
विस्तारः (द्रष्टुं नोद्यम्)

An interesting post by a Russian volunteer reveals how 🇺🇦listen to radio/cellular comms. It alleges 🇺🇦 hear almost everything and can act on it very effectively:

This post applies primarily to the mobilised and their relatives. There are people who will continue chatting regardless of anything, and there are also reasonable people, who simply have not encountered such things before and do not know how to behave. The post is for them.

The chatter in question falls into two categories: open radio and cellular.


With radio communication, everything is simple. Everything that you say on the Baofeng radio, you can consider being known to the enemy. At the same time, do not flatter yourself, the jargon from thirty years ago is perfectly familiar to them and does not mislead them. Therefore, one should not be surprised if, after a phrase such as “In 10 small ones, expect a box of pencils” [pencils = privates/foot soldiers] or “Moles are working there” (a painful subject) [moles = sabotage groups/reconnaissance], there will be shelling. Moreover, in the second case, the moles can also beat you, and if you’re lucky, then only with their legs. If you’re going to speak openly, then at least assign your own names to objects and landmarks and change them regularly, at least once every two weeks. And do not talk openly about the arrival of superiors, supplies, or cooperating units.


Now about cellular communication. Unfortunately, it is also a valuable source of information for Ukrainian partners. And this applies primarily to the conversations of the military with members of their families. People, for some reason, think that if they don’t talk to other military people, then no one is interested, but this is not so. It’s just that partners usually publish the internal conversations between fighters, and not with families. Maybe they don’t want to draw attention to it. But a lot is said when people are relaxed.

For example: “Farewell, dear, stormtroopers have arrived, tomorrow at 6 am we will advance.” The enemy, knowing the approximate location of the phone is able to take measures to repel the attack. Reverse example: “Honey, we are being taken out to rest the day after tomorrow.” For those who do not know yet, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have a strong habit of attacking before the shift change in order to either take advantage of the tired mood of those departing, or the ignorance of the situation by the new arrivals. Usually at the end of the night and in bad weather, if they have time to prepare and plan everything. And even seemingly neutral: “Sorry, dear, I’m very tired, I walked to the headquarters for twenty kilometers, and the road is broken” can lead to trouble. That will be enough to measure the distance on the map, ask the Americans for satellite images, which will show either equipment or its traces, then send local agents for additional reconnaissance, and you can expect HIMARS. The examples are based on real events, by the way.

The enemy also carefully collects any negative information regarding the supply, salaries and the implementation of social guarantees by our beloved Ministry of Defence. Lack and absence of something, delays in payments, outright cheating, red tape, etc. etc. Moreover, their informational operation centres are not pushing these issues yet, perhaps they are still collecting the primary array of information.

And finally, there is also a thorough collection of data not only of the military personnel but also of members of their families. Why is that, I don’t know for sure, but unlikely to congratulate them on birthdays. Perhaps, scammers will call later. Group phones are of particular interest in this regard. This is when a phone with a SIM card is bought alone for a company or department, and the fighters take turns calling home. So it’s also better not to talk too much, even on personal topics, although the desire to talk about this is natural and understandable.