Europe geopolitics


One key take home is that rotten-soy’s+++(=NATO’s)+++ primary function is to prevent a shUlapuruSha-rotsya alliance. We know how the rUs aided the shUlapuruSha unification as part of the revenge for the Crimean war rout they faced earlier in the century. hAdipuruSha & Stalin bungled that. If shUlapuruSha-s wanted to keep a spine their only hope was to form an alliance with the rotsya, pin the belligerent daNDapuruSha-s in the middle & constantly threaten the phira~Nga-s &A~ngalika-s with their combined power. rotten-soy was put in place to prevent that from happening

unmAda competition

  • “the fourth +++(rudhironmAda v2)+++ strain will win and in turn it would likely face defeat at the hands of the more vigorous marūnmāda.” - MT