Bipin Rawat Death


The death of the CDS definitely seems puzzling. If it was an accident it is surprising for lesser nations ensure better transport safety for their leadership. If it was a deliberate foreign attack then it speaks for v.poor military intelligence, which is again surprising at this level. That leaves out activation of a deeply lodged internal agent, aka a Herpes zoster like ‘‘sleeper cell’’.

However, there might have been indications of some threat that the national leadership was aware of. They may have even misread it. The reason to consider this is the craven retreat of the Lāṭapati in the confrontation with the sora-backed tool-kitties. One way to look at it is they had some intelligence of a bigger attack and decide to tactically retreat on that front as the resources might be needed for the bigger one.

Now coming to the agents. Did the sleeper cell auto-activate due the old uṣnīṣa-kīnāśa-roga or was it activated by extrinsic players? The following players come to mind

  1. TSP. Pro: Have some uṣnīṣa and u3 assets, who unsurprisingly felt the rākṣasa had granted them their wish. Con: Heavy surveillance and probably difficult to break through at this level.
  2. Han. Pro: Have several leftist assets. Con: penetration of army is low.
  3. Mleccha state power. Pro: Penetration is deep. Con: would they activate a sudden attack via an anti-Indian asset at this juncture with various issues they are facing with the Han and the Rus?
  4. Mleccha deep-state/navyonmāda elite. Pro: Had much reason to hate the general. Made clear by uṣnīṣa-sora-backed tool-kitties. Con: Does sound really conspiratorial that they would launch strike at highest level. But not implausible if they have cultivated a cadre of internal assets in the army that are say in alliance with Kangress and others that see a need to reassert the control of their pakṣa and regain old kickbacks. Moreover, the navyonmatta statements made by some in the army raise questions in this regard. Reactions of the usual tool-kitty ex-army/political culprits on SM supports this. Of course, SM is owned by the śatrupakṣa; hence, not everything can be spoken here.

The similarities to the incident with the Taiwanese general cannot be missed. I did not follow that case closely but there does seem to be reason to suspect cīna involvement. However, coincidences do happen and this could be one.