
Source: TW

Kha Maung Seik massacre, August 2017. The Hindus are a minority group in Maungdaw District, comprising only 1% of the population with around 5,000 people. On 25 August, several Muslim from the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army in black masks attacked the Hindu villages in Kha Maung Seik. They objected to the official identity cards provided by the Myanmar authorities to the Hindus.

The masked men took around 100 people hostage and forced them to march through the fields. They were led into a forest on a hill, where the insurgents separated 8 women for MARRIAGE to the TERRORISTS later. The remaining hostages were blindfolded, tied up, and had their throats slit with knives. The corpses were dumped inside three pits.

Nine Hindu villages were burnt, and more than 500 Hindu refugees fled to Bangladesh. Ni Maul, a Hindu leader, helped Myanmar authorities with the search of the bodies. The mass-graves were found from testimony of eight Hindu women whose lives were spared and brought to Bangladesh after they agreed to convert to Islam.

Four Hindu women in Bangladesh stated that they were forced to marry the attackers to save their lives and were later taken to camps of Rohingya Muslims in Bangladesh. They were forced to eat rice with meat, which is against some Hindu beliefs, and were then housed with Muslims…

Thousands of Hindus fled villages where they lived alongside Muslims and alleged they had been targeted by ARSA. Since August, 3,000 Hindus from Maungdaw and Buthidaung townships were internally displaced while 500 fled to Bangladesh. Hindu refugees had described murder of 86…