
Source: TW

Boy raised by traditional, devout parents; taught traditional arts; went to a famous, hallowed maṭha during summer holidays to do Guruseva & was quite involved in such Dhārmikas things. Grew up, married a Marūnmatta-strī, changed name & started eating meat. Svabhāva.

I mostly concur. Over the years I have realized that genetic determinism is a much bigger factor that abrahamo-occidentally conditioned minds like to admit. I see two vectors that might have an angle of up to 30 degs between them:

  1. intrinsic religiosity &
  2. sense of group ID

The best situation for a group is when there is a greater alignment between these vectors & they have a large magnitude.
IMO, H tend to have relatively low alignment and moderate magnitude of the group ID vector.
Thus, it is common (especially in South India) where there has been shielding due to vijayanagara & marahaTTa-s
to encounter folks who have moderately strong religiosity vector but weak group ID vector
which are not strongly aligned either
or vice versa with the group ID coming from the Dravidian languages.

I suspect in fission-fusion ape societies like those seen in Homo & Pan
it was good to hedge the bets in individuals between sticking with the parent group & merging with other groups,
with a potential sex-specific exaggeration of this kind of behavior.

In the past social ties with the extended family & ethnic group were were almost life & death issues –
an ostracized person did not have much of support structure
unless s/he merged with the alternative group
with which they aligned themselves.
Hence, there was a degree of regulation in terms of
how much the non-conformists could depart from group ID or even religiosity.

The modern social structure & globalization have reduced this considerably.
Hence, barring groups with strong group ID or where religiosity & grp ID closely align & reinforce each other
there will be a constant leakage from the group irrespective of upbringing