
Source: TW

One of the consequences of our closeness to the Rus in the days of my youth was that a good part of our education was from Rus works (translated to Eng). There we learnt of 1 of the greatest intellectuals the gigantic Lomonosov. He seems to be largely ignored in the occident & even sometimes claimed to be a product of Rus boosterism.

While I’m no scholar of the topic to formally rebut that claim but we find it shaky as we have his exchanges with Euler that are a clear testimony of his remarkable achievements. The Rus imported a lot of Germans & high IQ Jews to build their intellectual tradition
but Lomonosov was a local man of v.humble roots – a literal matsyendra in their midst.

In terms of his cerebral achievements in relatively short life of 53 years he would have matched the ideal expressed in our tradition of true vidvAn.


“While performing an experiment in a heavy thunderstorm, Richmann was killed by ball lightning Lomonosov, who had been simultaneously performing a nearly identical experiment just 3 blocks away, reported “miraculously surviving” thanks to being momentarily distracted by his wife