
Source: TW

Lot has been made about how violent Indo-Europeans were to Neolithic European Farmers or European Hunter Gatherers or to the Indus Valley, but what no one talks of is they were the worst to their own people. R1a clans wiped out all R1b clans down to the last man on the Steppe. While the European Corded Ware branch of R1a-M417 was wiping out and out-competing European R1b in Eastern Europe, our own Aryan R1a-Z93 ancestors had genocided all Yamanaya R1b men and even women (without mixing with them) in the Pontic Caspian Steppes.

Indo-Europeans were tribal and patrilocal people, who your father was decided what tribe you were a part of and so these things mattered a lot to them. Iosef Lazaridis in this Southern Arc paper called this R1b genocide the “Great Steppe Upheaval” of the mid 3rd millenium BCE.

Notice how R1b starts showing up in North-Western Iran (Hajji Firuz, Hasanlu) and Armenia right when it vanishes off the Pontic Steppes. Lazaridis thought it might’ve been R1b tribes seeking refugee in the Caucasus and Iran, escaping their genocidal R1a cousins.

Scandinavia was where European Hunter Gatherers made their last stand, successfully holding out against R1a-Z283, R1b-U106 and even the N1c-M46 Uralic hordes.