al-jAhiz on hindus

We have already noted that Indians are pre-eminent in astronomy, mathematics (in which they have their own number system) and medicine. They possess extensive medical knowledge and have cures for the most terrible diseases. They create sculptures and paintings with which they adorn alcoves and niches. Chess, the noble game of strategy and cunning, is an Indian invention. Scimitars from Burma are used by them with great skill and dexterity.

They employ spells that are effective against poisons and dolours. They have the most enchanting songs. They have the kankala, an instrument consisting of a single string stretched over a gourd that sounds like a cross between a lute and a harp. They have many different forms of dancing and callisthenics and are particularly skilled in the martial arts. They have a developed sense of justice. They possess magic, incense and medicinal syrups.

They have a script that is capable of transcribing several languages; they have many other alphabets, besides. They have a considerable corpus of poetry and extended epics. They are well-versed in philosophy and literature it is India that gave us the Panchatantra.

They are courageous, judicious and possess unequalled patience. They have beautiful clothes and civilised customs, such as toothpicks, toothbrushes, hairdressing, hair colouring and correct posture. They possess beauty, grace and wit and have a pleasant smell. The beauty of their women is legendary.

It is from India that aloes wood - the incomparable gift of kings – comes. Meditation came originally from there, as did certain spells that render poisons harmless. Modern astronomy originated in India. When Adam fell from paradise, he landed in their land.