funata was kidnapped by Anandmasih, son of Patras Ekka, pracharak. When questioned the father of the girl is told that the husband and wife have been to Ranchi for change of climate and they have been sent by church. Requests action against the preachers.
5 from Salwa In Salwa several villagers have been converted by showing allurement. Christian’s kidnappe girls, gave allurements of land, hospital, school and education. They also threaten that if people do not become Christians willingly, they will have to become Christians compulsorily in Christian raj.
13 from Judar Village, Kadampara Dhodhapara, etc. Christians of Lutheran church of Baikunthpur have come to Salwa and have started converting people. This has disunited villagers. Also general complaints.
12 from mouza Amgaon, thana, post and tahsil Baikunthpur. Christian activities have brought differences among villagers. Several crimes have been committed by Christians missionaries for which they have been fined.
Mansao Uraon, mouza Kanchanpur. Christians entered the village and did some forcible conversion. Anandmasih kidnapped Dasa’s daughter-in-law and Bikia’s daughter.
Evengelical Lutheran Church. General complaint that Christians wanted to make prachar but the villagers prevented them from doing so and Rev. Tigga quotes 11 cases of Hindu persecution.
Shri E. Raman, President, Evengelical Lutheran Church in Madhya Pradesh, Sagar. Shri Raman’s letter to say that activities of Christian missionaries in Sagar, Chhindwara and Betul districts are above board.
Members of Legislative Assembly and Janapada from Korea sub-division. Swedich Lutheran Mission very active in Baikunthpur tahsil. Their methods of conversion are very mean. In Salwa they threatened and forced. Two girls kidnapped. Adivasis are made to’look to Christian Padris for their daily necessities. It is also understood that they get monetary help from Amerrica. There is prachar of Jharkhand party. Disunity is being created among the Adivasi fold.


Attendance-300] [Villages–18.

Bhanduram Uraon of Bhagwanpur: I say I am Hindu. Christians say that by being Christian, you will have less land revenue. They say they are educated and wise, whereas Uraon’s are illiterate and therefore they are deceived by anybody. My name is Bhanduram from my childhood. Jashpur people come to my village. The pracharaks coming are Uraons. There are six houses in my village. No one in my village has become a Christian so far. Garhaipani, Batwabora and one more village have their camps. They visit six times in a year. They are coming since the last three years.

Brahmaprakash Gupta: Received information that Christians come and tell that you had been ill-treated by Hindus so long because their raj was there. If you become Christian, you. will not be ill-treated. Pracharaks say that they have been instructed not to talk to we (educated) people. They have been instructed to talk to adivasis only. I have not heard any meeting myself. So far as I know there are no converts in my tahsil. There were no Christians previously. The objectionable things which they say are-(1) If you become Christians, the Christian fold will increase and we will be able to have Christian raj and you will be happy. (2) The Congress raj will be going shortly and the Christian raj is to come shortly; so if you become Christian, you will benefit. (3) You do not become Christian, and your land will be confiscated when there is Christian raj. (4) You will get many more facilities in Christian raj. (5) All the tall talk about budget provision for adivasis is only an eye wash and propaganda. Tribal Welfare Department is starting schools registering names for giving loans. There is no Hindu organisation doing welfare work for the adivasis. Kisan Mazdoor Congress does some work in this direction.

V. N. Dube: A law student and a teacher. Those who have become Christians have not done so for the sake of religion, because they are willing to come back. A Christian comes and stays in the house of a mukhia and tries to win him over. I am told that some were given money (Rs. 5) not to restrict others from becoming Christians. 59 persons were converted in Ganjhadeo which is six mills from Ambikapur. Roman Catholics and Lutherans are active there. They were converted during the last three years. I do not know when exactly they were converted. One teacher of Ganjhadeo named Maniram has been made a preacher and he is paid Rs. 30 per month. Whole families were converted. There was no opposition in the beginning. But later on I understood from the patel that he was again reconverted. In Ratasili I met Father Francis Ekka, Roman Catholic. Hi said that Uraons are not Hindus. There is Mundan Sanskar in Uraons like Hindus. Haldi is also practised in Uraons like Hindus. The bridegroom applies Sindoor to bride. Uraons have gotras. Sagotra vivaha (marriage in the same gotra) is not performed in Uraons. He said that Uraons eat beef. I said that some of the Chamars do it. Francis said Uraons are buried after death. But so far as my information goes, still today Uraons burn their dead bodies. One Roman Pracharak of Jamdi said he would die for religion and not for nation. Objectionable features of missionaries are as follows. They are purchasing land in large quantities in villages showing thereby that they are rich and tell them that you become Christians and we will give the land to you. In marriages. Christians try to make one party Christian, and they compel the other party to be converted. Ganga Dashhara is observed on the banks of a tank or river. They immerse tribal head dress (Marriage) and other things in the river. They think the water as pure as the Ganges. Christians show that they are rich. They tell the people that we will advance money. They take their names. They say they will not take interest. Those who are given money, are asked to attend church. Christians say that shortly they will have Father or Christian Raj and they will be driven out and only the Christian will remain there. Others will be driven away. I have heard this. Preachers flatly deny this. All preachers know what is Jharkhand. Christians thought that with the abolition of States, they would be able to convert people to Christianity and have their own raj. Shri Jaipal Singh is the president of that party. They think of taking all the merged States in one zone. Here the tribals are in a large number. I saw a Pracharak speaking to 10 to 12 villagers. When I went there, he kept mum. Father Wanra said, ‘I do not support Jharkhand movement, but I cannot say what my men talk’. He said that Lutherans are in favour of it. My impression is that the Lutheran and the Catholics are both in favour of it. They have divided the area according to the various missions and they are all working in co-operation, though they do not show it openly.

Aryabandhu from Aryapratinidhi Sabha: I heard that there was an agreement between the Roman Catholics and Lutherans to work in particular areas. Lutherans get financial aid from the Roman Catholics. Salbha village is about five miles from Baikunthpur, where choti was cut off forcibly. Names of persons who were convicted for forcible conversion shown. He gives a number of complaints from several forcible converts.

The work of Arya Samaj is going on m this area since the last six months. I have come from Nagpur. I do not blame the Christian religion. They should hold their meetings in the open and if they are satisfied, they may be converted. They are all illiterate persons. We take our meetings in the open and explain to them. I preach Vaidik dharma. Baikunthpur is my centre. Christians have opened one hospital in Baikunthpur since about one year. There they charge some fees. By giving medicines, they convert people. I object to their becoming Christians, because thereby they lose their nationality and are reduced in number. I have no objection to people remaining Muslims and Christians. But they should not adopt the methods employed by them at present. We teach a person Gayatri Mantra. We do not show any attraction. So far only four persons have been reconverted. There are 30 Christians in my area. I had no clash with any Christian. Nobody came in my contact. I am 72 years of age.

Bhimsen Chopra: I am a social worker and a correspondent. I have to tour the whole district. I have several Christian friends. Two years ago m Sitapur and Geturma, I came to know that Christians were telling people to register their names for getting loans. In Pathalghon also I saw the same thing. I was given to understand that the Padri Saheb of America had come and people would get as much as they wanted. They were going to Lipti, Pidia and Dhatgodi in thousands to get their name registered with the agents at these places. Some days before I came here, some of the people met me and I was informed that they did not receive any amount though their names had been written. I saw an application only the other day. I have got the letter and shall produce it when required. I have got a magazine which gives this information. Name of the magazine is Dhambandhu of the Lutheran Church. Editor of the paper is Rev. Lakda (Mr. Lakda says that this is correct). (If copies of the last two years are available, they should he obtained from Rev. Lakda). There is a Mennonite Mission whose agent is Paul Avenger. In Vishnupur there is a Korwa. His daughter has been kidnapped by a Pracharak. He had to pay Rs. 300 as fine because his daughter was kidnapped. I am a member of R. S. S. The purpose of the register is to attract the adivasis to Christianity. (Abua Jharkhand of Ranchi). Sanjivan of Patni of 2nd or 17th August 1953 contains an article of Shri Francis. Hindus are termed as Dikkus in that article. I have got a book of about 150 pages which gives instructions about conversion. There is reference to Goa and it is said therein that the Goanese there are very happy. The present tension created in Goa is a mere show. This shows then trend of mind. They support Naga land movement of Assam (Catholic Digest magazine). There are articles contrary to our religion. Pakistan and America pact has been supported by this magazine. This is a Christian magazine. Even an illiterate adivasi says that America has helped us and our lot will be shortly improved. In school a boy was made Christian and was sent as a Pracharak. He has given a statement in the presence of prominent citizens of this thing. Always Rai from Belgium, informed me that if there is partiality against Christians, then they cannot improve their lot unless the have got their own raj, though personally he was against it.

Rev. Ekka: 90,000 has reference to special building programmes.

President, Tahsil Congress Committee: When Masih was A. D. C. here, he appointed 36 teachers in Jashpur schools who worked as Pracharaks. All the other servants also work as Pracharaks. Ratiram and Arjun, Mukhias of Pankas of Surajpur tahsil, have been given Rs. 50 and 40 respectively, and told that they should become Christians. While they were performing religious rites after death, they were advised by a Christians Pracharak that they should better become Christians, and called bad names to Hindus. Called a meeting of 2,000 Pankas on 31st. They said that all Christians are well-to-do. Hindu Brahmins do not perform your worships, then why do you remain Hindus? The meeting was called in Kaluwa.

A teacher in Samri: In 1952 Mr. Masih removed some teachers from 7th class and appointed those who had Mission School certificates. I was also removed from service. A Pracharak from Sariwa has kept a choti and says that he is Hindu. He is at present staying in Kusmi. In Gopatum village Christians came with chotis.

Yadubansa Narayan Singh: In 1949-51 he was in St. Xiever’s College in Bihar. There he saw discrimination against Hindus. They were not allowed to perform Saraswati puja in the hostel, whereas Christian students were allowed to perform their religious functions.


The 11th Iune 1954

Attendance-700] [Villages-58.

Names (if legible) and number of signatories, place, etc. Names (if legible) and number of signatories, place, etc.
(1) (2)
Michael, Lakda, mouza Mahawepi, thana Balrampur. The Gaotia said that Christians will not get land and their lands will be auctioned. At the instigation of Sheo Patel, Government officers used to threaten Christians and asked them to go away from Surguja. Ranger, Forest Guard and Munsi called Michael’s father and abused him. The matter was reported to Tahsildar, who warned Sheo Patel. Sheo Patel quarrelled with Michael to take vea,neance. He instigated the villagers to beat him.
Johan Jarhu Uraon, mouza Turidih, thana Balrampur. Jagesar Pandit and Bhandari Babu, Ambikapur, went to Turidih, called johan and told him that he had become Christian. He was threatened that the land and money of Christians would be taken away and they would be beaten.
Prabhudas Ekka, Madwa Tapa, thana Samri. Clears away the charges levelled against Christians. Government officers threaten Christians. In mouza Jodhpur and Karcha, there was a communal quarrel at the instigation of officers. Fathers do selfless service. No allurement of money. Jugeshwari Pande of Rajmohini Panth makes false charges. Medicines are given to all and a small fee is charged. Christians don’t preach anti-national activities.
Ishwariprasad Tigga on behalf of Christians of Mandwa. Embraced Christinity willingly. Christians are not anti-national. Hindu religious organisations like Rajmohini and Hindu Mahasabha threaten us and keep bad names to Christianity. Even petty Government officers harrass Christians. Quotes one example of 1952.
66 non-Christians from different villages. Adivasis are Hindus. Christian preachers say Christian Raj will shortly come, Congress Raj is no good, adivasis are not Hindus.
Remis Bek, ex-serviceman, Karmajind, thana Samri. He was called to thana without summons or notice by a head constable of Samri thana. Head constable and Sub-Divisional Officer asked his caste and Sub-Divisional Officer warned that Christians are not allowed to stay in Surguja district. He was driven out of the place within 24 hours. The matter was reported at Ranchi employment exchange office who advised him to go back to Surguja district. His property and cultivation was lost. In 1952 when people were assembling to offer prayers at his house, two constables came and dragged him away. The constables gave him false names and numbers.
Carolus Ekka, ex-service man, mouza Padarwani (Premnagar), thana Maturi. An ex-serviceman engaged in teaching boys was asked to report at Kusmi police station by the Sub-Divisional Officer, where he was threatened and asked with whose permission he had entered the State. After three months again Pandarwani people brought him back. Again after nine months Tahsildar, Revenue Inspector and two military men came and threatened him and he was driven away from the State.
Basu Uraon Deoraj Jamadar, Zagru Patel, Chaitu Chaukidar and Somaru Chaukidar after prayers at house of Petros asked the Father why he had come there and with whose permission. After departure of Father in the afternoon, a head constable called and abused. A heid constable beat Basu and he was handcuffed. A false case was lodged against Basu and he was sentenced for four months.
Anthony Beck, thana Chainpur, district Ranchi. Harrassed by Tahsildar, Kusmi and Sub-Inspector, Samri and driven away vrom Surguja.
Moraha Uraon, Jodhpur Sub-Inspector and Tahsildar abused and beat and asked to send his son. Harrassment because he is a Christian.
Simon Uraon, mouza Jodhpur. Complaints against Sub-Inspector that he harrasses him.
Nirmal Uraon, mouza Jodh pur, thana Samri, district Surguja. Complaints against Deoraj Jamadar who beat and harrassed.
Pali Uraon, Mahkipo Harrassed by petty Government officers because he is a Christian.
Sukhu Uraon, mouza Ratakola Tapa Madwa, thana Samri. Sub-Inspector of Police and Sub-Divisional Officer abused and asked to go away. 50 Chegam (standing and sitting on legs 50 times) by catching each other’s ears.
Jokhana Joseph Uraon, mouza Jodhpur Topa Madwa, thana Samri. Jhagadusingh Patel sent two military men, who stayed in the night, carried and ate pigs, drank wine and abused Jokhana.
Six non-Christians Sukhdayal Singh, etc., of mouza Magarhara and Cherawa. Babu Rajakaransingh sold his land to Christians. This should not be allowed.
Sukhdayal Singh, Magarhara. Request for land. It should not be given to outsiders.
42 signatures from mouza Nawadih, Tapa Mohari, thana Balrampur, tahsil Pal, district Surguja. Request for land.
Unsigned Janapad cess should not be recovered.

Deopatram, Balrampur: I do not want to become a Christian, but missionaries try to influence me by saying that shortly there will be Jharkhand raj of the Christians and they will give salt and cloth, etc., at cheap rates. You will suffer if do not become Christian. Congress Government is not giving you happiness. There are no Christians in Balrampur. Preachers come here to say that you become Roman Christians. The preacher lives in Turidi.

Iswariprasad Tigga: I am a teacher. I live in Palamu in Bihar and look after the work of teacher and preacher here. There is a school in Marwah Kappa. I visit this place once a month at least. I receive Rs. 60 per month. I belong to the Church of Christ. There are six teachers. They are also pracharaks. There is also one missionary, Mr. Christie, to supervise their work. He stays here. All Christians are from Palamu. He has come here since the last three years. They are all Uraons. He is also an Uraon. I have passed Matriculation at Ranchi. When Pracharaks came, there was no Christian here. There are over 150 converts in my area, i.e., 60 to 70 families of Uraons. We teach them religion with their consent and when they grasp the things fully and express their willingness, they are given a holy bath first, and then prayer takes place and they are told that they have become Christians. When a man becomes Christian his family is also supposed to be belonging to Christian family. Only the adult is baptized. We use magic lanterns, gramophone and pictures to collect people. The local people say their religion is Purkha. We do not say anything about his religion. He says that ghost troubles him very much and requests us to show a way for betting rid of the ghost. I say that there is no ghost in our religion and if there is any trouble, Jesus will drive away the ghost. The villagers also say that there are troubles by others,. e.g., in the form of begar, taking away good things without payment or paying less. I tell them that unless you are educated, these troubles are bound to recur. So we educate ding schools also, they are not taught properly. If we have our own arrangements for schooling, it would be alright. Therefore, we have got schools where we treat them properly. Regarding finances, we ask them to make their own arrangements. If they do not do it, we arrange it. We do not charge interest and there is also no time-limit for repayment. We help the non-Christians also, but not so much. No land has been donated to us by any Uraon so far.. There is lot of trouble to our Pracharaks in their work. Hindus form a meeting and oppose us after we leave the place. This is our main complaint. I have learnt this from my Pracharaks. Hindus do not interfere so long as we are having our meetings.

Prabhudas Kashyap, Uraon Christian: Kashyap is my gotra. Born Christian. Comes from Palamu. I have come here since about three years. The name of our mission is British Church of Christ. Josi lives here. He is a missionary of our church. I get Rs. 53 as pay (43 pay + 10 allowance). There are rules for promotion. Formerly, I was a teacher in Palamu. I was getting the same pay there. I have done my 9th and teachers’ training course. If a man does good work, he is given more work. I am in charge of one school and one village. Palamu’s headquarters are Bhandaria, 25 miles from here. So also Balrampur. Three or four people of Marwah had come to Palamu and they said that they want a school at their place. Bisram Kujur has come to Marwa with two-three teachers. He is a pracharak. A school was opened there with two or three students. They had brought more teachers with the hope that students would come from other villages and open schools there also. There are schools in three villages now at Sahapur, Tirtipara and Karcha. There are six villages having schools, and preachers-cum-teachers. There are no churches in those villages. When we have money we will have our church buildings there. Now prayers, etc., are offered in somebody’s house. Nawabhandar is the headquarters of this church. We are abused by Hindus and also beaten. They do not directly attack us as Christians. When we try to hold meetings, we apprehend that the Hindus would not allow us to conduct them. There are three border-corden check people. I was arrested and asked to show D. C.’s pass to stay in that place or also he would thrust the spear. I told him that according to the constitution everybody is free to propagate his own religion. Naka Sepai simply said that I should be harrassed because I was a Christian. I was blamed for smuggling 15 seers of rice. I was prosecuted. The Judgment is out now and they have been acquitted. We were also threatened by the Naka Munshi not to open school. We were also troubled when we attempted to dig a well for the use of the public in Deepan Uraon’s field. Patwari said that was on the road and he harrassed us. We have dug the well in spite of patwari’s o position and nothing has happened. Four persons were prosecuted by the Naka Sepoy out of 35 Christians. There is a school in the village. I do not know whether it belongs to Janapada or Tribal Welfare Dept.

Basu Toppo Uraon of Marwah Jodhpur of Roman Mission. - A field was given to him by gaonthia. It was supposed to have been haunted by ghosts and nobody cultivated it. I brought it under cultivation. The gaonthia wants the land back from me now. I paid him rent of Rs. 2-8-0 per year. I had to face difficulties in cultivating the land. My buffaloes died one year.

One non-Christian complained that gaonthia gave land to a Christian instead of giving it to him though he is a tribal.


The 12th June. 1954.

Attendance-300] [Villages-36

Names (if legible) and number of signatories, place, etc. Names (if legible) and number of signatories, place, etc.
(1) (2)
John Lakra, Catholic Priest, Catholic Ashram, Pathora. There is no forcible conversion. Quotes nine cases of harassment to Christians.
Dhannuram Uraon, gram Jamora, thana Dhorpur. Christians, say that their religion is superior to Hindu religion. People can get money and land, cheap cloth, plough and need not be afraid of Government officers, if they become Christians. If they do not become Christians willingly, they will bring more men and use force. They are going to have their own raj in Surguja.
Chamruram Gagoli and 2 others. Christians say that Uraons are not Hindus their religion is Christianity. They should cut off their topknots because there is ghost in it. Show allurements. If there are any cases, money will be sent from America.
Mangaram, mouza Batoli Do. do.
10 from Saidihq Joseph and Pailus preachers have constructed a house on grazing land. The matter was reported to Tahsildar who made enquires and fined two preachers. Yet they are there. It is requested that these pracharaks should be driven away before the rains to avoid hardship to villagers and their cattle.
Kirwaram and 4 others from Saradih. A Christian Pracharak was staying in his house for six months. He ran away from the village without paying his rent. He requests that the pracharal should be ordered to pay the dues.
22 from mouzi Udira, thana Dhorpur. Christians show allurement of money and convert people.
Tonga Uraon, Bhelai Complains against Jakhariha and Johan that they are staying in his house without his permission since the last four months. They show fear of their saheb.
Sukhna patel and 3 others of Batwahi. Christian pracharak says openly that Muslims have got Pakistan, Hindus have Hindustan, but Christians have not got raj of their own.
Bolo Uraon Allurement of Jharkhand is shown to villagers and they are also threatened that if they do not become willingly, they will have to become compulsorily in Jharkhand.
Sukhna Panika, gram Kanthi Michael, a Christian pracharak, was sold land for Rs. 50. He built a house on some other plot of the same owner, but he admitted his mistake and promised to pay Rs. 100 more for the other plot. He has not paid the amount since then. He threatens when money is asked for.
Ramprasad, Manki and Sawna Dhobi, Sakin Futherdihari, thana Ambikapur. Had purchased one acre of land from Rafik, patwari. The Padris say it is their land and tractored the land and resowed it. Padri shows his rifle, for which perhaps he has no licence and abuses and gives threats.
M. M. Singh and 4 others, Dhorpur. Tells how and why Oraons are mide Christians. Suggests remedies such as popularization of taccavi, distribution of more land to needy adiwasis, long-term loans to be advanced by co-operative crop societies and foreign relations of missionaries should be limited as far as possible.
Ramnathram Sakin Shahanpur. Christians propagate Jharkhand. They say uraons are originally Christians and not Hindus. Threat of forcible conversion in Jharkhand also given.
Simon Uraon and 3 others Simon Uraon, Batwahi, says that when he had not become Christian he was informed that Saheb will rule from America.

9-20 a.m.

Attendance-300. (Attendance is slack as the cultivation operations have started and it is morning time when the people are busy). Villages-36

Dhanuram of Jamora, Uraon: Christians say “We don’t treat the Congress Government as Government. We don’t care for Government officers. If you join us, we will give you 12 yards of cloth in one rupee. We will give you salt, plough, bullocks and free money. We will have Jharkhand Raj within 10 years, when all will be converted”. The Christian Pracharak who says this is from Patora. They do not tell their real names.

Chamruram of Gagoli, Uraon: The word “Ram” is in my name from my very birth. There is Roman Mission in Patora. They say that Uraons are not Hindus. Gandhi Mahatma has prescribed Christian religion for them. There is Bhoot in the choti, so we should not keep it. If we get converted, ghost cannot trouble us. Money allurement is shown. Fagun, Karma, Dashera are observed by Uraons.

John Lakda, Father from Patora: There are both Roman and Lutheran Missions in Patora, which is 63 miles from Dhorpur. He is under the Bishop of Ginabahar, formerly Ranchi. Gumla is the nearest centre, in Ranchi from Patora. Came to Patora on 8th December 1952 from Mandar (17 miles west of Ranchi) I am an Uraon born a Christian, educated in Ranchi St. John’s School. I went to seminary in Ranchi, and was made a priest. I worked in Ranchi, Jashpur (Tapkara, 1943-47), Genpur (1948-50), then to Mandar, 52 December came to Patora. There is a small house having two rooms, in one I live and in the other we hold prayers. In May 1952 I was sent by the Bishop to this area to have a general look. I visited villages on the Ambikapur–Kharsia road, Rajpur thana, Lakhanpur, with a view to find out whether the people would like to come to Christianity or not. They said that you are far away. If you come to stay with us and we know your ways, we will become Christians. I thought there was some hope. I saw in them some sort of willingness to become Christians to improve their lot.

They saw what facilities were there for education, medical help they were given by Christians, paddy bank, etc. I told a good many people that the Christians were happy in other places I told them that we look to the material welfare of the men and not only the soul. I found that the people were not educated. They did not know the value of schools. A Roman Catholic priest was sent to Bania. I did not visit that area, 21st mile on the Kharsia road. He has got his own area. My Bishop give the areas. Some persons had come in 1948-49. Father Vanroy in Ambikapur had come prior to my coming, i.e., about 1952 January. He was in charge. He gave me an idea of where I should go. Before I came there were five Fathers in Surguja district. 30 Pracharaks work under me. I gave a report in writing of my, experience. I said that if we go there, there is hope. First thing is to make them of our faith, then we open schools and afford other facilities. A Roman Catholic preacher goes and he asks them that lie is a preacher and whether they want to keep him. If they want, they give him shelter; he lives there. We tell them if you want, we can send them to Jashpur or other places. We have got Mutual Aid Society to advance money. In all the centres in Jashpur there is Mutual aid Society. All the members have to contribute. A certain amount is fixed. For paddy, we call Dhangola; for money, we call bank. We distribute grain on the basis of Sawai, ¼th extra. With the money collected, we give loans to the needy members. Interest is given on their money to the members out of profit. There is a Munshi for each centre. We appeal to the rich persons to deposit their money in the bank. They do not give to other Societies, because the amount is hardly enough for the members. They do not borrow from others. Each bungalow has a centre. One Father is appointed to advise each bungalow. He advises whether money should be given or not; they have got byelaws which are followed. In times of scarcity, we give for their consumption also. The Committee and the members decide whether money should he advanced in emergencies. Only Christians are members. It is advisable not to give to non-Christians. I do not get any pay. I get allowance. Rs. 30 is given to each Pracharak. A conveyance (motor cycle) is given by the Bishop to those Fathers who have to tour much.

Bishop meets all the expenses in connection with cars, jeeps, tractors etc. We have got several Committees in foreign countries from which amount is collected. That is received here and spent by the Bishop. Since my coming here, 100 persons have come to my faith, i.e., they are baptized. One-fourth of them are women. If the parents embrace Christianity, their minor children also get baptized. Adult children are instructed and they are baptized independently. There were 126 Christians before I came here. They came from Jashpur to settle down. There was not a single local Christian. No material benefit has been conferred on these 100 converts. If they come in big nos., we can manage for dhangola and grain bank. The people who have come from Jashpur have settled on lands No help to the bank from outside. We do not ask people to become Christians because it is blot our work. Dhanu is the proper Uraon name. Because now they are counting themselves as Hindus, they are putting the word ‘Ram’. People receive us very well. For half a year, we were peaceful. Then gradually communists began to stir the whole people. They asked the man who gave the shelter, w it was given and the man was threatened. I am 40 and I have put in 15 years of service. Any priest can become, a Bishop.

A Lutheran Pastor: We have accepted Christianity by studying Bible and we have been able to improve our lot in dress, education and money. That is the evidence and our Experience. I tell people that if they want to share our improvement, they are welcome to Christianity. Rev. Kirpadan is the head. There are six Pracharaks working under me in two centres, Catholics are bachelors, Lutherans are married. Catholics respect Mary more whereas Lutherans respect Isa. There is no conflict between the different Christian sects. No cases of Lutheran christians becoming Catholics. He was trained in Ranchi.

Budhu of Parpodi: Pracharaks have entered his house forcibly. I am not being paid rent. They are friends of Patora Pastor. Nabib Pracharak has entered his house (Pastor says this). If he does not want to allow we will not remain there.

Another villager: Lunda of Nowdhia, who is a Christian, has taken over the land of this boy (pointing out the boy). It is on the border. Since five or six years he has taken it. The preacher of Lunda appears.

Preacher of Lunda: I am a Christian of Roman Mission. (He is having a chuti). I became a Christian willingly. I was not shown any inducement. Murti Puja is not required in Christianity, therefore, I like it. We are poor people and, therefore, we cannot afford it. We were told there are Bhoot and other things and we have to pay. Government servants take begar from us. We were doing begar formerly and do it even now. I have a cultivation of one plough. We may take loan if required, but they will recover interest.

Each police officer has a confidential diary which gives a report of Jharkhand every week. We have no instructions to preach politics. We simply speak of religion and not politics. We say there is God’s raj. You find out his religion and you will get it. We need not worry about anything. In God’s Raj everybody will have everything.


Tite 12th June 1954.

Attendance-2,000] [Villages-100.

Names (if legible) and number of signatories, place, etc. Names (if legible) and number of signatories, place, etc.
(1) (2)
Fulsinha of Sontarai Hindus are calling bad names and spreading scandalous reports about missionary preachers.
Narhar Uraon, tola Gerapada, mouza Deogarh, thana Sitapur, district Surguja. Narhar Uraon says that he has embraced Christianity willingly. Sukhi Ram and Bodi Ram Uraons of Surguja with their friends threaten people that Christians will not get land and they will be driven away and socially boycotted. Christians are called daily at patel’s house where they are threatened with beating if Hinduism is not embraced by them.
Johan Hiralal Uraon, Beljora, thana Sitapur. Father Dalbore promised to educate up to Matric. When his request to work as preacher in Surguja district was not complied with, he was turned out of school and certificate was also denied to him. He was converted on the inducement that he would be given education up to Matric. Requests that his certificate may be ordered to be given to him and facili, ties provided for his further education.
Four Christians of Bansazal Complains against Mutur patwari that he spoke to people about religion and asked them not to become Christians. He also gave threats. Four persons are willing to give evidence in this case.
Nine Christians from Bancya Lalitpur, Rajapur, Baljora, etc. People became Christians from 1951 willingly for the following reasons: (i) To improve their lot, (ii) Other advaficed Uraors are Christians, (iii) No trouble of ghost, (iv) No outcasting and (v) There is salvation of soul.
Ten Christians of Uraon Jati, Leader Catholic Majhab. Uraons are not Hindus because they eat beef and pigs. Hindus have started prachar. On embracing Christianity it is supposed that Uraons do not remain aboriginals. This is wrong. Patel, patwari and janpad school teacher preach Hindu religion. This should not be allowed.
A Theosphil Kujur, Churches of Christ, Surguja, Sontarai and 15 others. Preaching of Christian religion going on since Independence. Government officers threaten Christians and missionaries. Converts are asked to embrace Hinduism again by officers. Hindus are helped by Government officers to trouble Christians. If this becomes intolerable, there will be serious trouble one dlay. Hindu religion is taught in adivasi schools. Partiality in Government services. Christians do not merely convert, but also educate and help in development of the community. Uraons became Christians because of the treatment meted out to them by Raja Maharajas and Zamindars in the past. Uraons had their own religion before the Hindus or Aryans came to Middle Asia or India. They worshipped ghosts for protection against diseases. Christians taught them salvation of soul which was lacking in their religion and, therefore, they embraced that religion. Hindus have started the move so that different castes should quarrel among themselves. Since Pakistan has been established, there is no chance for Hindus to quarrel with Musalmans. Therefore, they are creating troubles with Christians. Hindus think that they. alone have the right to take part in politics. In spite of the Indian Constitution, there appears to be arbitrary rule in Surguja tribal area. According to Christian religion, people have freedom of conscience and, therefore, they are not forcibly converted to Christianity but they embrace that faith willingly. There are several religions in the world. Therefore, it is not correct to say that Hindu religion is the only correct religion. All religions should have equal opportunity to propagate. It appears that the policy of Surguja district officers is to punsih Christians, to beat them, and to harass them in all possible ways. They are also instigating people to put up false cases against Christians. A criminal case is going on in the court of law for the last 12 to 13 months and there is lot of harassment and expenditure in going to court, etc.
Junus Kujur, Pracharak Eight persons named in the application harassed him. They did not allow him to drink water, answer call of nature and move about in the basti. They said they had orders of Government to do so. Ultimately he had to leave the place.
Sheonatha from Deogarh Became a Christian willingly. Sukhi and Badi Uraons with four other comrades of theirs harassed him and threatened to burn his house, not to give him water to drink, not to allow him to answer call of nature in the basti if he did not give up Christian religion.
Premchand Kujur, Gerapara, Deogarh, Sitapur, Surguja. Vide complaint of A. Theosphil Kujur above.
Ischikan Lakda, tola Barpada, mouza Deogarh, thana Sitapur, district Surguja. Sant Bhai (Sukhi and Bodi) threatened the house-owner asking him to drive away the Pracharak from his house and other complaints as above.
Sukhiram, Badiram and two others. Allurements and threats of English Raj shown. In Deogarh heavily drunk Christians were intending to beat non-Christians with sticks.
Twenty-one non-Christians Allurements of money and such scandalous acts as kidnapping girls. Preparing ground for Jharkhand movement. Two years ago it was announced that missionaries were willing to lend money and several adivasis went to Mithwa, Pidia, Jamdandi, Bataikela and Lipti to register their names for loans.
Five non-Christians Allurement of money and threat of Jharkhand.
Eight non-Christians Christian priests want to convert non-Christians to their faith. They say if they don’t become now, they will have to become Christians when Jharkhand is established.
Thirty-two non-Christians of Petla. Christian missionaries have come to the village since 5 to 6 months. In the beginning they spoke good words to get accommodation but later they did not go though promised.
Chandanram and 10 other non-Christians. Preacher settled since one year in Mangru’s house. He speaks of Jharkhand and does not recognise Congress Raj.
Five non-Christians of Jamdhodhi, thana Sitapur, tahsil Ambikapur. Preacher came from mouza Baneya and offered Rs. 200 for embracing Christianity, which was refused. He threatened that all will have to become Christians when there is Jharkhand or else they. will suffer.
Nathanidas patel and 15 others. Three preachers, one each of Christ Church Protestant, and Catholic, are staying in mouza Salainagar since the last three years in different houses and are converting many people. They say if people don’t become Christians now, they will have to become compulsorily when there is Jharkhand.

3-45 p.m.

Attendance - 2,000.

Shri Malviya introduced the Committee and the Chairman explained its purpose.

Badiram of Jajga, a janpad councillor: Some Christians came to my village. I told them that we do not want to become Christians. On this, they threatened. We worship Ram and Krishna. The Christians say, ‘The Congress Government does not give land and wood’. I am a member of Janapada. Christians move in numbers and abuse me.

Jangsahay Michael Tirkey of Lalitpur: Roman Catholic since the last two years. Parents are also Christians. There are in all 100, houses in the basti. Patel and patwari say that if people become Christians, they will not get land. Patel Nanusao also troubles. The Pracharak has come from Jashpur. I get an allowance of Rs. 5 per mensem as I help the Pracharak. There are 12 Christian families in the village (on interpellation by the people, he says that his parents are dead).

Lodhi (new name Petros) Uraon: I am a new Christian. I have been baptized. My choti is not cut. Patwari threatened me saying that if you become Christian, your land will be taken away. He has land for three ploughs. I have the land from the very beginning. My mother is not yet converted. Nobody has yet taken the land.

Sarveshwarnath Kunwar of Sitapur: Missionaries kept their agents at three places and announced that they will get loan. I had also gone to take the loan. I was told that so long as you do not become a Christian, you will not get loan. This condition was not announced before. Alamsahay and Kanwarsahay made the announcement.

Alamsahay of Bitwa: Pediawala Gaotia Kanwarsahay asked me to announce that those who want loan should be asked to get their names registered; I wrote the names of 60 to 70 persons. Pratapgarh and Sitapur people had been there. Those people had been to Pedia. I did not get anything for doing the work. The Saheb who had come to Pedia (he was a white man) said ‘If you become Christians, you will get the loan otherwise not’.

Kathal Mouza People: Inducement of education to children. Asked them not to send children to Government schools. Christians were given land to live first and helped him to steal wood from the forest.

Sukhiram Uraon of Deogarh, cultivator: Belongs to Dubki Mission. Christianed two years before. Rs. 30 per month pay since the last one year. He supports the statements made by others that he is threatened.

Bhandariram, M.L.A.: In Manipur there was a Pracharak who was staying in a house, the original occupants of which had gone outside the village for work. He was asked to vacate by them on return, but he declined to vacate. We collected people from the villages and asked them whether they accepted the religion. The villagers flatly refused it. Therefore, the Pracharak was asked to quit the village. Father Kirpadani came the next day and asked people to keep him for some days as he would teach their children. Then the Father called me alone after some days and told me that he was doing everything for the tribal people. I was also told by the Father that my tenure of M.L.A. ship was very short as soon after the Congress Government was to go, and Jharkhand was to be formed.

One Kurwai: Reported that his wife was kidnapped by a Christian. He is Rao ‘Bhat’. Christians tell him that he should not beg. He should become a Christian and then he will get everything without begging.

Soma Uraon Christian of Roman Catholic Church: Only four representatives have been taken to the Nagpur and Delhi Legislatures. More representation should have been given to the adivasis.


The 13th June 1954.

The Committee held discussions with the Deputy Commissioner, District Superintendent of Police, and the District Inspector of Schools, Raigarh, in the afternoon of the 13th June 1954.

There were several complaints of non-recognition of Christian schools in the district. The District Inspector of Schools was requested to send a comprehensive note on this subject, together with copies of relevant correspondence.

2. The District Superintendent of. Police gave in brief the nature of crimes attributed to Christian missionaries. He was of the view that Uraon community was selected by missionaries for conversion because of their poverty and illiteracy.

(1) In a love affair of a Hindu boy and Christian girl, the boy was asked to become a Christian and he was confined. The case has been reported to Government.

(2) Christians plough down places of aboriginal worship, burial grounds, and abuse Hindu religion. A case is pending against a Father of Ambakona for abusing Hindu religion. The prosecution was made by police station, Sanna.

(3) The Chief Minister was shown black flags in 1948. The District Superintendent of Police was asked to search the old records as it may be required by the Committee.

(4) A pro forma of criminal cases launched was sent. So far two cases have ended in conviction and three are pending.

3. The Deputy Commissioner informed the Committee that names of students in Christian schools are changed. This has come to his notice recently. School authorities maintain two registers. He read out a report in which a case of Gholang was given, where the student’s name was changed. All these cases were from Roman Catholic Schools.

Ever since the announcement of Boundary Commission, Christians are making an open propaganda for Jharkhand.

The census figures show a very rapid change of Christian population. For example, in 1941, there were 30 Christians in Jashpur, whereas in 1951, there were 9,000. This was the case in other places in the district also.

According to the Father’s letter, dated the 19th April 1954, he had baptized a large number of people, but they were not shown as such in the census figures. He pointed out to the Deputy Commissioner that the census enumeration system was partial.

Detailed information and notes on the subject of census were decided to be collected from the authorities concerned.

In continuation of the same meeting, Shri V. G. Deshpande, Madhya Pradesh General Secretary, All-India Hindu Mahasabha, was granted interview by the Committee. Shri Deshpande wanted to know the procedure and other details regarding Committee’s work. He was told that the Committee was not generally in favour of employment of lawyer by parties, because it was not a judicial enquiry, though the Committee had not yet decided anything in the matter. Shri Deshpande was also informed by the Secretary that the complaints received by the Committee were open to inspection in the Committee’s office in Nagpur. The parties may also take notes, if they require them.

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