2023 canada-khAlistAn

Source: TW

Seeing related posts too, but those who have followed the khAlistAn issue for a while know that it is not a purely (probably not even primarily) TSPian project. It is a mahAmlechCha deepstate project contracted out in main to its pa~nchanetraka subsidiaries like laNDapura & karNATa.

The deeper roots go back to 1857 CE when an H coalition under marahaTTa leadership with the Mogol remnants made one last attempt to rid the subcontinent of Abrahamo-anglo dominance gained via the Anglo-marahaTTa & sikh wars. It was part of the larger global series of events for Abrahamo-anglo world conquest. The Crimean war against the rUs, featuring the well-known mlechCha-marUnmattAbhisaMdhi, the opium wars on the Ching, the Boer war, the world wars 1 & 2 were all part of the same system of their quest for world dominance.

Challenges by Germany & Japan to their world dominance allowed India to break free from their tyranny although not intact because the Mogol rump state also resurrected itself as TSP & Afghanistan as the remnant of Dur-e-Durran’s state. Now there was the natural sarvonmatta-samAyoga against the heathen H.

WW2 saw a change in leadership & methods of the Abrahmoanglo world. It shifted from direct conquest & “colonialism” to a predatory model of sowing chaos, destruction & interference mostly in distance. The rUs & chIna-s went through enormous human cost to limit these efforts. India fell somewhere in between them & those who were destroyed or ruined in one or another way.

IMO the Indian model was not bad. It was militarily weak, in addition to the ekarAkShasa-s - had the chIna threat & was poor in key natural resources for modern warfare. Moreover, it had already paid an enormous human cost to the Mogol rump during the partition for no gain at all, i.e., not declaring & acting as a hindu-rAShTra. Under these circumstances it to a large extent maintained its territory to the chagrin of the pa~nchanetraka-s who hoped it would break up. The Indian state took its blows but retained its hold. Its growing power & independence has defied the pa~nchanetraka attempts. However, this does not mean that it would not face an ultimate nirNaya against its 3-headed foe like the legendary trishiras tvAShTra.