Iamblichus, Syrian Neoplatonic philosopher in Alexandria (?-333?), 635, 636

Iazyges, 429, 431

Iberia, in Asia, 413

Iberians, 468, 472, 475

Icarus, 256, 385

Iconium (Konia), 513, 582

Ides of March, 197

Idumea, 530, 535

ientaculum, 70

Ignatius, Saint, called Theophorus, Bishop of Antioch (?-107?), 588, 611, 648

Iliad, 240, 241, 516

Ilium, see Troy

illuminated manuscripts, 662

Illyria, 47, 51, 52, 200, 217, 454, 628, 638

Illyricum, 639

Imagines (Varro), 159

immigration into Rome, under the Republic, 81, 94, 95, 121, 126, 179;

under the Principate, 221, 364-366

immortality, 527;

Cicero on, 165;

Caesar on, 170;

Virgil on, 242;

Horace and, 250;

Seneca on, 305;

in religion, 429;

Tacitus on, 435-436;

Marcus Aurelius on, 446;

Plutarch on, 485;

Jews on, 536, 575;

Christian, 592, 595, 599, 602, 603, 656, 657;

Plotinus on, 610

imperator, 191, 213, 268, 350

imperialism, Roman, 54, 85, 90, 105, 107, 175, 242, 252, 261, 409-410, 414

impressionism (art), 339, 353, 355

Inacha, 247

incest, 172, 266, 274, 290, 495, 623

Incitatus, 267

Incrustation (First) Style (painting), 353

indeterminacy, principle of, 151*

India, 134, 325, 326, 329, 337, 338, 346, 413, 499, 500, 508, 512, 514, 521, 526

Indian Ocean, 325, 413, 499

Indians, 600* Indica (Arrian), 520

Indies, 503

Indo-European languages, 73

Indo-Europeans, 36, 60, 528

Indus, 413

Industrial Revolution, 477

industry, Etruscan, 6;

Carthaginian, 40;

under Rome, 77-81, 88, 190, 310, 321-323, 328, 330, 332-334, 336-337, 342, 370, 448, 455, 456, 457, 463, 473, 477, 482, 498-499, 510, 529, 631-633, 641-642, 644, 668, 671

infanticide, in Greece, 42;

in Rome, 56, 222, 363-364, 396, 434, 666;

forbidden among Jews and Christians, 546, 598

Inferno (Dante), 8

inflation, 211, 330-331, 632-633

informers, see Delatores

Ingenuus, ruler of eastern provinces (fl. 258), 629

inheritance, 57, (taxes) 58, 222-224, 245, 267, 301, 363, 396, 397, 399, 438, 479, (tax), 622, 657

initiation, 524-525, 606

Innocenza, 351

In Pisonem (Cicero), 161

“In Praise of Nero” (Lucan), 296

Inquisition, 649

insanity, 312

inscriptions, Etruscan, 5;

Roman, 73, 271, 293;

Pompeian, 458;

Italian, 461

Institutes (Justinian), 406

Institutiones (Gaius), 392

Institutio Oratoria (Quintilian), 314-315

insulae, 341-342

interest, 79, 88, 129-130, 131, 169, 170, 184, 192, 211, 212, 219, 302, 310, 331-332, 336, 627, 657

intermarriage, of Phoenicians with natives, 39;

in Rome, 221-224, 395

international law, 48

interregnum, 30

Intricate (Fourth) Style (painting), 353

invention, 287-288, 323, 328*, 503-504

Ionia, 86, 125, 132, 133, 158, 204, 513, 514, 523, 594, 629, 630, 636

Ionian Sea, 206

Ionic order (architecture), 338, 355, 357

Iphigenia, 149, 353

Iranians, 471, 516, 529

Ireland, 36, 73, 471, 472

Irenaeus, St., Greek Bishop of Lyons (130?-202?), 556, 611-612, 616, 617

Iris, Egyptian handmaiden of Cleopatra (?-30 B.C..), 208

Iron, Age of, 236

irrigation, Etruscan, 6;

Roman, 320, 464, 631, 665

Isaeus, Greek rhetorician in Rome (end of 1st century), 368

Isaiah, 540, 541, 560-561, 567, 574

Isiac cult, see Isis Isis, 193, 266, 358, 390, 447, 467-468, 523-524, 525, 526, 527, 596, 606, 635

Isis, Temple of, 291, 358, 369, 390

Islam, 606

Isocrates, Athenian orator and rhetorician (436-338 B.C..), 103, 166

Israel, see Jews

Isthmian games, 85, 283, 486-487

Istria, 73, 455

Istrus, 480

Italian, 73, 295

Italica (Sevilla la Vieja), 414, 470

Italus, King of the Sicels, 4

Italy, 3-5;

city-states, 6;

art, 10;

Roman conquest, 34-38;

Second Punic War, 49-52, 54;

soil, 76-77;

trade, 78;

population, 81;

music, 82;

northern boundary, 87;

farming, 104, 111;

Celtic attack, 119, 472;

Social War, 122;

slave revolt, 137-138;

troops in, 172;

saved by Caesar, 177-178;

supports Caesar, 182;

chaotic state in 45 B.C.., 190;

citizenship, 193;

Augustus in, 205-206;

exhaustion, 211-212;

agriculture, 237, 319-321;

industry, 323;

trade, 328-330;

lack of grain, 336;

water of, 356;

law, 404-406;

plague in, 429;

in the 2nd century, 448-449;

under the Principate, 453-461;

religion, 522-523, 542;

barbarian invasions, 629, 638;

economic and political condition under the monarchy, 632, 666-669

Ithaca, 241

Iucundus, Lucius Caecilius, Pompeian auctioneer, 459-460

lulus, see Ascanius

ius civile, 393-404, 405

ius gentium, 393, 404-406

Ixion, 352