5 eyes vs Rus


Ukraine invasion 2021

It is rather obvious that SM is almost entirely taken over by pysops & disinfo ops in this war between the Occident+Ukr & the Rus. Hence, any prognostication, even short term seems quite hazy for the lesser mortal. 1 thing is however crystal clear. There were no two ways about this for the Rus.

This is a classic trap the AngloXtian core of the Occident has sprang on many nations over the past 350 years. On most occasions they have executed it by using their resource control& cannon fodder to fight on their behalf. Their 5 eyes distributed network spanning the 2 hemispheres has allowed them regenerate even if 1 of the centers was badly hit – like when their shUlapuruSha cousins led by netA hakAra hammered their kR^ishapuruSha root. Thus, they destroyed & subjugated nation after nation.

One nation that they struck repeatedly was the “khaganate of the Rus”. It took defeats but came back to give them the 1st ever existential scare. Anyone who has studied the A~NglamlechCha core knows they are a v.vindictive people, quite the opposite of the H. We have often wondered if that’s the reason they have been so good at implement realism, while our folks have not, even though its 1st clear teacher was born in our midst. Given this, they were not going to stop with the partial defeat they inflicted on the Khaganate in the Cold War. They had the model of what they had done to their shUlapuruSha cousins via 2 WWs. They had the model of the subjugation of Japan in 1 shot. So Rus was merely unfinished agenda. Hence, it was just a matter of time before the ambush on the Rus was completed.

We’ve to apologize for not making a prognosis because we know too little. However, one thing is relevant to the H from this discussion – the H will face something of this sort too. They have planted the seeds for elite subversion in the form of navyonmAda.