

 adhyatmik      :    spiritual AIR            :    All-India Radio akhand         :    unbroken, uninterrupted akhara         :    arena; martial monastery AMU            :    Aligarh Muslim University archana        :    worship archanavatar   :    worship-incarnation, idol avarna         :    outside the varna system avatar         :    incarnation of a god Babarwadi      :    follower of Babar; Indian secularist Bajrang Dal    :    "Hanuman Team" bandh          :    closing, strike bhajan         :    devotional song, psalm bhakt          :    devotee Bharat         :    India Bharatiyatva   :    Indian-ness BHU            :    Banaras Hindu University BJP            :    Bharatiya Janata (Indian  People's) Party (AI)BMAC       :    (All-India)   Babri   Masjid   Action Committee BMMCC          :    Babri  Masjid Movement  Co-ordination Committee bodhi          :    awakening, enlightenment brahmin        :    varna  of  keeping  and  transmitting knowledge BSP            :    Bahujan  Samaj  (Masses'  Society) Party burqa          :    veil covering a Muslim woman's face chabootra:     :    platform communalism    :    ideology  championing  the  political unity  and  secular  interests  of  a religious community Congress-I     :    Indira Congress CPI            :    Communist Party of India CPI(M), CPM    :    Communist Party of India (Marxist) crore          :    ten million dacoit         :    armed robber, criminal dalit          :    oppressed, downtrodden dharma         :    duty; world order; religion dharna         :    sit-down strike dhoti          :    cloth covering hips and legs DMK            :    Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (Dravida Forward Group) doordarshan    :    television: India's TV network ekatmata       :    "belonging   to   a   single   self", integrated-ness fatwa          :    Islamic juridical opinion, verdict garbha-griha   :    womb-house, sanctum sanctorum ghat           :    bathing-place gherao         :    lock-in strike goonda         :    street fighter, criminal Granth         :    Sikh Scripture granthi        :    reciter from the Granth guna           :    quality, characteristic gurudwara      :    Sikh temple Hadis          :    traditions of the Prophet harijan        :    "God's people", the untouchables HMS            :    Hindu Maha Sabha (Great-Assembly) imam           :    prayer-leader in mosque IPF            :    Indian People's Front IUML           :    Indian Union Muslim League janmabhoomi    :    birthplace janmasthan     :    birthplace jati           :    caste, endogamous group JD             :    Janata Dal (People's Group) jihad          :    Islamic war against the Kafirs Kafir          :    non-Muslim, Pagan kar seva       :    manual service khatib         :    reader in mosque kirtan         :    devotional chant kshatriya      :    varna  entrusted with  defending  and ruling kula           :    extended family kulapati       :    "family-leader" ; vice-chancellor kurta          :    loose shirt lakh           :    one hundred thousand Lok Sabha      :    People's  Assembly  (lower  house  of Parliament, directly elected) mahant         :    temple high-priest mandir         :    temple masjid         :    mosque math           :    monastery, abbey millat         :    (the world Muslim) community MIM            :    Majlis-e     Ittehad-ul     Muslimeen (Muslims' Unity Council) MLA            :    Member of Legislative Assembly muazzin        :    man who calls the Muslims to prayer murti          :    idol mutwalli       :    mosque manager naib           :    deputy nambardar      :    village functionary nawab          :    honorific plural of naib; governor nirguna        :    without characteristics, formless PAC            :    Provincial Armed Constabulary padyatra       :    foot-march pagari         :    turban pajama         :    loose trousers panth          :    school of thought, sect parampara      :    teacher-pupil chain, tradition pradesh        :    state of the Indian Union PUCL           :    People's Union for Civil Liberties puja           :    devotional ritual qaum           :    nation, community raj            :    rule, British rule Rajya Sabha    :    States'  Assembly  (upper  house   of Parliament,  selected via  the  State Assemblies) Ramzan         :    month of fasting for Muslims RSS            :    Rashtriya   Swayamsevak   Sangh (National Volunteer Corps) rath           :    chariot rathyatra      :    chariot-march, procession sadbhavana     :    goodwill samiti         :    committee sampradaya     :    sect sanatana       :    eternal Sanatana Dharma:    philosophia perennis; Hinduism sanskriti      :    culture secularism     :    doctrine  of  separating  state   and religion shuddhi        :    purification,  (re-)entry  into   the Hindu fold shudra         :    varna entrusted with serving SS             :    Shiv  Sena  (Shiva's  or  Shivajis' Army) suba           :    province swaraj         :    self-rule, independence tabligh        :    Islamic     religious     propaganda, especially  to weed  out  non-Islamic practices among Muslims talaq          :    Muslim unilateral divorce thekedar       :    contractor tilak          :    mark on forehead tirth          :    ford; place of pilgrimage tirthankara    :    "ford-maker", Jain sage UP             :    Uttar   Pradesh,   formerly    United Provinces (of Agra and Oudh) upajati        :    sub-caste vaishya        :    commoner, varna entrusted with trade varna          :    "colour",  four function-wise  groups in society vedi           :    altar Vidhan Sabha   :    Legislative Assembly of the states VHP            :    Vishwa Hindu Parishad (World  Hindu Council) yajna (yagya)  :    sacrifical ritual zamindar       :    landlord zimmi          :    "protected one", non-Muslim tolerated in Muslim society 

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