sanjay sharmA killing

Source: TW

Is HINDU HATRED & TOXIC HINDU PHOBIA not REALITY of KASHMIR Valley, India’s only Muslim majority administrative region ? This is Diksha Sharma, daughter of Sanjay Sharma, a Kashmiri Hindu Pandit who was murdered by terrorists in Pulwama yesterday at her father’s funeral.

When I was in (government) school, my teacher saw a temporary tattoo of Hanuman on my arm. He called me aside and angrily asked me as to why was I carrying a picture of “Shaitan” (evil monster) on my arm ? These days he privately imparts religious teaching to Muslim kids.

Before 1990, there were nearly 80,000 families of Kashmiri Hindu Pandits living all over Kashmir Valley. By end of 1990s, less than 800 families were left in Kashmir. 99% of Kashmiri Hindu Pandits were thrown out out Kashmir Valley in just little less than 3 months.

Did entire Kashmir descend upon village where Sanjay Sharmaji was cowardly murdered to protest? NO. Only handful of very close poor Muslim neighbors were there to console devastated wife of Sanjay Sharma, who was a privately hired poor bank ATM guard with meager salary.

What is religious affiliation of “Kashmir Freedom Fighter” (KFF), which claimed responsibility of killing Sanjay Sharma? KFF is part of The Resistance Front, an off shot of Pakistan headquartered Lashkar-e-Taiba. Are they Christian or Buddhist? NO, they are MUSLIM.

Does the world know, how small Hindu community lives in Kashmir? 02 vehicle registration number for cars from Jammu region (considered “Hindu” region) is often hidden or over glued with 01 number (allotted to Kashmir region) by Jammu Hindus living in Kashmir out of fear. Most Hindus (both Kashmirs & Dogri Hindus) living in Kashmir have told me consistently that not only do they hide Jammu car registration number but they also hide statutes of Hindu Gods & Goddesses in their car cabinet, so as not to attract any “unfavorable” attention.

My Kashmiri Hindu friends told me that people living around closely guarded Pandit colony near Srinagar, deliberately threw sacrificed Bakar Eid meat & bones near walls of Pandit colony, so that Hindu residents are forced to smell stench of rotten meat for days.

A Kashmiri Hindu friend of mine, who works in Kashmir as school teacher, told me that his young students would taunt him & ask him: “Tu Hindu hai ? Tu bandar (monkey) ki puja karta hai ? (a reference to Hindu God Hanuman).” Hindu hatred among Kashmiri children is shocking.

Murder plans of killing Kashmiri Hindus, Hindus from Jammu region & Dalit Hindu migrant laborers from UP & Bihar working in Kashmir were all made by Muslim terrorists in Kashmiri Muslim homes. Yes, these terrorists were sheltered by Kashmiri from majority community only.

Kashmiri’s majority community doesn’t realize that it has tarnished legacy of butchering its helpless non-Muslim minority for centuries. What happened in 1990 was part of this shameful legacy. What will it take for them to finally show some empathy ?