+pAkistAn TS

Pakistan’s problem with India (especially kashmir) is not one arising over the need for greater security (or neutralizing a threat) - but is ideological (Christine Fair video says: “a greedy state”). US strategy has been to attempt to put Pakistan at ease (via-a-vis India) by providing it with more weapons and aids - this has failed.

Pakistan’s “civil” society has roughly the same ideological preferences as the military. Its youth continue to be conservative. Even if the truly liberal come to power, the army will undercut anything that opposes its goals (viz economic / social friendship with India) - as had happened in the 1997 Kargil conflict. One hope is that as the demographics of the officer core of the Pakistan army changes to include non-panjAbi-s, the ideological bent of Pakistani army will change.

  • Role in starting prior skirmishes with India, ill considered possession of nuclear weapons: Former Pak Air force chief Asghar Khan here.

Support for an out-of-control jihAd

Pakistan has a long history of using jihAdi terrorism as an instrument of foreign policy - mostly to reestablish (their own) Islamic rule in Kashmir. It assisted USA in its war against Soviet Union in Afghanistan (though it had started this “jihad” several years prior to that). Later, the jihAd (irregular assymetric conflict with India) came under the Pakistani nuclear umbrella. The mujAhidIn it reared for these conflicts are no longer under the control of the pAkistAni state - some of them are waging war against pAkistAn.

Arms of the Pakistani state - particularly the Inter Services Intelligence agency (ISI) and parts of its army suppord jihAdi-s. Eg: Osama bin laden was killed close to a major army base in Pakistan; mumbai terrorist attacks (1, 2) were coordinated by ISI. There is also wide support for jihAd from large sections of the pAkistAni population who, given the dysfunctional state, are educated in madarasa-s which preach jihAd against kaffir-s. It is in fact where dovout muslims from around the world, wanting to fight and die, go for training.

Mistreatment of hindu minority.

In the same theme, the hindu+sikh minority is mistreated. Rich hindu-s are great targets for kidnapping. Numerous women have been kidnapped, converted to Islam and forced into marriage (1).

Even quasi-islamic sects like Ahmadiya-s and shia-s are frequent targets of terrorist attacks.


Not sure.