Ma, 147, 523

Maccabee, Judas, Jewish patriot (fl. 167 B.C.), 542

Maccabee, Simon, King of Judea (fl. 142 B.C.), 530

Maccabees, see Hasmoneans

Macedon or Macedonia, 51, 52, 85-87, 88, 90, 91, 94, 96, 136, 200, 203, 212, 216, 482, 483, 519, 583, 585, 623, 630, 633

Macedonian Wars, 85-87, 482

Macellum, 342

machinery, 323, 356

Macrina, Caelia, millionaire (2nd century), 411

Macrinus (Marcus Opellius Severus Macrinus), Roman emperor (164?-218), 529, 623-624

Madaura (Medaura), 466, 467

Madeira, 40, 308

Madonna della Febbre, La (Our Lady of the Fever), 75

Maeander (Menderez), 514

Maecenas, Caius Cilnius, statesman and patron (?-8 B.C..), 212, 215, 219, 224, 225, 234, 237, 239, 244, 246, 250, 253, 280, 454

Maelius, Spurius, politician (?-439 B.C..), 23

Maesa, Julia, sister of Julia Domna (?-222), 623-626

Maggiore, Lago (anc. Lacus Verbanus), 4, 454

Magi, 525, 526, 529, 559, 606, 608

magic, 60, 64, 75, 94, 308, 311-312, 388, 415, 419, 466-467, 485, 507, 512, 525-526, 537-538, 559, 656

Magna Mater (Great Mother), 94, 147, 381, 390, 523, 595, 672; see also Cybele

Magnesia (Manissa), battle in 190 B.C.., 55, 86, 208, 514

Magnificat, 558

Mago, Carthaginian general, brother of Hannibal (fl. end of 3rd century B.C..), 47

Mago, Carthaginian writer in agriculture, 40, 42, 464

Maia, 60, 67

maiestate, lex lulia de, 262, 264, 269, 279, 416, 591

Maimonides, Spanish Jewish rabbi and philosopher (1135-1204), 548

Mainz (anc. Magontiacum), 291, 324, 627, 633

Maison Carrée, 357, 473

Malaga (anc. Malaca), 469, 470

malaria, 193, 311, 312, 326*, 631, 666

Malchus, Tyrian dyeing firm, 331

Mallonia, critic of Tiberius, and suicide (1st century), 371

Mallus, 95

Malta, 40, 587

Mamaea, Julia, daughter of Julia Maesa and mother of Alexander Severus (?-235), 623-627

Mamertines, 43-44

Mammon, 340, 597

Manes, 59

Man, Isle of (anc. Monapia or Monarina), 476, 477

Manchester (anc. Mancumium), 477

Mani of Ctesiphon, Persian mystic (215-273), 605-606

Mania, 7

Manicheism, 606

manifest destiny, 43

Manilian Law, 140

Manilius, senator (fl. 2nd century B.C.), 103

Manilius, Caius, Roman tribune (fl. 66 B.C.), 140

Manlii, Roman clan, 21

Manlius, Lucius, conspirator (fl. 1st century B.C.), 144, 157

Manlius, Marcus, general (?-384 B.C.), 23

manners, 70-72, 90, 101, 102, 108, 134-135, 234-235, 286, 310, 316, 335

mansio, 324

mansions, 88, 92, 132, 133, 160, 162, 190, 195, 202, 213, 223, 245*, 290, 297, 326, 327, 328, 339, 340, 343-345, 351, 355, 362, 373-374, 421, 453, 456, 508, 635

Mantua, 3, 8, 11, 235, 454

Mantus, 7

manumission, see emancipation

manuscripts, 280, 662

maps, 220, 308

Marathon, battle in 490 B.C., 208, 442, 641

Marcellinus, Roman Pope (reigned 296-304), 652

Marcellus, Marcus Claudius, consul and conqueror of Syracuse (268?-208 B.C.), 50, 52, 82, 92

Marcellus, Marcus Claudius, son-in-law of Augustus (43-23 B.C.), 219, 230, 239, 357

Marcellus, Marcus Claudius, consul (?-46 B.C.), 181, 195

Marcellus, Varius, father of Elagabalus (fl. 2nd century), 623

Marcellus, For (Cicero), 195

Marceotis, Lake, 525

Marcia, wife of Cato, the Younger and Hortensius (fl. 1st century B.C.), 136

Marcia, daughter of Cremutius Cordus (1st century), 301

Marcia, Christian mistress of Commodus (2nd century), 447-448

Marcian Aqueduct, 220, 340

Marcion, Gnostic of Sinope (fl. 2nd century), 604-605, 616

Marcomanni, 346, 429, 431, 432, 606, 627, 629

Marcomannic Wars, 428-432, 443, 505

Marcus, Gallic Gnostic (fl. 2nd century), 604

Mariaba, 508

Mariamne, wife of Herod the Great (fl. end of 1st century B.C.), 534

Marinus of Alexandria, famous surgeon (fl. 1st and 2nd centuries), 505

Maritime Alps, 474

Marius, Caius, general and consul (157-86 B.C.), 3, 26, 27, 116, 118-120, 122-126, 128, 144, 146, 160, 167, 169, 391, 453

Marius, Caius, consul, son of preceding (109?-82 B.C.), 125

Mark, St., evangelist (fl. 1st century), 553, 555-574, 576

Mark, The Gospel of St., 555-574, 576

markets, 78, 342

Marquardt, Joachim, German antiquarian (1812-1882), 364

marriage, in Etruria, 7;

under the Republic, 57, 67, 68-69, 132, 134, 204;

under the Principate, 222-224, 262, 266, 301, 363-364, 369-371, 396, 397, 438, 441, 443, 599, 605;

under the monarchy, 656, 666;

ancient concept of, 240, 369-370;

St. Paul and the Church on, 590, 598, 600, 647

Mars, 12, 59, 61, 63, 65, 66-67, 82, 193, 211, 346, 353, 388, 479; Ultor (the Avenger), 358

Mars (planet), 309

Mars Ultor, Temple of, 358, 383

Marseilles (anc. Massalia), 43, 49, 119, 180, 184, 231, 313, 326, 470, 474, 504, 654

Marsians, 270

Marsyas, 298

Martial (Marcus Valerius Martialis), Latin epigrammatist (40?-102?), 158, 234, 289, 290, 291, 295, 296, 312, 315-318, 319, 341, 342, 366, 369, 370, 371, 381, 385, 389, 398, 403, 408, 437, 441

Mary, mother of Christ, 527, 558-559, 560, 572

Mary, aunt of Christ, 572-573

Mary Magdalene, cured by Christ (1st century), 563, 572-573, 577

Masada, 544

Masinissa, King of Numidia (238-148 B.C.), 53, 105-106, 107, 118, 166, 464

Mass, Catholic, 578-579, 595, 599, 602, 603

Massalia, see Marseilles

Materia Medica (Dioscorides), 505

Mater Matuta, Temple of

materialism, in Lucretius, 146-154;

in Seneca, 304

mathematics, 414, 488, 503-504, 507

Mathematiké Syntaxis (Ptolemy), 502-503

Matho,.Libyan rebel leader (fl. 241-237 B.C.), 46

Matius, citizen and friend of Caesar (fl. 1st century B.C.), 191, 195

Matthas, Dutch biblical scholar, 554

Matthew, St., evangelist and apostle, 553, 555-574

Matthew, The Gospel of St., 555-574, 613

Mauretania (Morocco), 268, 413, 417, 466

Mauretania Caesariensis, 466

Mauretania Tingitana, 466

Mauri, see Moors

Mausoleum of Hadrian (Castel Sant’ Angelo), 4, 422

Maxentius (Marcus Aurelius Valerius Maxentius), Roman emperor (reigned 306-312), 653-654, 656, 661

Maximian (Marcus Aurelius Valerius Maxi-mianus Herculius), Roman emperor (240?-310), 635, 640, 644, 651, 653-654, 663

Maximilla, Montanist heretic (2nd century), 605

Maximinus (Caius Julius Verus Maximinus “Thrax”), Roman emperor (i72?-238), 627-628

Maximinus Daza, Roman emperor (reigned 308-314), 653-654

Maximus Tyrius, Greek philosopher (fl. 2nd century), 426

Maximus and Vibo, banking firm, 332

measures, 78

Mechanica (Hero), 504

Medea, 256, 353, 385

Medea (painting), 354

Medea (Ovid), 255

Medea (Seneca), 307

Media, 413

Medicamina Faciei Feminineae, De (Ovid), 255

Medici, Lorenzo de’, Florentine poet, patron, and scholar (1448-1492), 131

Medicina, De (Celsus), 313

medicine, in Etruria, 6;

under Rome, 75-76, 104, 135, 227, 308, 310, 311-313, 324, 368, 414, 465, 467, 488, 504-507, 510, 512, 514, 515, 516, 517, 661, 671

Mediolanum, see Milan

Meditations (Marcus Aurelius), 425-426, 430, 431, 442, 443-446, 449

Mediterranean, 3, 6, 18, 25, 29, 34, 38, 39, 40, 43, 54, 76, 78, 80, 81, 85, 105, 107, 112, 139, 169, 170, 177, 187, 188, 212, 218, 221, 241, 251, 266, 310, 320, 324, 325, 328, 337, 339, 355, 367, 419, 453, 462, 464, 465, 466, 468, 469, 470, 474, 484, 498, 499, 500, 508, 512, 513, 518, 523-524, 527, 535-536, 545, 547, 596, 602, 670

mediums of exchange;

in Etruria, 6, 17;

in Carthage, 40, 46;

under Rome, 17, 78-79, 184, 192, 205, 218, 287*, 330-332, 336, 448, 632, 641, 643, 668

Megalesia (Feast of the Great Goddess), 94

Megara, 239, 300, 487

Meir, Jewish rabbi (fl. 2nd century), 547

Mela, Lucius Annaeus, father of Lucan and brother of Seneca (?-65), 282

Mela, Pomponius, geographer (fl. 1st century), 308

Meleager, Greek epigrammatist (fl. 1st century B.C.), 509-510

Melkart, 42, 45, 465

Memmius, Caius, statesman (?-100 B.C.), 120

Memmius, Caius Gemellus, politician and man of letters (fl. first century B.C.), 148, 155, 157

memoirs, 123, 159, 275

Memoirs (Agrippina the Younger), 275

Memoirs (Sulla), 123

Memphis, 498

Menaechmi (Plautus), 100

Menander, Greek comic dramatist (342-291 B.C.), 99, 100, 102, 513

Menippus, Syrian Cynic philosopher (fl. 60 B.C.), 297, 509

Menippus (in Lucian), 495, 497

Mephitis, 75

mercenaries, 43, 46, 48, 53, 106, 207, 429, 517, 624, 669, 670

Mercury, 62, 63, 93, 342, 387, 473, 479, 601

Mesopotamia, 342, 349, 413, 414, 428, 528, 530, 548, 608, 622, 627, 629, 630, 641

Messala, Marcus Valerius, consul (fl. 1st century B.C.), 129

Messala, Marcus Valerius Corvinus, general and patron (fl. 1st century B.C.), 221, 233-234, 252-253

Messalina, Valeria, wife of Claudius (?-48), 272-273, 302

Messana (Messina), 44, 464

Messene, 329, 413

Messiah, 226, 243, 538, 540-542, 548, 554, 558*, 559, 560, 564-57o, 577, 581, 582, 585, 588-589, 591, 593, 595, 603, 604, 605

metallurgy, 77, 322-323, 328, 469, 479

Metamorphose on Libri XI (Apuleius), see Golden Ass

Metamorphoses (Ovid), 256, 257, 258

metaphysics, 95, 147, 154, 164, 196, 300, 304, 591, 613

Metapontum, 35, 51

Metaurus (Metauro) River (battle of, 207 B.C.), 53

Metellus, Lucius Caecilius, politician (fl. 1st century B.C.), 183

Metellus Celer, Caius Caecilius, husband of Clodia (fl. 1st century B.C.), 135

Metellus Macedonicus, Quintus Caecilius, general (fl. 1st century B.C.), 134

Metellus Numidicus, Quintus Caecilius (fl. 109-99 B.C.), 119

Metellus Pius, Caecilius (?-63 B.C.), general, 137

Metellus Pius Scipio, Quintus Caecilius, general (? -46 B.C.), 186, 189, 194

meteorology, 308

Metrodora, Alexandrian woman physician (fl. 1st century), 505

Metrodorus, Greek Epicurean philosopher (? -277 B.C.), 133

Metronax, philosopher (fl. 1st century), 303

Metropolitan Museum of Art, 347, 351

Mexico, 469, 600*

Michael, Archangel, 593

Michelangelo (Buonarroti), Italian artist (1475-15 64), 4, 356, 443, 635

Middle Ages, 178, 243, 249*, 258, 307, 308, 310, 311, 312, 313, 503, 507, 592, 633, 644, 661, 672

mid wives, 312

migrations, Celtic, 118; into towns, 190

Milan (anc. Mediolanum), 236, 454, 629, 635, 640, 644, 653, 654

Milan, Edict of, 654, 657, 658

Miles Glorio sus (Plautus), 100

Milesian Tales, 297, 514, 636

Miletus, 168, 312, 329, 513-514, 546

military science, 327-328

millefiori, 347

Mill, John Stuart, English philosopher (1806-1873), 609

Millenarium Aureum, 340-341

millennium, see Kingdom of Heaven

Milo, Pyrrhus’ general, 38

Milo Papinianus, Titus Annius, politician (?-48 B.C.), 169, 173, 180, 184, 188, 189

Milton, John, English poet (1608-1674), 243, 671

mimes, 378, 389, 430

Minas de Rio Tinto, 469

Mincio (anc. Mincius), 235

Minerva, 61, 81, 83, 311, 358; Pallas Minerva, 61; see also Pallas Athene

Minerva, Temple of, 74

Minervina, first wife of Constantine I (fl. 4th century), 663

mining, Etruscan, 6;

Carthaginian (in Spain), 40, 47, 469;

Roman (in Spain), 54, 346, 469;

Roman, 77, 80, 131, 218, 310, 320, 322, 330, 336, 448, 455, 477, 483, 513, 632, 665

Minos, 284

Minotaur, 354

Minturnae, 113, 322

Minucius, Quintus, proconsul (fl. 2nd century B.C.), 87

Minucius Felix, Latin Christian writer (fl. 2nd century), 611, 612

Minucius Rufus, Marcus, dictator (fl. 216 B.C.), 50

miracles, 60, 75, 93, 435, 442, 466, 512, 525-526, 553, 556, 557, 559, 562-563, 576, 580, 585, 607

Miranda (anc. Continum Lusitanorum), 427*

Misenum (Miseno), 132, 265, 325, 326, 457

Mithraism, see Zoroastrianism

Mithras, 280, 390, 524, 529, 540, 553, 598, 600*, 606, 639, 654; see also Zoroastrianism

Mithridates I, King of Pontus (fl. ca. 302, B.C.), 517

Mithridates VI the Great, King of Pontus (132?-63 B.C.), 122-125, 132, 140, 188, 347, 482, 507, 517-519, 528

Mithridatic Wars, 122-125, 132, 140, 188, 516-519

Mnester, dancer (fl. 1st century), 272

Moab, 530

Modalists, 605

Modena, see Mutina

Modernism, 554

Moesia, 218, 291, 480, 653, 670

Moguntiacum (Mayence), 480

Moliere (Jean Baptiste Poquelin), French dramatist (1622-1673), 100

Mommsen, (Christian Matthias) Theodor, German historian (1817-1903), 48, 88, 175, 178, 265, 432, 475

Monarchians, 605

monarchy, in Etruria, 6;

in Rome, 13-16, 34, 139, 190, 193-197, 198, 208, 670;

Cicero on, 165;

the Principate, 209-549;

the later monarchy, 621-670

monasticism, 595, 657, 668

Mondragone, Villa, 454*

money-changers, 533, 570

moneylending, 79, 88, 103, 129-130, 131, 140, 169-170, 192, 196, 219, 246, 302, 303, 331-332, 336, 482, 500, 539, 627, 657

Monophysites, 605

monopolies, 80, 642

monotheism, 365-366, 390, 502, 507, 578, 582, 612, 639, 656

Monothelites, 605

Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de, French philosopher and essayist (1533-1592), 304, 307, 440, 466, 484

Montanism, 613

Montanus, Phrygian heretic (fl. ca. 156), 605

months of the Roman year, 66-67; Quinctilis renamed Julius, 193

Montignac, 470-471

Moors, (anc. Mauri), 387, 417, 431

Moralia (Plutarch), 483, 485-486

morals, in Etruria, 7;

in Carthage, 41; in

Capua, 52;

in Germany, 479;

in Corinth, 487;

under the Republic, 54, 57, 58, 67-69, 71, 72, 84, 89, 90, 92, 95, 97, 102, 104, 108, 112, 132-133, 134, 146, 155, 159, 160, 164, 205, 211;

under the Principate and monarchy, 221-225, 232, 235, 239, 247-248, 251, 253-257, 260, 274, 276, 286, 293, 296-299, 300-301, 305, 307, 308, 315, 316, 363-366, 368, 369-371, 373, 443, 456, 500, 522, 593, 598-599, 602, 626-627, 628, 646, 656, 665-667;

Caesar’s, 167-169;

Clodius’, 172-173;

Antony’s, 199-200, 204-206;

Julia’s, 230-232;

Horace on, 247-250;

Livy on, 251;

Tiberius’, 263;

Caligula’s, 266-267;

Claudius’, Messalina’s, and Agrippina’s, 272-273;

Nero’s, 276-277, 279;

Galba’s, 284;

Vespasian’s, 288;

Titus’, 288, 289;

Domitian’s, 290;

Juvenal on, 438-439;

Marcus Aurelius’, 444-446;

Commodus’, 446;

Herod’s, 532;

Christ’s moral ideas, 566-567;

Elagabalus’, 624-625;

Alexander Severus’, 625-627

Morgantia, 121

Mortibus Persecutorum, De (Lactantius), 662

mosaic, 343, 345, 442, 459, 477, 601, 635

Mosaic Code, 537, 538, 542, 567, 585

Moses, 536, 567, 574, 576, 582, 586

Moslems, 507

Mosul, 529

mother, the, in the Republic, 58, 59

Mt. Alban, 11

Mt. Moriah, 533

Mount of Olives, 570

Mucianus, Licinius, general and historian (fl. 1st century), 310

Mulvian Bridge, 654, 662

Mummius Achaicus, Lucius, general (fl. 2nd century B.C.), 87, 297

Munda, battle in 45 B.C., 190, 470

murals, see painting

Muratori, Ludovico Antonio, Italian archaeologist (1672-1750), 616

Murena, Lucius Licinius, propraetor in Asia (fl. 83-81 B.C.), 519

murrhine glass, 347, 374

Musa, Antonius, physician (fl. end of 1st century B.C.), 227, 313

Musa Paidiké (Strabo of Sardis), 509*

Muses, 150, 247, 510, 609

Museum (Alexandria), 500

music, in Etruria, 7, 11, 18;

under Rome, 18, 69, 74, 82, 83, 90, 99, 133, 135, 159, 204, 226, 277-279, 282-283, 291, 302, 314, 335, 354-355, 367, 376, 377, 379-381, 384, 414, 421, 430, 440, 456, 487, 500, 511, 512, 523, 532, 599, 624, 625, 635;

Christian, 601-602

Musica, De (Varro), 379

Mutina, (Modena, q.v.), 11, 78, 87, 201, 322, 455

Mycale, 514

Myos Hormos, 499

Myrlea, 520

Myron, Greek sculptor (fl. ca. 450 B.C.), 338, 358

Myrtale, 247

Mysia, 513, 605

mysteries, see Eleusinian mysteries, Orphic doctrine, Pythagoreanism

Mysteries, Temple of the, 431

mysticism, 468, 501-502, 514, 522, 524-525, 537, 547, 549, 553, 582, 589, 594-595, 604-611, 614-615, 633, 667; see also pantheism

mythology, 75, 84, 94, 165, 241, 248, 251, 256, 316, 317, 353, 367, 522-525, 604

Mytilene, 186, 516