
Source: TW

In the jaiminIya brAhmaNa, we encounter an A~ngirasa vipra of the priyamedha line named sAkamashva: horse-together. It seems like the opposite name of the Iranian hero vIshtAspa which seems to mean horse-apart or horse-loosened. The Iranian name in turn closely parallels the name of the ancient A~Ngirasa mentioned several times in the RV: vi+ashva=vyashva. He said to have composed the incantations to the 1000 eyed soma.

Some other names:

(Ir) arazraspa = (IA) R^ijrAshva;
Iranian frInAspa can be compared to two names of Indo-Aryans recorded in West Asia corresponding to the Mitanni elite and other statelets briefly held by IA there; they can be rendered as prIta-ashva and priya-ashva. This shows that the names were ancestral to I-Ir. They appear farther afield like Old English: frIdhengest.

Similar horse names appear in post-Homeric yavana but are not common (absent?) in Mycenaean: suggests that the 2nd wave of yavana-s burst out from proximity to the I-Ir. The great yavana astronomer Hipparchos has such a name ~ ashvapati. The yavana tyrants who were allied with the Iranians: Hippias, Hipparchos, Hippocleos remind one of ashva, ashvapati and ashvashravas.

Melanhippos is ~ like IA shyAvAshava & Ir siAuuAspa seen as a patronym.