Foreign scientists

Source: TW

There is a common belief among many mlechCha-s that somehow they are doing a oneway favor to the foreigners they are “training”. What they don’t get is some of the most important scientific discoveries made in the US in the past ~30 years were due non-pa~nchantraka foreigners Those discoveries in turn have gone on to provide employment for legions of mlechCha-s researchers who would take much longer to reach where they are on their own.

Importantly, they are also getting these services for cheap. While not widely acknowledged, a H scientist was (paid) typically notably lesser than even less qualified mlechCha-s or even chIna-s in the same field. Usually it was mlechCha>chIna>H.

Our investigation suggests that H scientific talent seeks the Occident was not from some deep yearning for a missing democracy or freedom. India has about the same level of “democracy” or freedom as the US (the lacunae are in different directions). However, the US offers:

  1. the keys to the scientific mafia – you cannot do science effectively without becoming an insider; that happens through serving insiders as a student etc.
  2. better renumeration even when being paid less than mlechCha-s & more opportunities.
  3. Money to perform expensive science & cover publication charges.
  4. Cleaner air, water, soil etc.

Those who like to drive cars can live in oversized suburban dwellings. One area which the US was formerly superior but now converging to the Indian state is the “politics” of the academe, including but nor exclusively the favors for special classes over merit, academic lineage nepotism etc.

In the end the mlechCha elite will be more threatened by foreigners who compete in their cognitive bracket as opposed to those who don’t and might serve as cannon fodder for their policies.