Pilgrim feeling

Source: ST

In Kartika month when millions of devotees undertake the 5-koshi and 14-koshi parikrama every year in Ayodhya - just imagine they went from shrine to shrine as per the sequence of that Parikrama, and then stopped inside Ramkot campus, and then stood in front of that ugly building called Babri, an essential part of those Parikramas, and then prostrated before Bhagawan from there at a distance, only looking at the small pictures of Ram Lala that used to be sold there in the shops.

Imagine the feelings of those devotees.

Only someone who has visited the RJB temple in 1980s can realize the full emotional aspect of what has happened. As a child I visited RJB several times, even when the temple was in Babri’s domes, behind an iron door. You could only glance at the small smiling Rama vigraha from a distance, like you meet a prisoner from behind the enclosure. That feeling, a mix of emotions, that any devotee would feel, is hard to explain.

Later when we could go closer, after 1986, I still remember the impression of a strange mix of feelings hard to put in words. That of an insult, helplessness. You look at a small beautiful Ram Lala and then that ugly building he was in. And then when Ram Lala moved to a tent and lived there for decades, no devotee visiting there could hold back the tears. You cannot feel these emotions unless you had been at RJB and had darshan of Rama Lala through this journey.

Cannot wait to go back soon and see him now being worshipped in a glorious temple.

राम लला हम आएँगे दर्शन फिर से पाएँगे