Scientific endgame

In the early modern intellectual transitions, it looks as though the English often stole the thunder from a mass of their continental counterparts by coming in towards the end of a line of investigation & capping it with a conclusive piece. In physics we have Copernicus, Galileo, Montanari, Tycho& Kepler on the continent to be capped by a Newton on the island. In biology we have de Buffon, Cuvier, Lamarck, von Goethe on the continent to be capped by Darwin on the island. In electromagnetism we have Coulomb, Volta, Ampere, Oersted, Ohm, Lenz & Kirchhoff capped by a Maxwell.

It might be the English success at the end of the sequence, was due to sleeper cells who were partly or wholly forgotten. For example, Wallis had already laid the foundations for Newton’s mathematical work when the latter was still cleaning commodes for his seniors. Similarly, the Scottish aristocrat lord Monboddo was the sadly forgotten sleeper cell for Darwin who laid the foundation of not just biological evolution but also linguistic evolution on the island allowing members of the Darwin family to build it up further.