+hindu christian encounters


**AD 304 TO 1996 **

Sita Ram Goel

Voice of India, New Delhi


Preface to the Second Edition

Preface to the First Edition

1. Encounter on the Euphrates

2. Encounter in Malabar

3. Hallucinations of the Devil’s Devotees

4. Pirates in Priest’s Clothing

5. From Monologue to Dialogue

6. Encounter in Tamil Nadu

7. Encounter at Pondicherry

8. Encounter with Raja Ram Mohun Roy

9. Encounter in Maharashtra

10. Encounter with Sariskrit Pandits

11. Encounter with Maharshi Dayananda

12. Second Encounter in Tamil Nadu

13. Encounter with Swami Vivekananda

14. Encounter with Mahatma Gandhi

15. The Hoax of Human Rights

16. Debate in the Constituent Assembly

17. Missions since Independence

18. Dethroning Monotheism

19. Sannyasins or Swindlers?

20. A Hornet’s Nest

21. Exploding a Mischievous Myth

22. Plea for Rejecting Jesus as Junk

23. Encounter with Arun Shourie

24. Fixing a Christian Windbag

25. Calling the Pope’s Bluff
