rabbis, 537-539, 545, 547-548, 564

Rabelais, Francois, French writer (1490?-1553), 69, 100

Rabirius, architect (fl. 1st century), 345

Racine, Jean Baptiste, French dramatist, (1639-1699), 302, 412

Raetia, 217-218, 429, 480

Ram, 298

Raphia (Rafa), 508, 530

Ravenna, 11, 78, 325, 326, 410, 455

readings, 234, 296

real estate, see property

realism (art), 339, 349, 350, 351, 353, 361, 412, 442-443, 459-460, 634-635, 671

Reate (Rieti), 102, 286, 288

Red Sea (anc. Sinus Arabicus), 325, 413, 499, 507, 508, 516, 529

Reformation, 592

Refutation of All Heresies (Hippolytus), 618

Regulus, Marcus Atilius, general (?-ca. 250 B.C.), 44-45, 183

Regulus (in Pliny), 438

Reid, James Smith, English classical scholar (1846-1926), 665

Reimarus, Hermann Samuel, German scholar (1694-1768), 553

reincarnation, 242, 390, 497, 525, 526, 609

reliefs, 229, 338, 347-349, 361, 412, 427, 442-443, 453, 455, 474, 601, 635, 662

religion, in Etruria, 7-8, 18;

in Carthage, 41-42;

in Germany, 479;

before the Principate, 13, 18, 30, 31, 56, 58-67, 72, 93-97, 102, 104, 108, 157, 163-165, 193, 214;

under the Principate, 222, 225-227, 238-239, 248, 251, 256-257, 259, 266, 269, 291-292, 299, 335, 354, 365-366, 371, 372, 388-390, 426, 429, 443, 449, 486, 488, 497, 512, 515, 522-527, 535-542, 550-619;

under the monarchy, 625, 628, 639, 640, 646-664, 667-668;

Judaism, 535-542;

Christianity, 550-619, 646-664, 667-668;

Lucretius on, 147-154;

Varro on, 159-160;

Cicero on, 161, 164-165;

Caesar and, 193;

in Virgil, 242-243;

in Horace, 248-250;

in Livy, 251, 256-257;

Nero’s, 276;

Domitian’s, 292;

Hadrian’s, 415;

Antoninus Pius’, 423;

Marcus Aurelius’, 425-426, 444;

Tacitus’, 435-436;

in The Golden Ass, 467-468;

Plutarch’s, 484-485;

Demonax on, 489;

Epictetus’, 492-494;

Philo’s 501-502;

Dion Chrysostomus on, 522

Rembrandt van Rijn (Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn), Dutch painter (1606-1669), 355

Remedia Amoris (Ovid), 255

Remi, 471*

Remus, twin of Romulus (8th century B.C.), 12, 82, 241

Renaissance, 4, 95, 243, 258, 307, 352, 353, 356, 406, 505, 661, 672

Renan, Ernest, French Orientalist and critic (1823-1892), 425, 554, 556

Republic, the Roman, 15-208, 213, 214, 242, 251, 260, 261, 264, 286, 330, 335, 352, 373, 374, 379, Chap. XVIII, passim, 436, 442, 462, 469

Republic (Cicero), see Republica, De

Republic (Plato), 608

Republic, Plato’s, 427

Republica, De (Cicero), 163*, 165

republicanism, of Cato the Younger, 135, 136

Rerum Natura, De (Lucretius), 148-154, 239

Re Rustica, De (Cato the Elder), 103-104

Re Rustica, De (Columella), 319

Re Rustica, De (Varro), see Country Life, On

Resemblances, 243

Responsa (Papinian), 634

Resting Mercury, 459

resurrection, 94, 523-526, 573-574, 575, 585, 592, 595, 601, 604*, 605, 607

Revelation of St. John the Divine, The, 592-595, 616

revolution, 108, 111-208, 391, 604*, 631, 666

Rhea Silvia, mother of Romulus and Remus (8th century B.C.), 12

Rhegium (Reggio), 35, 44, 231, 377, 455

Rheims (anc. Durocortorum), 324, 471*

rhetoric, 29, 95, 103, 141, 160-162, 167, 168, 169, 236, 244, 250, 251, 258, 287, 295-206, 301, 313, 317, 324, 367-368, 423, 425, 434, 436, 437, 438, 441, 465, 467, 470, 486-490, 510, 512, 514, 515, 521-522, 612, 661

Rhine (anc. Rhenus), 6, 118, 174-176, 178, 179, 194, 217-218, 291, 417, 431, 441, 470, 474, 475, 478, 479, 480, 523, 627, 628, 631*, 639, 653

Rhineland, 479, 480

Rhodes, 86, 96, 97, 105, 133, 139, 141, 168, 187, 203, 231, 259, 329, 368, 388, 418, 462, 490, 512, 514, 516, 534, 588*, 630

Rhone (anc. Rhodanus), 6, 470, 474

Richardson, Samuel, English novelist (1689-1760, 637

Rimini, see Ariminum

Rio Tinto, see Minas de Rio Tinto

ritual, 64, 65, 67, 94, 147-148, 149, 226, 242, 354, 388, 389, 425, 523-525, 527, 536, 548, 575, 578-579, 582, 595, 599, 602, 618-619, 626, 656

roads, 77-78, 116, 193, 219, 291, 324, 326-327, 340-341, 343, 410, 411, 417, 453, 464, 465, 466, 469, 473, 477, 480, 499, 512, 579, 602, 627, 632, 671

Robertson, John Mackinnon, British journalist and scholar (1856-1933), 554

Roland de la Platière, Marie Jeanne, French Girondist (1754-1793), 484

Roma, 381, 388, 389

Roman Catholics, 66

Romance languages, 73, 671

Romanesque architecture, 421

Roman Games, 381

Romans, The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the, 554, 587*

Romanticism, 249, 258

Rome, founding of, 11-13;

city of, in 2nd and 3rd centuries B.C., 81-82, 92-93;

under Augustus, 219-220;

burning and rebuilding, 280-281;

fire and plague, 289;

Flavian Rome, 338-362;

under Hadrian, 420-421

Rome, Council of, 618

Rome, History of (Dion Cassius Cocceianus), 636

Romeo, 255

Romulus, first King of Rome (8th century B.C.), 12, 13, 15*, 18, 21, 82, 120, 136, 145, 233, 241, 359, 636

Romulus, House of, 4, 359

Romulus Augustulus (Flavius Momyllus Romulus Augustus), Roman emperor in the West (?-476), 670

Roscius Gallus, Quintus, comedian (?-62 B.C.), 160, 378

Rostovtzeff, Michael, American historian (b. 1870), 642

rostrum, 340

rotation of crops, 76, 320

Rothschild, Meyer Anselm, Jewish banker (1743-1812), 131

Rouen (anc. Rotomagus), 324

Rousseau, Jean Jacques, French philosopher (1712-1778), 152, 367, 440

Rubens, Peter Paul, Flemish painter (1577-1640), 354

Rubicon (Fiumicino), 48, 81, 163, 182, 654

Rufus, Caesetius, proscribed by Antony (?-43 B.C.), 202

Rufus, Corellius, friend of Pliny the Younger (?-96?), 311

Rufus, Musonius, Stoic philosopher (fl. 1st century), 282, 300-301, 400, 521

Rufus, Virginius, governor and guardian of Pliny the Younger (14-97), 439

Rufus of Ephesus, Greek physician (fl. 98-117)’505

Ruins of Empire (Volney), 553

Rumania, 410, 480

Rumanian, 73

Russia, 112, 218, 326, 448, 478, 520, 528, 669

Rusticus, Quintus Junius, Stoic philosopher (fl. 2nd century), 425

Rutuli, 15, 240