Maturation to navyonmAda

Source: TW


When ShiDga +++(Bill)+++ became mlechCharAT a band of ideologues penetrated the mlechCha deep state apparatus. They started off aligned with the gardabhins +++(Dem)+++ & were aligned with tech & deeply committed to projects related to the marusthala & destruction of the Rus. It seems they let ShiDga keep keep busy with his maithuna even as they tested out their agenda in bhagadattapura, against the Serbs & with Yeltsin. We all know who was the man who put a stop to the last of these projects.

Then after ShiDga went they set a system such that some of their kind could now work with guchChaka +++(George)+++ with vakrAs +++(Cheney)+++ as their frontend. In this round, they focused on their pet agenda in the kingdom centered on bhagadattapura. When ardhakR^iShNa +++(Obama)+++ ascended the throne they curbed his tendencies & brought him to ground while skewering al Qaddafy in the process. During this period they started converting to a new religion navyonmAda, driven by their backers in virtual tech& academia.

This was the force that overthrew the nAri~NgapuruSha +++(Donald)+++ & placed piNDaka +++(Joe)+++ on the cushion. It seems pichChilla +++(Donald)+++ did not get that entirely or at least did not realize the entirety of their penetration and spread out tentacles. Only now pichChilla has realized this and has openly declared that he will uproot them. But he is no chANakya & does not have the kUTanIti on his pakSha to perform such an unmUlana of the navyonmatta-s.

The soraShaNDAdi who are at the core of that system propping up the gardabhin-s have now learnt of his intention. They already overthrew him once; hence, we believe that they will do everything within their means to prevent him from nearing the throne again & would likely succeed.

Impact on H

What does this mean for the H? Apart from the fact that the navyonmatta-s are svabhAvavairins of the H, the tactics they develop among the mahAmlechCha-s will be effectively exported to bhArata. They have already put in their tentacles like shashiyAbhaka, the former vice president, a former CJI & many others. Moreover, lATesha & some of his court have themselves internalized some of the ideas of navyonmAda. Thus, they might not spot the disease easily or soon enough.+++(5)+++

Way out

Whereas the soraShaNDAdi can make open announcements of overthrowing this govt or that, we suspect that such an opportunity is not available for those seeking to counter their evil – do they even control a single platform like vi or chitranAla that are firmly in the hands of the duShTa-s? Hence, the way of viShNusharman as taught in the kakolUkIya book is the only way out.

Here to stay

Source: TW

An important take-home from the American elections is that navyonmAda is here to stay & not for nothing we call it navyonmAda. The faith of the navyonmatta in his bahuvarNaketu cult is such that he is blind to who is on the ballot as long as the mata succeeds. Thus he will elect a piNDaka, an aTTahAskI or even a paDbIsha-puruSha (??!) for by doing so the mata & dhvaja is upheld & deep sense of virtue surges through him.

The majority of “young” American (~20-30 yrs) are likely navyonmAtta or navyonmatta-adjacent. Thus this kind of politics is going to last for some time into the future allowing survival of the gardabhin. The hastin-s at this moment are divided between the nAri~NgapuruSha whose appeal is waning & the Florida man +++(DeSantis)+++ who is on the rise. Thus, their inability to put up united front unlike the gardbhin-s joined by navyonmAda.

It also means that the power of the mahAmlechCha deep state is going to continue unhindered spreading navyonmAda. What might this mean for muShkavAn kastUri – could piNDaka’s backer move against him? Win him back to their side with carrots & sticks if vi-grahaNa goes really bad?

Heard a young practicing, navyonmAda-infected H mention she will not go to college in an American state ruled by a hastin sAmanta – e.g., of the deep faith navyonmAda engenders like its overt predecessors from West Asia. That explains the drive they have to go & vote for the mata. As they do so, they also believe they are working towards a larger cause – as self-perceived smart, educated people doing their chosen part to save “democracy” & the rights of the a~Ngalubdha-s & kR^iShNa-s from those like nAri~Nga, the Florida man & others.

202302 khara advantage

Source: TW

The battle between the khara-s & the karin-s among the mahAmlechCha will have consequences for the extension of the same fought in the desh. Things are now truly a world system.

The khara-s are now quite united & largely a frontend for remarkable convergence of interests of an array duShTa-s backed by sora-bejha-guggulu-mukhagiri-reNugirI-dvArAdiduShTAH, who have essentially taken control of the govt & as well as the military apparatus at the high ranks.

The karin-s on the other hand are divided about whether they should back nAri~NgapuruSha, anugAmin or someone else. On top of this Putin has let out a cat among their sparrows. They cannot disagree that he is essentially aligned with their counter-navyonmAda talking points. However, the MIC component of the deepstate will want them pursue worldwide conflict inline with its navyonmatta counterparts/allies.

Thus, the khara-s have a golden opportunity to brand their rivals (not just Tulsi) as partisans of the enemy & will do so. Along with this, as we have remarked before, the newly unveiled machine weapons +++(eg. chatGPT)+++ have already been tokenized as khara-s. The khara-s could thus pull of a win even as they fought off the imagined wave of gaja-s in the recent elections. This would mean they can have total freedom to pursue international agenda like India.