06 Ch 38 His Last Message

Sangh not individual-oriented, but ideal-oriented - Faith in ideal inspires confidence in others also - Instance of people’s trust - Beware, dictatorship is coming - Make up for loss of time- Reach the Goal.

NOWADAYS people seem to be very much worried about my health. However, I have directed Dr. Thatte to draw up my tour programme for the ensuing Sangh Shiksha Varga Camps. I have a feeling that if the programme is drawn up and kept ready, I may be able to go through it somehow.

Assured of Smooth Sailing

Now we have to think of one thing and it is this: whether a particular individual lives or not, that fact is not going to affect adversely the future of our organisation. However, the history of institutions, modern and ancient, in our country shows that institutions flourish for some time and carry on their work smoothly; then, differences develop among the members. The differences are more between individuals than between their professed principles. We find that practically all organisations, including the Congress, have split. Some are hoping that some day there will be a similar division in the RSS also. Pursuing the same line, some newspapers have published tendentious reports that within the RSS a tussle is on for the post of Sarsanghachalak. However, we have set out to integrate and not to bring about disintegration. We are determined to so conduct ourselves that our work of organisation will go on smoothly.

Determined to Integrate

We, no doubt, have occasional tiffs but manage to settle them with goodwill and understanding. Petty things do not hurt us when the interest of the organisation is uppermost in our minds.

We are here to reorganise the entire people; we have to extend the concept of corporate living to the entire society. It is a great work involving tremendous effort and responsibility. Hence whatever the situation, we have decided never to allow prejudices and mutual ill-will to harm the work of Sanghathan.

Affirm the Ideal

Our brothers are working in different spheres of national life, e.g., students, labour, politics, etc. They work in those spheres in keeping with its constitution, rules and its modus operandi which are, however, distinct from that of ours. All the same, the Swayamsevaks will have to work in those fields with the basic conviction of Hindu Rashtra which they have imbibed in the Sangh and try to influence and permeate those fields also with that life-giving thought.

Some may feel that all people are not likely to agree to our concept of Hindu Rashtra. But it is immaterial whether some people accept or reject the truth we propound. Our ideas should be clear and our faith in them unswerving. Then alone will the people be persuaded to accept the truth. I am confident that, ultimately, people will be convinced. If, in our respective fields, we can explain our ideas clearly and consistently to more and more people, they will gradually join our ranks and come to appreciate our thought. But, if we approach people with weakness lurking in our own fields, we can explain our ideas clearly and consistently to more and more people, they will gradually join our ranks and come to appreciate our thought. But, if we approach people with weakness lurking in our own hearts and talk to them in a lukewarm manner, then, everything will come to an end; and it will be an additional obstacle in the path of our ideal instead of being a strong support, which we expect it to be.

People’s Trust

In our country, along with the ideal, high moral character has ever been emphasised. And we have succeeded in achieving it to a certain extent. I shall give an example, of how the public, too, have come to recognise this fact.

Once there was a question as to whose signatures were to be affixed to the appeal for the fund collection of ‘Dr. B.S. Moonje birth centenary celebration committee’ at Nagpur. Seven names were selected from different states among which one was of Rajaji. I requested the Sanghachalak of Madras to see him in order to get his consent. Rajaji said that he had decided never to affix his signature to any appeal for collection of funds as he had a very bitter experience in that regard till then. The Sanghachalak gave the letter addressed by me to Rajaji. On seeing it, he remarked, “Oh, if Golwalkar is there on the committee, then I can have no objection. I have no doubt that the money will be utilised for the particular purpose only. He signed the appeal. This is how the people have begun to trust us.

Success, Nothing but Success

We should also bear in mind that our work in different spheres cannot succeed without the firm base of Shakha. Wherever the Shakha flourishes, other works also will definitely prosper. It becomes our bounden duty therefore to see that the programmes and the systems of Shakha, behavioural norms of Swayamsevaks, their attitudes and development of their qualities - all these receive our single-minded attention and diligent efforts. I can say, with all the confidence at my command, that the more we attend to this aspect with steadfastness and dedication, the more shall we be crowned with success, nothing but success all the way.

Being Reduced as House-Dogs

On considering the conditions prevailing in our country, we find that it is gradually tending towards dictatorship. Some say that the Russian form of dictatorship is approaching fast. Whatever its type, it is seen these days that workers can be enslaved by

an intense propaganda of any type. Currently ’nationalisation’ is being propagated. The demand for nationalisation of all essential goods had become vociferous. Nagpur dealers in chillies have also put forth their demand for nationalisation of the trade in chillies. Recently, an important Congress leader has declared that nationalisation of food-grains is not enough and that it should be extended to all other articles. Where is that sense of dignity of man, which should have been the hallmark of democracy? Man is being reduced to the stage of a house-dog. He is rendered spiritless. Even though whipped, he will salivate for a piece of bread.

Cringing Levels

There is an instance to show to what cringing level our countrymen may fall. Once I visited a camp of persons displaced from Sind. On seeing me they began to complain that a huge profit had been made by Congressmen out of the tin-sheets brought for the Congress session; that these sheets had been given to them on the condition that they be gifted to the displaced persons to be used for the roofs of their cottage. When I asked them what they would gain by approaching me, they said that they desired the opposition party to take up this issue. When I asked them to what party they had voted during the last election, they kept mum. I could well appreciate the fix in which my question had put them. I then asked them, how it could work that they vote for one party and expect the opposition to do their job. If they expected the opposition to raise its voice they should have supported it. This is how our people behave today. They have no convictions, no mental stamina to stand up for any cause.

Reach the Goal at All Costs

Today, disintegrating forces are afoot in our country and the foreign powers are lying in wait to fish in the troubled waters. Some years back, the foreign powers had their hand behind the language conflict in Assam. Now it seems there is the foreign hand in the circulation of exaggerated news of persecution of Harijans. The foreign powers know very well that they can retain their supremacy in this country only by splitting the Hindus.

We must admit that we have not been successful, to the extent expected of us, in integrating the society and rousing the feeling of intense patriotism in it. As such, we have to be more keenly conscious of our responsibility, think about all aspects of our work, and put ourselves to the wheel wholeheartedly and with a resolve to reach the goal at all costs in the near future. Representatives from various parts of the country have assembled here, and I am sure they will assuredly put in all possible efforts in their respective spheres in this direction.

Today I have spoken - who knows whether God will allow me another opportunity!


Dated 2nd April 1973 NAGPUR


To All Swayamsevak brethren.

The body has been weakening at a rapid pace during the last one month. The doctors have lost all hope. Everyone seems concerned with the thought that this body cannot last for more than a few days. We are thus faced with the important question of the future set-up of the work of the Sangh. It is certain that the Sangh will continue to function in a worthy manner, along the lines set out in our constitution. In line with the same constitution we have also to consider the question of nomination of the new Sarsanghachalak. I have discussed the matter with members of All-India executive committee, all of whom are workers with long-standing experience and as Prant-Sanghachalaks have been organizing work in various provinces. As the present Sarsanghachalak, it is my responsibility to set forth the decision arrived at after the due discussion with them all.

In fulfillment of that responsibility, I hereby declare that after my body ceases functioning, the office of Sarsanghachalak shall be filled by Sri Madhukar Dattatreya - alias Balasaheb - Deoras, who is well known to all.

I express the hope that, bearing in mind the cohesiveness, the mutual love and trust, impersonal devotion to the ideal and such other special features of our work, all our Swayamsevak brethren, young and old, will strive their utmost, in word, thought and deed, to fulfill our aims under the guidance of our Parama Poojya Sarsanghachalak. I have no doubt that we shall soon reach our goal.

My warm salutations to all brethren.

Sd /-

M. S. Golwalkar

Dated 2nd April 1973


The motto of our work has been, “Worship the Nation”, “Worship the Ideal”. There is no place in it for hero worship. The physicians seem to feel that my body may not survive for long.

In any case the body is ephemeral, and is bound to pass off sooner or later. After life has fled, decorating the corpse etc., would appear funny and meaningless. Likewise, it is unnecessary to idolize or raise memorials to anyone except the founder who was the embodiment of the mission of the Sangh.

As for myself, I have performed my atma-shraddha ceremony at Brahmakapala. Hence, nobody hereafter need take the trouble of performing any ceremonies.

I have stated the position in brief. Everybody, I am confident, can understand the implications.

Sd /-

M.S. Golwalkar

Dated 2nd April 1973


My dearest and respected Swayamsevak brethren-

The body of Parama Poojaneeya Dr. Hedgewar attained rest on 21st June 1940; and in accordance with his wish, the onerous office of Sarsanghachalak fell to my lot. At that time I knew little. And yet, all the senior workers extended their warm-hearted co-operation and guided me. I was thus able to carry on the work for the long period of 33 years. It now appears to be God’s will that I should hand over the responsibility to a worthy successor to ensure even more efficient working and speedier progress towards the goal. That plan is now in the making.

In my long tenure, it is not unlikely that I have caused mental agony to many workers, due to my idiosyncrasies or shortcomings and defects. With folded hands I seek forgiveness of one and all.

Lastly, I should recall a verse of Saint Tukaram, which expresses my own feelings:

“Listen to my last prayer, pious friends: Forget me not, O Lord, It is needless to waste words, Thou knowest everything. Tukaram says, I prostrate at Thy Feet, May Thy Grace protect me”.

Sd /-

M.S. Golwalkar



Forever I bow to thee, O Loving Motherland! O Motherland of us Hindus, Thou hast brought me up in happiness. May my life, O great and blessed Holy Land, be laid down in Thy Cause. I bow to Thee again and again.

We the children of the Hindu Nation bow to Thee in reverence, O Almighty God. We have girded up our loins to carry on Thy work. Give us Thy holy blessings for its fulfillment. O Lord! Grant us such might as no power on earth can ever challenge, such purity of character as would command the respect of the whole world and such knowledge as would make easy the thorny path that we have voluntarily chosen.

May we be inspired with the spirit of stern heroism, that is sole and ultimate means of attaining the highest spiritual bliss with the greatest temporal prosperity. May intense and everlasting devotion to our ideal ever enthuse our hearts. May our victorious organised power of action, by Thy Grace, be wholly capable of protecting our dharma and leading this nation of ours to the highest pinnacle of glory.


  • In Shri Guruji’s words.

Shri Guruji – A Profile

Born in 1906 (Magh Bahul Ekadashi, Vishwavasu Samvat – 19th February 1906) at Ramtek, near Nagpur, Maharashtra, Sri Madhav Sadashiv Golwalkar, otherwise endearingly addressed as ‘Guruji’ by one and all, was the only surviving son among the nine children of his parents, to whom he was their beloved ‘‘Madhu’. It seems, the destiny spared him, for it was he, who in later years as the second sar-sanghachalak of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh was to be the cynosure of the nation.

A prodigy that he was, he after having graduated from the Hislop college of Nagpur, joined the Hindu University of Varanasi for his Master’s Degree in Science, during which period the benign and inspiring influence of Pt. Madan Mohan Malaviya, the founder of the University and a reputed Hindu leader of yester – years, prodded young Madhav Golwalkar to work for the Hindu cause. Later for a couple of years he served his Alma Master as a professor and it was then that he earned from his students the affectionate sobriquet of ‘Guruji’, a reverential attribute which stuck to him permanently in the years that followed. He was initiated into Sangh, when he was still a professor, by Shri Prabhakar Balwant Dani, a student of his who in later years became the Sar-Karyavah (General Secretary) of the Sangh.

Guruji returned to Nagpur in 1933, to be with his parents, and there he came under the magnetic influence of Dr. Keshav Baliram Hedgewar, the founder of Sangh, an event which metamorphosed him, just as it happened between Sri Ramakrishna and Narendra. Having decided to remain unmarried, he studied law and in fact, practised too for a year or two, while devoting most of his time and energy for Sangh activities.

But his inner urge was for spiritual persuit. He was intimately associated with Ramakrhishna Ashram earlier, and he kept alive his association with that religious order while at Nagpur also. Having been overpowered by that strong impulse, he, to the utter surprise of all who knew him including his beloved parents, left for the ‘Saragachi’ Ashram of Ramakrishna Math in the Himalayas, to be ‘Sannyasi’. He was there for a few months, after which he was initiated with ‘Mantra Deeksha’ by Swami Akhandananda, a Gurubhai of Swami Vivekananda. But his was the nature not to be confined within the four walls of the Ashram and his Guru too, in his last days, bade him to serve the society at large from outside the Ashram.

Guruji returned to Nagpur from Saragachi in 1937, and then onwards, plunged himself, heart and soul into the Sangh work. Dr. Hedgewar bequeathed to him, the onus of Sar- Sanghachalakship on the eve of his demise on June 1940.

Guruji steered the organisation for 33 years (1940-1973) as its guide and philosopher. He, with his tireless travel all round the year, visited each and every province at least twice annually – thus for not less than sixty times across the length and breadth of Bharat. This is indeed a unique record. Guruji electrified the work to grow rapidly even in far – off places in Assam and Kerala. With his great erudition, he cogently propounded the

historical and sociological background and the logicality of the concept of Hindu Rashtra, which, when he assumed responsibility as helmsman of the movement for Hindu resurgence represented by RSS, was just an empirical thought. He thus, widened the ideological base of the Sangh making it intelligible to a lay villager and the urban intellectual alike, with his uncompromising stress on the one-hour ‘Shakha’ technique. Through word and deed, he perfected the Sangh methodology also, in every minute detail, thus making it through inculcation of proper samskars, an ideal ‘Man-making’ instrument.

Because of his inspiring personality at the helm, apart from the shakha network, which spread far and wide, a number of affiliates like Vidyarthi Parishad, Bharateeya Mazdoor Sagh, Vishwa Hindu Parishad, and Bharateeya Vanavasi Kalyan Ashram, to name just a few, also began to sprout forth one after another, as more and more co-workers, imbued with Sangh ideology and organisational skill, began to translate them in respective fields of their interest. To all these, Guruji was the source-figure and a guide.

Because of his intimate contact alike with common people and the elite all over Bharat, he always had his finger on the pulse-beat of the nation; and as such many a time he had premonition of the coming events about which he used to forewarn the society and the rulers. In early fifties, when the government appointed a three-man commission, in pursuance of its earlier commitment for the reorganisation of states on linguistic basis, Guruji’s was the lone voice for having a unitary form of government, which alone, he felt, could strengthen the integrity of the then nascent republic. After many years the realisation has now dawned that the experiment, after all, was disastrous. With regard to turmoil in the North-East states, about the same time, he warned the powers-that-be, about the nefarious activities of Christian missionaries, with an advice to deal with them with an iron hand; but the advice fell on deaf ears, due to which the country is now paying a very heavy price. In the mid-fifties, when our political masters were toying with ‘Hindi Chini Bhai Bhai’ euphoria, Guruji was forthright in advising them publicly, not to be befooled by the hollow rhetoric, but to fortify our borders. He could clearly foresee and in fact, he forewarned also, about the evil designs of China, to attack us unawares from across the borders. The later events bear testimony to his warning. Again, prior to general census of 1960, when the Punjab problem was till smouldering, he was the first to advise that Punjabi language with Gurmukhi script be owned by all people in Punjab as their mother-tongue and also that all Sikhs should register themselves as Hindus. Had that advice been heeded, Punjab would perhaps not have become the cauldron it turned out to be.

Thus, with his uncompromising commitment to the good of the nation, he built a massive organisation on the same lines. As Sar-Sanghachalak he served the motherland for thirty- three years, at the end of which he passed on the stewardship to the shoulders of Shri Balasaheb Deoras (Madhukar Dattatreya Deoras)

Guruji breathed his last on 5th June 1973.