razAkar atrocities

Rape and naked dances

DC here.

For 89-year-old Challa Chandra Reddy, the memories of August 27, 1948, are vivid. “August 27 is observed as a dark day in Bairanpalli. It was on this day in 1948 that 92 residents of Bairanpalli were slaughtered mercilessly. Women were raped and terrorised. Razakaars went up to the extent of making women play bathukamma naked,” he claimed. (In Navaratri, Batukamma festival is celebrated by Telugus.)

Ramakrishna Kongalla:

My Grand Mother said stories of how Razakars made them dance naked around Bathukamma. She said she was between 12 -15 yrs then. She is no more now. Every One of her generation will say episodes of atrocities by Razakars. They spared women only if she can pee as far as men… Her name was “Veeramma”. She said - When Razakars entered village everybody hid themselves in Cattle “Koshtams”. They beat men till they pissed in their Dhothis. The raped women by Razakars remained like a Widow.


Ramakrishna Kongalla:

Even Today many temples & their “Moola Viraats” (Chief Deities) lie desecrated by Razakars for wealth beneath them. Few villages like mine resecrated them with “Saptahams”. There is beautiful “Eka Shila” Bhairava Murti in my village which was stoned by Razakars whenever they passed by, later became custom because villagers believed he was responsible for all their mishaps. Even I stoned it in my childhood (Even today I regret).