US Afghanistan strategy

The great divergence between the deepstate & the American masses is that the former want to keep playing Great Game 2. This urge comes from superpower realism which holds that no overtly heathen power should arise that might even marginally rival the Occidental Xtian leukosphere. The only place where such a possibility exists in the modern world in the Indian subcontinent (Some might barge in saying: what about chIna? We say that even if chIna-s might have some heathen remnants, their power is not visibly or consciously heathen. More over the incident of the chInese younger bro of Jesus has made the occident wary of shift in center of gravity; then there is Galtonism; then there is dysfertility). Hence, the biggest issue for the deep state is to degrade & for a subset ultimately dismantling H power in the subcontinent.

This is achieved by stabilizing well-armed islamic states (natural enemies of H) in the subcontinent & empowering internal Abrahmistic forces within the Indian state – policy instituted by the English & perpetuated by the Americans This is the reason there was no way out of gandhAra-bAhlikAdi for the American deepstate. They know that if they really solved the problem, it will break their realist plan. Hence, they are willing to sacrifice some lives of their people& those who might have put their lives in their hands. It’s likely the deepstate knows that India has deep structural problems that hobble it, but if the Mogol successor states were degraded it might reach that middle level success+++(5)+++, which is sufficient to cross the realist threshold of alarm. One can study the much maligned American think John Mearsheimer in this regard.

On the other hand I’ve deeply studied lessons regarding life that for some reason can be difficult for IQ powerhouses to grasp. Hence, sometimes I just let things lie. It can be summarized in the guhyasUtra:

  • dakShiNa-laghu-dvIpe moaH | the moa +++(bird)+++ in New Zealand.
  • navyonmAdAn moasya gatiH | It is here navyonmAda holds the balance &
  • jArAd rogaH | (Indians love America more than even the people from several Germanic countries or America’s parent nations.)