
Source: TW

Three languages could be considered as candidates for the national language of India:

  1. English:
    Pros: language of science/technology. Publishing your paper on your next greates discovery in Hindi or Tamil is not going to get you far. Becoming language of world system.
    Cons: not many understand it well in India; language of erstwhile enemy of the Indian people; does not capture certain aspects of Indian experience.
  2. Hindi;
    it is the modern successor of the pan-Indian vulgar registers of Aryan speech: modern version of apabhramsha which was once understood as a pan-Indian language and the prAkR^ita-s at even earlier period.
    It is a grammatically simpler than most other Indian languages once its logic is correctly taught.
    Vocabulary mostly pan-Indian.
    unfair advantage to northern speakers who are close to it natively
    Not language of knowledge, education or having independent technical flourish.
    schwa deletion is aurally vulgar.
  3. Sanskrit;
    language of religion, India science, and education.
    Intimately linked to the identity &unity of the Hindu nation.
    Sounds good to the ear.
    Gives no undue advantage to any one group in the country.
    Learning it can be a character-building experience that helps those with lower mental capacity to at least acquire some sense of educational worth.
    Difficult grammar, especially when there is a drive to adhere closely to pANini & his successors in entirity.
    Good schemes for curricular delivery have not been done for schools,
    though paracurricular systems like SBh might be somewhat better.

So I’d say that Skt is the best choice though it will not be without difficulty.
I think it needs some course correction
such as willingness to impart in both nAgarI and romanized or other scripts.
Willingness to jetision the idiotic fetish for long conjunct words in writing.
Deemphasizing kAvya and focussing on prose in practical education.
Being lax with more vulgar register of grammar at least to start with.

Of course some who forth in mouth on the TL would suggest the 4th alternative of a cluster of regional tongues.
This thread is not about that. The regional tongues should not be imposed left to those who want to preserve them.