English aristocrat

Source: TW

Had some reason to talk to a lady, who (genuinely), to use her words, “is from a line of minor english aristocrats.” A major tangential branch of that conversation was of considerable interest. While not all of it can be mentioned in public, she made some remarks that I found to be rather striking. Approximately:

A big concern of those [in the aristocracy] with Christian bent was that we not just turn atheists but return to paganism. That was their biggest fear when the first contact with India occurred – like what you said about William Jones’ work. In a way, Sunak has crystallized their deep fears… but Sunak has inherited a nation steeped in decline … I don’t see myself going back to live in my country anytime soon.

She said something after that concerning the local consequences of the mlechChamarUnmattAbhisaMdhi, that I don’t want to mention. She quoted Niall Ferguson about how the kR^isha-puruSha-s might be lucky if it ended with just a depression rather than a depression+a war with the rUs. There was much more –maybe for later but probably the paraphrases will decline in accuracy.