Iq profile

Source: TW

To labor one specific point: in theory, given the normal distribution, we should indeed have lots of those even assuming an Indian IQ profile of (means & weights): $.485+.3590+.1595+.1102$ +++(avg = 89.95)+++. So the question boils down to do they exist but don’t get into academia or they don’t exist.

Also see smart-fraction page.

IIRC Lynn&Vanhanen reported the average Ind IQ as 82. Those came from old studies
since which the less hereditary factor negatively impacting IQ have lessened.
Further studies of Indians outside India like britain (unlike USA) having more representative population gives IQ of 90. Hence, I took the conservative 85.

The second 94 value comes from estimates based on tests of Indians outside India, on mensa-like test administered to our class and also pass rates in my days in school leaving certificate.

Of course it is apparent that IQ is differential distributed across castes in Indian population. This has had a profound connection to the socio-genetic stratification of India which the modern feeble-minded liberal-thinking cannot swallow much as their thick heads don’t get AIT.

That said good estimates of mean and sd for IQ of different castes does not exist. Some people like a guy who appears occasionally on twitter had made some estimates. There are potential sources of data for some castes using methods like Griffe du Lion. E.g. what was the caste of H making it to the wrangler list of the mathematical tripos at the time they participated in it; the admission to American university ranked in top 100 during the admission for science/math fields etc..

… Now there is some empirical evidence that V1s, certain V3 jAtis & kAyasthas have been optimized for IQ.

Academic accomplishment

If you went to an elite college in India you will see some of those smart types with IQ in the “Nobel prize” range. But why don’t you see it translate. IMO it boils down to:

  1. Majority of those don’t pursue academic science/mathematics. IMO Academic inclination is much lower among H high IQ classes than Jews even if their IQs are comparable in tests.
  2. H intellectual classes are poorly organized, don’t support/boost each other & don’t exert much influence on funding bodies.
  3. I do think there have been several “Nobel Prize” level H scientists (at least in Med & Phys & some Chem) kind of prizes who simply were ignored.


Source: TW

I don’t know about JEE these days but back in the last century family & acquaintances who were ranked in the 100 were definitely high IQ.

I don’t about deshI CAT test these days. We had an exam called CSIR at the master’s level & another one for aspirants for a biology/biotech stream at the bachelor’s level. They were quite subject subject specific. The American old SAT & old GRE V+Q were sort of IQ tests.