
Source: TW

It’s important for people to understand that Smiling Buddha didn’t make us a nuclear weapons state; it was not a bomb but simply a controlled peaceful nuclear explosion. Big difference in the two things. Nuclear states can successfully deliver warheads, the actual military use.

India became a nuclear weapon state in 1994 but we could’ve become one at least 25-30 years earlier. India was a nuclear weapons state by 1994 at the latest. Narasimhan Rao delayed showing off our bomb because India was economically screwed and everyone knew we will face sanctions the moment the world knows, and we couldn’t afford them then.

Indian scientists were very competent & India’s nuclear program was never delayed because of lack of technical expertise; it was delayed purposely by our PMs because they simply did not like the idea of WMDs. However, all of our Prime Ministers, including Indira Gandhi, were horrified at the thought of nuclear weapons and morally opposed to building the bomb. Rajiv Gandhi was basically forced to give in due to Pakistan’s program.

Indira Gandhi hated nuclear weapons and was instrumental in making sure our scientists could never build the bomb. “I am basically against weapons of mass destruction”, she was quoted saying. She was furious DRDO scientists were trying to trick her into signing off on the bomb.