Meme Gene balance

Source: TW

+++(Consider)+++ The growing Cases of people of European/West Asian ancestry claiming to be First Americans or of African descent. This seems to illustrate one of the contradictions of liberal (mostly North American) identity crisis. The simultaneous insistence & denial of the centrality of race. It laterally impinges on an oft discussed (heatedly) modern identity problem in the Hindu world too – i.e. that of varNa by birth vs temperament. In our opinion (as mentioned before) it is good to not go the whole hog along either branch of the decision tree but accept a bit of a superposition.+++(5)+++ The genetics of tribes, lineages etc keep changing with admixture – a reality of human existence – hence, hanging your identity purely on a “mine is bigger” attitude is not the best thing.

On the other hand just genetics does not correlate strictly with the meme-complex of identity either. So you may have someone with a “very big one” who is also fundamentally inimical to the meme complex of you identity & seeks to destroy it. Unlike H, some of the communities under discussion have faced severe denudation of the memetic component of their identity. They also tend to come from groups which have had greater isolation than the Eurasian core. Hence, many of them have little more than genetics to hang on to.+++(5)+++ This accentuates the clash with those claiming their identity. If they move towards a more healthy balance of the meme-gene contributions to their identity, then outsiders will have a chance to adopt and partake of their identity, much like modern H adopters who are distant from the original genetic identity of the H.