shilAhAra arab intrigue

Source: TW

As we know the Shilaharas were lords of North Konkana ruling from their capital Sthanaka (Thana). It was a very rich Dukedom based on Trade tariffs and coconut , banana plantations. It had big Merchants both Indians and Foreign(Arabs mostly) . Duke and his ministers also dabbed in trade ,owned multitude of Ships . Imagine a prosperous trade derived Principality with many rich sister cities ( Thana , Chaul , Puri ) and a small hinterland of 1400 villages owing allegiance to Deccan Imperium.

After death of Duke Nagarjuna died , he was succeeded by his brother Mummuni superceding real heir who was Nagarjuna’s son ( maybe skt version of Al Momin ? , as mummuni in Rajataramgini is very likely al momin , an arab governor of Merv during Lalitaditya’s rule). He was probably helped by Kadamba of Goa and a faction of Arab merchants in this usurpation.

Anyway 20 years later Mummuni died and a civil war followed . Kadambas , with an Arab mercenary army ( funded by Arab mechants) marched to North Konkana to help Mummuni’s son. After this , arabs started their Jihaad in hinterland. Then, Great Anantadeva ,the superseded son of Nagarjuna led a proto nationalist revolt and was helped by princes of the interior that still saw the danger which Kadambas couldn’t. A record just after Anantadeva’s victory -

following verse of the Khārepātan plates -

जाते दायाद-वैरि-व्यसनिनि समये यैर् अवाप्त-प्रभावैर्
ध्वस्ता देव-द्विजाति-प्रमथन-विधिना कोंकण-क्षोणिर् एषा।
तान् उग्रान् पापरासी(शी)न् मुन-यवत(न)-भ[टा]न् खड्ग-धाराम्तु(म्बु)रासै[ः]
क्षिप्त्वोच्चैश् चंद्रवि(बि)म्वे(म्बे) व(स्व)कुल-पति-सखा(खो) य स्वकीर्तिं लिलेख ।।

(In the calamity of the civil war Anantapāla overwhelmed,
with the flood of water in the form of the sharp edge of his sword,
the violent and sinful Yavana soldiers of Muna (P),
who, having become powerful,
had destioyed the Könkana land,
oppressing gods and Brāhmanas,
and being the protector and friend of the family,
he engiaved his fame on the disk of the moon )

Help from Princes of interior ( especially Yadavas of Sevanadesha )

Anantapāla scems to have received substantial military help from the Yādava king Sēunachandra II An inscription says that by his might the latter rescued Konkana of noble tradition together with gods, Brāhmanas and Māndalikas Ep Ind, Vol XXXVII, p 84

Also Mummuni’s grandfather Aparajita himself was an anti Arab Leader , having forced the Arab feudatories (yes a few districts were ruled by them ) of Rashtrakuta to flee . There must have been strong pro and anti arab factions in Sthanaka