2023 US actions

The sabhA of piNDaka will be there when India has its general elections. piNDaka’s backers seem to have figured out vijayanAma-vyApArin. anugAmin looks lackluster &they would prevent karNATa from playing. So unless the mahAmlechCha hastin-s pull of s dramatic win, the H deep state has to plan for a long haul even if the lATeshvara manages to win 2024. ardhakR^iShNa has not said anything unexpected – as we have been saying for years the marUnmatta is the glove which covers the mlechCha fist. Moreover mahAmlechCha religion of ShaNDavAda cannot prevail against marUnmatta-s who will make short work of them. However, ShaNDavAda will weaken the H as they are way more susceptible to it. Even LJ can be seen as a manifestation of same root psychosocio-pathology that drives the pogaNDarug.