A Partial Bibliography

Julian, *The Works of the Emperor. *

Ammianus Marcellinus, *The History. *

Libanius, Orations: " In Praise of Antioch", " *To Julian *", " Monody on Julian", " Epitaph on Julian", " On Avenging Julian", et cetera.

Gregory Nazianzen, " Oration Against Julian".

Sozomen, *Ecclesiastical History. *

Socrates, *Ecclesiastical History. *

Theodoret, *A History of the Church. *

Eunapius, *Lives of the Philosophers. *

Pausanias, *Description of Greece. *

Edward Gibbon, *The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. *

Jacob Burckhardt, *The Age of Constantine the Great. *

R. A. Pack, *Studies in Libanius and Antiochene Society under Theodosius. *

T. R. Glover, *Life and Letters in the Fourth Century. *

J. Bidez, *La Vie de l’Empereur Julien. *

J. B. Bury, *History of the Later Roman Empire. *

Franz Cumont, *The Mysteries of Mithra. *

Norman Baynes, " The Early Life of Julian the Apostate", Journal of Hellenic Studies, Vol. XLV, pages 251-254.

G. E. Mylonas, *Eleusis and the Eleusinian Mysteries. *

M. J. Vermaseren, *Mithras: The Secret God. *

Glanville Downey, *Ancient Antioch. *

Glanville Downey, *Antioch in the Age of Theodosius the Great. *

Stebelton H. Nulle, " Julian Redivivus", The Centennial Review, Vol. V, No. 3, summer.