Longer survival: Scandinavia

The heathen tradition survived the longest in Scandinavia. In contrast in Southern “Germania” the destructive imposition of u2 by Charle etc completely destroyed the original religion.

Like even in Sweden the killing of the king Sverker in 1156 CE might have been the last attempt at fighting against the crusade by the followers of the original religion.

There was also a long struggle against Christian aggression in Norway well after the king converted & tried to impose his religion via missionaries.

In Iceland the strong resistance resulted in compromise where the heathen practice was allowed even after u2 imposition.

The polemical writings of u2s suggest that in some pockets of Scandinavia the old IE religion persisted till at least the 1300s in the populace.

Even after conversion Snorri Sturluson an Icelander recorded heathen tradition with a relatively minor Xtian patina. Even after Xtianization the Nordic authors recorded heathen traditions in works like Gesta Daenorum of Saxo Grammaticus or the literature linked to Knuth the lord of the English & Scandinavians.