Fabia, third wife of Ovid (fl. 1st century), 256, 257, 258

Fabian strategy, 50, 185

Fabii, Roman clan, 21, 76, 255, 364

Fabius (Quintus Fabius Maximus Verrucosus, Cunctator), general and dictator (?-203 B.C..), 50, 68

Fabius Pictor, Caius, painter (fl. 303 B.C..), 82, 352

Fabius Pictor, Quintus, general and historian (fl. end of 3rd century B.C..), 71, 73

Fabricius, Pons, 327

Fabulina, 59

factories, 321-323, 333, 342, 477, 498, 642, 644

fairs, 78, 328

Faith, 358;

Temple of, 358

Falernian wine, 456

family, in Etruria, 7;

in Germany, 479;

in early Rome, 56-59, 67, 72, 88, 91;

in the later Republic, 134, 147;

under the Principate, 222-225, 300, 321, 334, 348, 363-364, 366, 371, 441;

under the monarchy, 656

family name (cognomen), 56-57

Fannia, wife of Helvidius Priscus (1st century), 371, 441

Far East, 84, 529

Farnese Bull, 634

Farnese Hercules (Glycon), 349, 634

Farnese Juno, 349

Farnese Palace, 351

Fasti (Ovid), 256-257

Fate, 242, 304

father, the (paterfamilias), in the Republic, 56, 57, 59, 68-69, 226;

under the Principate and Empire, 395

Fathers of the Church, 308, 524, 603, 611-615

Fato, De (Cicero), 163*

Faunus, 59, 65

Fausta, second wife of Constantine I (4th century), 663-664

Faustina Senior, wife of Antoninus Pius (2nd century), 423, 427, 430

Faustina Junior, wife of Marcus Aurelius (?-175), 423, 425, 427-428, 430, 442

Faventia (Faenze), 455

Favorinus of Gaul, philosopher at Hadrian’s court (fl. 2nd century), 367, 415

feasting, Etruscan, 6, 7;

Carthaginian, 41;

under Rome, 65-66, 68, 69, 71, 82, 88-89, 90, 132, 133, 147, 186, 190, 202, 223, 245, 266, 276, 285, 296, 297-298, 334, 335, 372, 376-377, 386, 461, 476, 515, 562, 624

Feast of Tabernacles, 65

Febris, 75

februa, 67

Felix, Antonius, procurator of Judea (fl. 1st century A.D.), 271, 543, 586

Feralia, 65

feriae (holy days), 65

Ferrara (anc. Forum Alieni), 454

Ferrero, Guglielmo, Italian historian (b. 1872), 273*

fertility, 56, 59, 60, 61, 65, 66, 67, 159, 193, 212, 221-222, 224-225, 232, 363-366, 431, 449, 479, 480-481, 515, 525, 545, 666

fertilizers, 76, 320-321

festivals, 59, 63, 65-67, 71, 74, 76, 98, 223, 225-226, 239, 256, 334, 335, 347, 377-379, 381, 390, 423, 461, 484, 512, 515, 523, 542-543, 579, 598, 672

Festus, procurator of Judea (fl. 62), 543, 586

fetiales, 63

fetishism, 60

feudalism, 631*

Fidenae (Castel Giubileo), 11

Field of Mars, 65, 128, 143, 173, 192, 232, 280, 291, 308, 340, 348, 360, 362, 365, 390

Figaro, 101

Fimbria, Caius Flavius, politician and general (?-84B.C..), 124-125

finance, 190, 192-193, 330-332, 336, 411

Finibus, De (Cicero), 163*, 165

fire brigade, Crassus’, 131

first name (praenomen), 56-57

First Principles (Origen), see Peri Archon

fisci 221*

fiscus 221-222

fishing, 321, 336, 423, 470, 483, 515, 520, 563, 573

Flaccus, Avillius, governor (fl. 1st century), 500-501

Flaccus, Lucius Valerius, consul (?-86 B.C..), 124

Flaccus, Valerius, senator (fl. 3rd century B.C..), 102

flaggelation, 354

flamines, 63

Flaminian Way, 78, 455

Flaminius, Caius, political leader (?-217 B.C..), 47, 49, 78, 340

Flaminius, Titus Quinctius, general (fl. 200 B.C..), 85, 96, 382

Flanders, 174

Flaubert, Gustave, French novelist (1821-1880), 239

Flaviales, 291-292

Flavian Amphitheater, see Colosseum

Flavian Dynasty, 285-293, 351, 407, 412, 442

fleet, see navy

floods, 159, 193, 339, 365, 429, 649

Flora (goddess), 65, 381

Flora, courtesan (fl. 1st century B.C..), 138-139

Floralia, 65, 378, 381

Florence (anc. Florentia), 9, 348*, 454

Florus, Lucius Annaeus, historian (fl. 1st century), 473

Florus, procurator of Judea (fl. 1st century), 543-544

flute, 379-381

Fontana dei Trevi, 327*

food, in the Roman army, 34;

in Carthage, 40, 41;

under Rome, 38, 54, 70-71, 76, 88-89, 133, 215, 227, 245, 247, 298, 320-321, 328-330, 373, 376-377, 636

forgery, in art, 342

Formiae (Formia), 162, 202

Fornax, 59

Forth, 476;

Firth of, 476

Fortuna Primigenia, Temple of, 454

Fortuna Virilis, Temple of, 358

Fortune (Fortuna), 358, 388, 424, 655

Fortune, Temple of, 340, 358

fortunetelling, see soothsaying

Forum, 23, 24, 27, 47, 64, 66, 72, 79, 84, 89, 115, 123, 125, 126, 136, 141, 146, 160, 161, 166, 169, 179, 189, 192, 198, 199, 202, 228, 231, 239, 280, 284, 340, 341, 342, 352, 358, 362, 378, 393, 394, 402, 421, 423, 427*, 429, 635

Forum Boarium, 340, 342, 358

Forum Holitorium, 342

Forum Iulii (Fréjus), 474

Forum Iulium, 192, 341

Forum Piscatorium, 342

Forum Traianum, 411

forums, 464, 466, 473, 477

fountains, 343-345, 348, 384, 515

Fourth Gospel, see John, Gospel of Saint Fracastaro, Girolamo, Italian astronomer, poet, and physician (1483-1553), 154

Fragonard, Jean Honoré, French painter and engraver (1732-1806), 351

France, 174-175, 234, 302, 369, 406, 470-475484, 671

Francis, Saint, Italian founder of Franciscan order (1182-1226), 455

François Vase, 9

Franks, 175, 629, 653

Frascati, 454*

Frazer, Sir James George, Scottish anthropologist (1854-1940, 588*

free cities, 462, 474, 482

freedmen, status of, 270, 271, 287, 290, 292, 298, 333, 334, 338, 415, 543, 620, 639

French, 73, 295, 475, 637

French civilization, 177-178, 470, 475

French Revolution, 192, 641, 670

frescoes, in Etruria, 10;

in Pompeii, 74, 352-354;

under Rome, 82, 338, 352-354, 372, 512;

Christian, 601

Freya, 479

friendship, Cicero on, 165-166;

Horace on, 247, 250;

in Rome, 441

From Jesus to Paul (Klausner), 557*

From the Pontus (Ovid), see Ex Ponto

Frontinus, Sextus Julius, engineer and statesman (fl. 1st century), 327-328

Fronto, Marcus Cornelius, rhetorician (110?-180?), 108, 302, 315, 417, 425, 430, 442, 443, 466

frumentaria, lex, 116

Fucinus, Lake (Lago di Celano), 193, 270, 326, 410

fuels, 76, 77, 322-323, 343, 477

Fufia Caninia, lex, 222, 398

Fulvia, wife of Antony (?-40 B.C.), 202, 204-205, 206, 208

Fulvius, general (fl. 3rd century B.C..), 92

Fulvius, Aulus, conspirator (1st century B.C..), 395

Funck-Brentano, Frantz, French historian (b. 1862), 475

Fundamentalism, 592

funeral rites, 83-84, 98, 101, 157, 180, 190, 199, 232, 282, 335, 378, 379, 381-382, 568, 601

furniture, 88, 92, 133, 303, 345-346, 352, 373, 459, 532