

Afro-asiatic radiation

  • wet-sahAran africa population turnovers
    • In the first “green sahara” phase [ of Neolithic Subpluvial, or the Holocene Wet Phase]-
      • Mechta-Afalou
        • by the mediterranian: Iberomaurusian archaeological culture
        • at gobero, Niger (7,700–6,200 BCE): tall giant kiffan-s
    • In the second “green sahara” phase:
      • at gobero, Niger (5,200–2,500 BCE): levant/ mediterranian-like Tenerians emerge. [YT]
      • Mapping to emergence of Afro-asiatic language and cutlure emergence not clear [TW].


See separate page.


  • Minoans (→ Eteocretans) with Linear A script

Greece and Rome


- Rome show clips [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myAOjN8oYoo).
- War magic - [IMG_MA](http://i.imgur.com/LLqeLHQ.jpg).
- Sacral kingship in Greece, Rome, Scandinavia etc.. \[[GK17](https://krasskova.wordpress.com/2016/04/04/sacral-kingship-what-it-really-is/)\]