
Source: Pr, an IISc prof, Oct 2023

Today I had a very horrifying experience - I spoke to a student whose family is a direct victim of Kashmir exodus. They lost 100s of acres of land overnight. His house was burnt thinking that the members were inside while they had just managed to escape. They became riches to rags overnight. The story of the girl who was forced to eat rice with her husband’s blood (as shown in the Kashmir files movie) happens to be a relative of his family. He said, what you see in that movie is just 1% of what we have gone through. What militants with women and children can’t even be described in words. Hearing this I am totally shocked. If this can happen in our own times in an independent sovereign country, imagine what could have happened during the historical invasion. This message is not a forwarded one, it is my own student at IISc.

(The land was grabbed, and land records destroyed.)