wages, 111, 112, 632, 642-643

Walden Pond, 609

Wales, 36, 73, 475, 477

Wall Street, 340

war, 24, 80, 81, 83, 85, 86, 90, 91, 96, 193, 198, 232, 233, 242, 253, 255, 261, 301, 310, 330, 336-337, 387, 424, 478, 602, 622, 632, 636, 641, 650, 665, 666, 667

War of the Mercenaries, 46

Wars of the Jews, The (Josephus), 546

Washington, D. C, 356

water clock, see clepsydra

watering places, 133, 324, 377, 456, 477, 664

water supply, of Rome, 220, 281, 326-328, 343;

in Italian cities, 461;

in Syria, 511, 512;

in Smyrna, 515

Watt, James, Scottish inventor (1736-1819), 504

Watteau, Jean Antoine, French painter (1684-1721), 351

wealth, 88-89, 90, 91, 95, 108, 118, 128, 130-134, 212, 221, 337, 339, 391, 399, 448, 483, 510-512, 514, 631-633, 657, 667

weapons, 33, 77, 106-107, 322, 328*

weddings, 223, 379

weights, 78

West, the, 154, 188, 203, 208, 234, 251, 283, 329, 331, 366, 389, 392, 406, 420, 463, 473, 475, 481, 512, 529, 603, 605, 612, 616-617, 629, 640, 644, 654, 657, 661, 665, 666, 669, 670, 671

Westminster Hall, 635

Wieland, Christopher Martin, German poet and novelist (1733-1813), 553

Winchester (anc. Venta Belgarum), 477

Winckelmann, Johann Joachim, German archeologist and art historian (1717-1768), 349

Wisdom of Solomon, Book of the, 540, 541, 589

Wissowa, George, German classical philologist (1859-1931), 504*

witchcraft, 526, 559

Wodin (Odin), 479

Wolfenbiittel Fragments (Reimarus), 553

Wolf of the Capitol, 82

woman, in Etruria, 7, 18;

in Carthage, 41;

in early Rome, 18, 57-58, 89-90, 99;

in the later Republic, 134-135;

under the Principate, 222-224, 300-301, 313, 368, 369-373, 378, 395-396, 399-400, 438, 485, 505, 596-597;

under the monarchy, 634, 636;

in Germany, 478-479;

in Parthia, 529;

Paul and Christianity on, 590, 596-597, 601

Wordsworth, William, English poet (1770-1850), 147

works, good, 589, 663

wrestling, in Etruria, 7;

in Rome, 382

writing materials, 73