Setback of centuries

Source: TW

Why the Fall of Rome set Europe back 1,000 years (with Bryan Ward-Perkins) - YT

Some parallels might be seen jambudvIpa: the success of the Turk-led jihad set the H back by at least several 100 years. While I haven’t seen an comparable analysis of pottery or tiling, 1 can look at technological proxies.

  • The va~Nga country – One of the most productive provinces at the height of H power (e.g., look at gupta & post gupta inscriptions down to the sena-s) had some distinctive metal work that survived partly in Nepal & chIna. It completely became extinct in core va~Nga & magadha where the pAla-s once held sway.
  • Irrigation works in both north & south collapsed for several centuries. e.g. see MT
  • Loss of metal technologies that were seen 1000 years ago under mahArAja bhoja
  • Kashmir
    • compare the references in the rAjataraMgiNi to the actual evidence for the transport of blocks weighing several tons in (mAhAsamanta “feudalism”) constructions throughout kAshmira. Post-jihad it completely vanishes. I think one could do an objective study of the weight of stone blocks used in kAshmira.
    • Also irrigations works like that of suyya. This was quite different from an intrinsic civilizational collapse.