06 Chapter 1 The AnukramaNIs

Chapter 1

The AnukramaNIs

The AnukramaNIs or Indices of the Rigveda provide us with the most basic information about each of the 1028 hymns of the Rigveda:

a. The RSi or composer of each hymn or verse.

b. The DevatA or deity of each hymn or verse.

c. The Chhanda or metre of each hymn or verse.

For the purpose of our historical analysis of the Rigveda, we will be concerned only with the index which deals with the most undeniably historical aspect of the Rigveda: the index of RSis which provides us with details about the living and breathing historical personalities who composed the hymns.

The Rigveda consists of 10 MaNDala or Books, which contain 1028 sUktas or hymns, consisting of 10552 mantras or verses as follows: