Population of India by Communities

Communities British India Indian States and Agencies Total
1. Hindus 150,890,146 55,227,180 206,117,326
2. Muslims 79,398,503 12,659,593 92.058.096
3. Scheduled Castes**/1/** 39,920,807 8.892,373 48,813,180
4. Tribal 16,713,256 8.728,233 25,441,489
5. Sikhs 4,165,097 1,526,350 5,691,447
6. Christians
(i) Indian Christians 1,655,982 1,413,808 3,069,790
(ii) Anglo-Indians 113,936 26,486 140,422
(iii) Others 75,751 7,708 83,459
7. Jains 578,372 870,914 1.449.286
8. Buddhists 167,413 64,590 232,003
9. Parsees 101,968 12,922 114,890
10. Jews 19.327 3,153 22,480
11. Others 371,403 38,474 409,877
Total 294,171,961 89,471,784 383,643,745


/1/ This is a statutory designation given to the untouchables by the Government of India Act, 1935. NOTE: The figures for the Scheduled Castes both for British India and Indian States do not give the correct totals. The figures for Ajmer-Merwara in British India and for Gwalior State are not included in the totals. The Census Reports for 1940 fail to give these figures.

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