Ukraine pAkistan comparison

Source: TW

From a H perspective, one sees several convergences & some divergences between TSP & Ukraine.

Even if you subscribe to counterfactual ideas that plague the modern H one cannot deny that the ancient urbanity of the Panjab is the mother of all Indian cities& the root of Indian civilization. Similarly, the Ukr was the mother of the Rus cities & at the heart of their rise. However, it was lost to the core Rus much like sindhu & the pA~nchanada to the H.

However, the dynamics of that was different. The prolonged intra-Slavic struggle between the Polish power center & the Rus is rather divergent from the situation in bhArata. TSP should be correctly seen as the remnant of the marUnmatta Mogol state & residual India, however flawed, weak & damaged, as some kind of fructification of the H resurrection following the triumph of the ghazi-s under Alla-ad-din – a consolidation of the dreams of vijayanagara & the rAShTraka-s inspired by the islands of resistance from medhapATha+++(=??)+++ or of the shalya+++(=??)+++, & probably including within it the objectives of others like raNajita-siMha (not the developments after him) & pR^ithivinArAyaNa.

Where some level of convergence returns is vis-a-vis the mlechCha-s – they will never allow the rise of a visible power center that even minimally challenges them.+++(5)+++ What do we mean by visible? The mlechCha-s have blind spots, the most serious one being that of Galtonism.+++(5)+++ But H & the Rus are v.visible to them. Thus, they will act to obtain rentier states that will give them a toehold to reach the vicinity of the power centers they wish to suppress. Both TSP & Ukr are such states. While the mlechCha-s will offer lip service to the glories of the rentiers, they will not really care about their well-being on the ground. One can see that in what is happening/happened to the commoners in both Ukr & TSP.

The 5-eyes+vassals (5IV) action in TSP brought them blow back in the form of the al Qaeda & the like but they were willing to take that. One may ask what kind of blowback might the action 5IV action bring & how severe it would be. That is a question of interest for which I don’t have the best data & prognosis. However, we can see 2 players:

  1. The upa-soraka-s who currently back the duShTa-vidUShaka.
  2. The hAdi-shUlapuruSha-pakSha;

these are obvious; we could also add:

  1. the gangstas who have grown from vyAdha-piNDaka & #1’s money laundering, +++(niece Caroline Biden’s)+++ card theft etc..

Given duShTa-sora’s grip over piNDaka’s regime & American education/research system one could predict that their action will be primarily among the mahAmlechCha. On the other hand in old continent one could in theory see a reinvigoration of the hAdi-puruSha-mata. However, they will have competitors from marUnmAda. duShTa-sorakas might also concentrate on trying to bring down Hungary. Would we also a rise in Brett Johnson +++(“The Original Internet Godfather”)+++ type crime emanating from the Ukraine now flush with new money from the 5IV & backing from the junta behind piNDaka? Probably yes.