Freedom from Hindus

Source: TW

The Kashmiri problem is very simple. Indian muslims believe that once they become a majority in any part of India, they must secede and join the Islamic world. They find it humiliating to be ruled by Hindus, since they were the kingmakers for centuries.

The Kashmiri problem is very simple. Indian muslims believe that once they become a majority in any part of India, they must secede and join the Islamic world. They find it humiliating to be ruled by Hindus, since they were the kingmakers for centuries. Ambedkar pointed this out. In Hyderabad, they were a ultra-rich minority and there they did not want democracy. In Kashmir, where the demographics favour them, they aggressively demand democracy since they benefit from majoritarianism. The issue is civilizational.

Converts usually justify their conversion by claiming that they are “superior” to their former Hindu selves. From then on, it’s a losing battle, as we have found out in Kashmir. No amount of money inducements will work.

What the muslims of Kashmir want is “freedom”. Now you might ask, freedom from whom?The answer is freedom from the Hindu. They behave like white south africans, since they ruled centuries ago, they must regain supremacy over the Hindu or secede. This is the reason for partition. Jinnah wanted disproportionate share of government posts and jobs, and he justified it on the basis of pre-British Islamic dominance. Hindus obviously, were in no mood to become dhimmis once again after the British left. Hence, partition.

It is very important to understand their mindset, especially of the Ashrafs. They believe in dual-supremacy, racial (descended from conquerers) and religious supremacy. Observe Pakistani Punjabis and you see that this type of thinking is very common. Most Hindus do not understand where this self-righteousness comes from. All three semitic religions inculcate this value in their followers. It’s built into the way they think. That is why conversions, planting crosses on hilltops, land grabbing is done.

With the arabization of Islamic society in the subcontinent,and aggressive proselytization by orgs like the Tablighi Jamaat, whose stated aim is to “purify” Indian Islam and rid it of all so called “Hindu” practices, we are staring at a potential catastrophe. Indian muslims are probably more separate today than they were in 1947. You can see it everyday over CAA, NRC , Hijab issue or that muslim judge in Kerala stopping a Hindu dance. Instead of integration, Nehruvians have allowed them to further drift away.

The main issue for us is that we don’t have workable solutions to the problems we ourselves have created. Can we send back 20 million Bangladeshis? Do you think Bangladesh will accept them? What do we do if they refuse? Not allow them to vote? Are we ready for world condemnation?

Another problem for us that the Islamic world is much more powerful than it was in 1947. We saw their interference over the Hijab issue. This is only going to get worse. You will be given two choices, except their anti-democratic demands or there will be separatism. The narrative is also in their control. They make absurd claims like there is going to be a “genocide” of 200 million moslems in India. The reality is the exact opposite. Hindus are defenseless hoping for the state to save them, while they are armed and organized.

“Muslim khatre mein hai” is a very old tactic that has been used by the Sufis since the 11th century. They have invited their Arab/Turkic overlords to “liberate” them every time they got into trouble. This works for them because they have a ‘persecution’ complex. They refuse to live peacefully, and blame Hindus for not being dhimmis at their disposal. This is then used as justification for genocide. This has worked consistently for them for 13 centuries now. Even today, in Pakistan after all Hindu property has been seized and Hindus wiped out, they still believe that the “Indian bania” is conspiring against them. This despite being 99% of the country. Make of that what you will.

Last tweet. If you understand the mindset, then you can start thinking of solutions. We have tried leaving them to their own devices, yet today we are in an even worse situation than in 1947. I don’t know if our Gods will save us since we have collectively lost our spine. Sorry I have to add one more important point. During the partition debates between muslims, there were two groups. The so called “nationalist” muslims like Abdul Kalam Azad were against partition but not for the reason you might think. The Jinnah camp believe to create a Pakistan right now (this is their Medina) and in the future attack Mecca (that would be New Delhi). The Abdul Kalam Azad camp believed in a unified India where muslims would reach 30-35% soon and simply take over the country. Notice their attitude towards Hindus. The fate of Hindus has already been decided. He is to be killed or converted. The only difference in strategy is to create a Pakistan now and attack India later, or have a unified India where demography will ensure their inevitable win.

We Hindus really dodged a bullet with partition. If the Maulana Azad camp had won the argument, today there would be 600 million M’s in a unified India. Our borders would also be with Afghanistan and Central Asia, where no doubt they would invite their brothers to migrate. Maybe our Gods decided to give us one last chance. As you can see, we have done terribly. We have a nuclear armed Mughalistan to our west,and a Bangladesh that has a lebensraum strategy to absorb Assam and West Bengal.

Notice also how eager they are to invite Rohingyas. And also Afghans. They also smartly don’t want Hindus to migrate to India and are anti-CAA. They are facilitating Islamic migration into India and at the same time ensuring that the Hindus in East and West dwindle and become extinct. Quite a successful strategy from this supposedly “poor and persecuted minority”. We Hindus don’t even know what game is being played against us. While we talk about Hindu Rashtra, liberalism, individualism, they are slowly and silently running their agenda 24 x 7. We have to wake up. Looking at a map of India we can see that we are being swallowed slowly but surely by the tide of Islam. And this tide is a demographic one. Short of civil war, the only option we will we be left with is to appease them.