Depleted U Iraqi

Source: FB

We met with an Iraqi family, who have been out friends for the last 15 years. Their daughter was a K-12 classmate of ours. The Iraqi lady narrated her experience of the genocidal war America waged against Iraq. Her brother and sister-in-law were killed in US strikes. Both were civilians. Their only child is battling cancer which he got as a result of the US using depleted uranium shells. Her aging parents are caring for the child. Iraq today is a pale shadow of the wealthy nation it was before the US invaded. This woman and her family are Kurds by the way. They are emphatic that Saddam was an angel compared to the US.

She narrated her moral dilemma. Her own children were born in the US. She is acutely aware of what the US did to her people. Yet, a superficial materialism motivates her to live in the US. How long could this be sustained she is unsure.

I shared my thoughts. The US attempted a genocide of Indians last year when it blocked the export of raw materials to manufacture Covid vaccines in India. India has been the vaccine manufacturer of the world since the 70s. America was sitting on a 3X stockpile when it enforced the embargo. Why? Because the US attempted a regime change. The US was ready to commit a genocide of millions of Indians to effect this regime change simply because the American left hates Modi. Since India manufactures vaccines for Africa and the rest of the Third World, this would have been a calamitous genocide. My own elders could have died.

Such is the predation of the American Reich.

Yet, my dilemma is non-different from hers. Our children were raised in the US. We’re addicted to its immoral materialism. We’re hypocrites, We’re aiding and abetting the worst criminal regime history has known. I then narrated the uncomfortable but honorable questions which Satnam Kaur Dey has often challenged me with Why do you live in the US?. Her questions are genuine. I have no morally defensible response to her. Our Iraqi friend said that people like Satnam ji are the real torch-bearers of humanity.