rAjput muslim alliance

Hindu service during late Mogol days

  • “The rAjpUt-s, though diminished in their national sense since the days of the great struggle of mahArANa pratAp and his son amar singh, were still not devoid of their Hindu affinities… Their position was not unlike that of most common Hindus of today – they may work faithfully for the enemy, despite having their sub-current Hindu sympathies still intact. " MT
  • “There were still pockets of brave rAjpUt resistance that was no less in fury than that of the mahArATTa-s… There were also great uprisings of the bundela-s Chatrasal, prahAr singh and devI singh and another rAjpUt bhagavant singh against the Moslems in this period.”
  • Even in Mogol service, they oft helped Hindus, like:
    • rAm singh and kesari singh in case of shivAji and teg bahAdur.
  • “Thus, these rAjpUt-s though given to traitorous ways were prone to express their basic sympathies. "