== TABLE 411c ==

Representation of Muslims According to the Lucknow Pact, 1916

Legislative Body Percentage of Muslims to total population of the electoral area (1921 Census) Percentage of Muslim Members to total number of Members Percentage of elected Muslim Members to total number of elected Indian members**/1/** Percentage of Muslim Members to total Members in seats filled by election from Indian general (communal) constituencies Lucknow Pact Percentage
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Punjab 55.2 40 48.5 50 50
United Provinces 14.3 25 30 32.5 30
Bengal 54.6 30 40.5 46 40
Bihar and Orissa 10.9 18.5 25 27 25
Central Provinces 4.4 9.5 13 14.5 15
Madras 6.7 10.5 14 16.5 15
Bombay 19.8 25.5 35 37 33.3
Assam 32.2 30 35.5 37.5 No provision
Legislative Assembly 24.0 26 34 38 33.3

/1/ Column 3 includes Indians elected by special constituencies, e.g. Commerce, whose communal proportions may of course vary slightly from time to time. Similarly column 2, including also officials and nominated non-officials, will show slightly different results at different periods.

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