
Correlation with language

These were all accompanied by fairly massive invasions and gene movement.

  • Take dominance of Turkish in Turkey,
  • of Spanish in South and middle America,
  • of English in North America, Australia and Africa,
  • of Arabic in Egypt and North Africa,
  • of Chinese in Tibet and the Uighur land,
  • Japanese in Hokkaido,
  • Russian in Eastern Siberia
  • Sinhalese in Lanka
  • Indic influence in South East Asia was accompanied by great population movement and domination (~5% of Cambodian ancestry seems to be Indian)


  • “glottochronology while a valid idea lacks the calibration which its relative in biological phylogenetics has: neither good fossils nor a molecular clock has been worked out. "
  • “Problems with Mitanni superstrate. THere is no doubt about the IA nature of the Mitanni superstrate but to read details into it are dangerous. Many are reconstructions of sound values and forms embedded in non-IA languages. Hence, to claim primitiveness based on those e.g. the very form of the cognate of mILha is to be taken with caution. Moreover consider how mILha is pronounced in RV recitation. That itself points to memory of archaism as opposed to how it is rendered in later Skt.”