labarum, 654

Labeo, Antistius, jurist (?-42 B.C. .), 203, 391-392

Labienius, Quintus, general (?-39 B.C..), 205

Labienus, Titus, politician and soldier (?-45 B.C..), 182, 186, 189, 205

Lactantius Firmianus, Lucius Caelius, father of the Latin church, in Africa (260?-325?), 578, 643, 651, 654, 662

Lady of Elche, The, 469

Laelius Sapiens, Caius (ca. 186-? B.C..), 96-97, 101, 102, 107, 114

Laenas, Caius Popilius, consul and ambassador (fl. 172-168 B.C..), 107

Laetus, Praetorian prefect (fl. reign of Commodus), 448

Lais (Greek Anthology), 510

Lake Garda, see Garda, Lago di

Lake Regillus, Battle of (496 B.C..), …

Lalage, 247

Lambaesis (Lambèse), 466

Lamia, Lucius Aelius, consul and patron (fl. 1st century B.C.. and 1st century A.D.), 233

Lampridius, Aelius, Latin historian (fl. early 4th century), 624, 634

land distribution, in Greece, 86;

in Rome, 47, 87, 113-117, 119, 120, 121, 126, 128, 136, 171, 174, 184, 192-193, 213, 218, 287, 319, 336, 407, 465, 627, 631*

landownership, 57, 76-77, 90, 111-118, 192, 213, 219, 319-320, 333, 336, 483, 631, 644, 657

landscape, see painting

language, Etruscan, 5, 17;

Celtic, 36;

Carthaginian, 41;

Latin, 17, 38, 72-73

Lanuvium (Civita Lavinia), 35, 371, 423

Laocoon, 345

Laodicea (Latakia), 512, 513, 516

lararium, 343

Lares, 7, 58, 69, 226

lares compitales, 81

Larissa, 186

Larius, Lacus, see

Lake Como Lasa (or Mean), Etruscan goddess, 7

Last Supper, 555

La Tène iron culture, 471, 472

Lateran Museum, 350

latifundia, 77, 104, 105, 107, 111-114, 118, 130, 190, 297, 319, 336, 411, 464, 465, 473, 498, 631, 668

Latin, 72-74, 97, 98, 101, 102, 103-104, 156, 158-162, 164, 166, 167, 177, 233, 258, 259, 295, 304, 312, 313, 319, 365, 393, 410, 415, 441, 442, 443, 455, 469, 474, 476, 477, 507, 514, 517, 572, 612, 619, 630, 661, 671

Latina, Via, 77

Latin Language, On the (Varro), 159

Latin League, 35, 37, 38

Latins, 5, 11, 21, 35, 36, 39, 241

Latinus, 240-241

Latium, 11, 12, 14, 18, 21, 35, 37, 43, 51, 61, 200, 240-241, 344, 437, 453, 666

laurel, 83, 191

Laurentum, 344, 440

Laureolus, robber, crucified (1st century), 385

Lavinia, 12, 241

Law, see Torah

law, under the Republic, 22-33, 57, 67, 70, 71, 72, 73, 79, 83, 89, 99, 104-105, 113-118, 126, 133, 138, 139-140, 144, 171-173, 174, 176, 179, 182, 189, 191-194, 198;

Cicero on, 165-166;

under the Principate, 213-217, 219, 221-225, 230-231, 250, 261, 262, 264, 269, 270-271, 293, 312, 323, 324, 331-332, 335, 338, 340, 341, 364, 369, 391-406, 416, 418, 420, 424, 427-428, 443, 448, 465, 473, 474, 477, 481, 488, 510, 619, 646;

under the monarchy, 633-634, 642-652, 656-657, 661;

of Rome, 670

law, practice of, 141, 160, 316, 317, 466, (Ovid’s) 254, (Seneca’s) 301, 401-403, (Juvenal’s) 437, (Pliny’s) 439-441, (Apuleius’) 467-468, (Lucian’s) 495, (Tertullian’s) 612, (L. Septimius Severus’) 621

Law of the Nations, see ius gentium

Laws (Cicero), see Legibus, De

lays, 73

Lebanon (Libanus), 329

Lebanon (anc. Libanus) Mountains, 511

lectures, 135, 443, 465, 483-485, 488-490, 495, 505, 511, 514, 521-522, 635

legates, 216

legend, in Livy, 251, 256, 308

Legibus, De (Cicero), 141, 163*

Leicester (anc. Ratae Coritanorum), 477

Leiden (anc. Lugdunum Batavorum), 324

leisure, 235

Lemures, 59-60;

Feast of, 65

Lentuli, Roman family, 76

Lentulus, Gnaeus, senator (fl. 1st century), 332

Lentulus Batiates, trainer of gladiators (fl. 1st century B.C..), 137

Lentulus Crus, Lucius Cornelius, consul (?-48 B.C..), 181, 183, 185

Lentulus Sura, Publius Cornelius, conspirator (?-63 B.C..), 129, 143-144, 202

Leochares, Athenian sculptor (fl. 4th century B.C..), 349

Leonardo, see Vinci, Leonardo da

Lepidus, Marcus Aemilius, consul (?-216 B.C..), 382

Lepidus, Marcus Aemilius, triumvir (?-13 B.C..), 201, 203, 225

Leptis Magna (Lebda), 39, 105, 465

Leptis Minor, 40, 465

Lesbia, 135, 155-157

Lesbos, 253

Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim, German critic and dramatist (1729-1781), 100, 553

letters, Cornelia’s, 113;

Cicero’s, 162-163, 165, 195;

Marcus Aurelius’, 425, 430;

Pliny the Younger’s, 440-441;

Fronto’s, 442

Leucas (It. Santa Maura), 139

Leuce Come, 508

Leviticus, 539, 567

lex talionis, 32, 398

Liber, 62, 65-66

Libera, 65-66

Liberalia, 66

Libra, 298

libraries, in Carthage, 42;

in Athens, 418;

under Rome, 96, 131, 132, 159, 219, 234, 343, 459, 635, 662

libraries, public, 159, 193, 219, 234, 257, 291, 358, 360, 376, 411, 421, 440, 461, 466, 515, 627

Libya, 43, 46, 48, 413, 500

Licinian laws, 24, 114

Licinianus, son of Licinius and nephew of Constantine I (?-326), 663-664

Licinius (Caius Flavius Valerius Licinianus Licinius), Roman emperor (?-325), 653-655, 656, 659, 663

Licinius Calvus (Stolo), Caius, tribune and consul (fl. 376-361 B.C..), 24

Liege, 176

Life of the Roman People (Varro), 160

lighthouses, 325

Ligurians, 4, 35, 468

limes, 417, 480, 627

Limonum (Limoges), 473

Lindum (Lincoln), 477

Linus, Bishop of Rome (fl. 1st century), 617

Lisbon, see Olisipo literary criticism, 315, 513, 633, 636

Literature, Etruscan, 5;

Greek, 95-96, 104, 123, 259, 630;

under the early Republic, 5, 73-75, 97-105, 108, 113, 123;

under the Revolution, 144-146, 174, 178;

under the Principate, 215, 225, 233-258, 259, 263, 287, 291, 293, 295-319, 367-368, 408, 415, 433-446, 456, 464, 467-468, 477, 483-486, 490-497, 509-510, 539-542, 555-595, 603, 606-616, 618, 620, 621;

under the monarchy, 621, 625, 629, 635-638, 661, 662-663;

of Rome, 671

Liternum (Patria), 92, 347

Lives of Illustrious Men (Suetonius), 442

Lives of the Sophists (Philostratus), 635

Livia, third wife of Augustus (1st century B.C.. and 1st century A.D.), 205, 223, 229-232, 262, 264, 268, 286, 299, 348, 350, 354

Livia Orestilla, wife of Caligula (1st century A.D.), 266

Livias, 508

Livilla, daughter of Antonia and wife of Drusus (?-31 A.D.), 264, 268

Livius Andronicus, earliest Roman poet (fl. 240 B.C..), 74

Livy (TitusLivius), historian (59 B.C..-A.D. 17), 13, 14, 15, 21, 36*, 48, 53, 60, 72, 89, 94, 112, 225, 233, 250-252, 434, 636, 671

Lixus, 39

Locri, 35, 37, 51

Logia (sayings of Christ), 556

logic, 164, 425

Logos, 501-502, 540, 541, 556, 589, 594-595, 604, 615, 658

Loire (anc. Liger), 470

Loisy, Alfred Firmin, French Orientalist and Biblical scholar (1857-1940), 554

Lollia Paulina, wife of Caligula (1st century A.D.), 266, 273, 373

Lollius, governor of Britain (fl. 2nd century), 476

Lombards, 431

Lombardy, 670

London (anc. Londinium), 324, 476, 477, 523-524

Longinus, Caius Cassius, jurist (fl. 1st century), 282

Longinus, Dionysius Cassius, Greek philosopher and critic (213?-272), 630, 636

Longinus, Lucius Cassius, governor of Syria (?-42 B.C.), 531

Longobardi, see Lombards

Longus, Greek sophist and novelist (fl. 3rd century), 516, 637

lotteries, 219, 624

Louis XIV, King of France (1638-1715), 258

Lourdes, 563

Louvre, 348*

love feast, see agape

Luca (Lucca), 175

Lucan (Marcus Annaeus Lucanus), poet (39-65), 282, 295, 296, 316, 319, 408, 435, 470

Lucanians, 35, 37, 51, 519

Lucanus, Publius Terentius, senator (2nd century B.C.), 101

Lucian, Greek satirical author (120?-200?), 60, 84, 299, 304, 312, 428, 487, 489, 494-497, 513, 597, 636

Lucifer, 241, 289

Lucilius, Caius, satirist (180-103 B.C.), 73, 97, 245, 437, 509

Lucilius Junior, governor and Epicurean (fl. 1st century), 304, 306

Lucilla, daughter of Marcus Aurelius (2nd century), 426

Lucilla, sister of Marcus Aurelius (2nd century), 447

Lucina, 60, 236

Lucius (in Apuleius’ Golden Ass), 467-468

Lucius Caesar, grandson of Augustus (?-2 A.D.), 230-231, 473

Lucretia, wife of Collatinus (6th century B.C..), 16, 23

Lucretia (in Martial), 318

Lucretius Carus, Titus, poet (99?-55? B.C..), 61, 73, 95, 98, 102, 146-154, 155, 164, 225, 234-235, 238, 241, 243, 245, 258, 296, 308, 388, 637, 667, 671

Lucrinus, Lacus, 220

Lucullus, Lucius Licinius, general and patron (?-57? B.C..), 129, 130, 132, 138, 139, 140, 171, 211, 265, 272, 322, 342, 353, 373, 508, 519

Lucullus, Lucius Licinius, proconsul (fl. 2nd century B.C..), 87

ludi (games), 74, 377-378, 381-387;

ludi iu-venales, 277;

ludi saeculares, 225-226, 248, 387;

ludi scenici, 74, 377-378

Ludovisi Battle Sarcophagus, 635

Ludovisi Juno, 349

Lugdunum (Lyons), 234, 269, 271, 283, 324, 332, 470, 473, 474, 504, 611, 649

Luke, St., evangelist (fl. 1st century), 553, 555-574, 575*, 583, 590

Luke, The Gospel of St., 555-574, 575*, 583, 605

Luna (Luni), 322, 357, 454

Lupanaria, see prostitution

Lupercalia, 63, 65, 195-196, 388

Luperci (Brotherhood of the Wolf), 63, 65, 388

Lusitania (Portugal), 87, 277, 311, 322, 470, 671

lustrum, 29, 63

Lutetia, see Paris

Luther, Martin, leader of German Reformation (1483-1546), 592

luxury, under the Republic, 54, 70-71, 88-89, 92, 97, 103, 128, 132, 136, 160, 185, 186, 204;

under the Principate, 211, 213, 219, 223, 224, 232, 248, 251, 256, 297, 303, 305, 308, 311, 328-330, 331, 333, 337, 342, 364, 373-377, 438, 456, 465, 474, 478, 522, 608, 666, 667

Lycaonia, 513

Lyce, 247

Lyceum, Aristotle’s, 421, 489-490

Lycia, 203, 218

Lyciscus, 369

Lycopolis, 608

Lycurgus, Spartan lawgiver (9th century B.C..), 32, 226

Lydda, 548

Lydia, 5, 6*, 9, 125, 513, 514-515, 523

Lydia (Horace), 247

Lyons, see Lugdunum

lyre, 379-381

lyric poetry, 82, 155-158, 244-250, 252-254, 278, 315-318, 379, 509-510, 637-638

Lysias, Athenian orator (450?-380? B.C..), 95

Lystra, 513, 582, 583